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Everything posted by nekilarose

  1. That opening got me, I thought it was real. Then I realized I knew the song the choir was singing (BTW I would totally buy that version if they released it) There was so much happening that every time I caught my breath, something else came along. Eleanor was right, they do need to be aware of their surroundings more, how many times were their "private" conversations walked in on? Quick shoutout to the Phil Collins drum interlude! I love that Agent Hill stepped up and tried to "help the cause" so to speak. "I'm too old for this shit" indeed. When King Simon appeared I damn near cried myself. He has such a calming presence about him, regal in every way. Hands down the best part for me was when the priest turned around. Dead. I was dead and gone. I hope they get another season, and Jasper's dad just popping up at random events as random people.
  2. Yep. I was pleasantly surprised that it got a third season. Oh well, at least we have the books.
  3. LOL, I love this! My thoughts exactly.
  4. The last 15 min were a roller coaster! I had my hopes up that Admiral Souther would pull through. Southers crew was bad-ass in the end, though. Nice try, kids. A+ for effort. I did like the commander of the MCRN fleet, she did everything to de-escalate the situation. Smart to let them go at each other, and correct to not give them a target to unite against. Nguyen, you little bitch. Jules-Pierre, I was starting to think you had a heart, then you go and just disabuse me of that notion. Thanks, I'll be sure to never trust you again. Loved Amos teaching Prax how to shoot, and trying to reassure him that they were gonna do what they could to save Mei. Naomi told Jim about her son. I did like how it wasn't an automatic pass to having everything be okay again, though. That shot of Bobbie bracing herself was boss. I repeat. Nguyen, you little bitch.
  5. Right?! And I mostly hand wave those away, but that one was super obvious. You need a closer drug dealer man. Yeah, they did kinda just toss him back in there with little to no regard for his safety.
  6. If only for the fact that he forced her to be in close quarters with such dim people.....and the Roci crew! I miss her colorful outfits, though.
  7. Oh God, that last scene. I think I actually gasped out loud....and these bastards are excited about it! Well, they will be until it's their time to die. Did not call the Martian survivors regrouping and trying to take the ship. But I died laughing when Bobbie showed up and the other guy just about lost his shit. Then Amos coming in after, "Did I miss it?" Chrisjen is a master of her craft, I have to admit. Appeal to the "earther" in Jim to make him do what she needs. But did anyone catch the fact that she mentioned both Earth and Mars in her little speech, and didn't say boo about the belters? Naomi should have pointed out that no one is looking out for the well being of the belters, only Earth and Mars. Oh and because it can't be said enough.....Fuck you Errinwright.
  8. I was dying at Blake getting his life from Matt's re-telling of his date! Along with his filling Jay in the important details that he was missing. I agree on the chemistry, they all have that air of having worked together for a while, so naturally parts of their private lives will make it's way into everyday conversation.
  9. Errinwright, you little bitch. That shot of Amos zipping up Chrisjen's boot was something I didn't know I needed. More of them interacting please. Was so happy to see that Cotyar survived, and I get that the other dude was freaking out and spiraling, but damn dude. I was pleasantly surprised that Avasarala's reputation is so established that even in her absence, her being a defector is not even a thought in people's minds. Alex, man....better luck next wife? The fact that Jules-Pierre now feels guilty/sad about the trials is a little bit too late. You only feel that way cause when you look at Mei, you see Julie. If your daughter hadn't died, I bet your smug ass wouldn't even break stride. Spare me your stroke of compassion now. Did it look to anyone else that Errinwright was trying to suppress a smile? I repeat, Errinwright you little bitch.
  10. Well, that was a good series ender, if not season ender. I hope this gets a second season, but I rarely hear anything about it, so it probably won't. I loved the opening scene where we see Lyudmilla back at home with her mother. I'm so glad that she and Joseph were able to get out. I would love for them to have a happy ending together. Alex, man you must have 9 lives or something. Your ass could have been left rotting in a gulag. But your gamble paid off. Speaking of gambles, the look on Antonio's face when he was dismissed and then ignored by Alex was priceless. I do have to say I was wrong about who ordered the hit. I was so sure it was Semiyon. Thanks a lot Dmitri! Since we're on the subject of hits. WTF was with the gunman who tried to take out Vadim? Get out of the car, you lazy bum! And then they just let him drive away! Good quality hitmen are so hard to find? Honestly I was surprised when Alex did the deed himself. I kept waiting for Vadim to just die from the wound he got and Alex would be off the hook, but no dice. Oh, bye Rebecca. Don't let the door hit you on the way out (although if it did, I'm sure you'd tell someone about it).
  11. I thought that was Barb!! She is hilarious.
  12. Okay Garcia, you've worked with the FBI (specifically the BAU) for how long? Where is your poker face? Or at least keep it together long enough to get off on the next floor! I totally thought they were setting Reid up to be the next victim/ inductee. There were a lot of odd things in his behaviour,especially when speaking to JJ. It had all the foreshadowing of a goodbye. Last but definitely not least, I want to know who wrote the ongoing "joke" of Luke and Tara saying "your mom?" Cause I need to slap them silly. They would not be saying it like that! Both Luke and Tara are old enough to know that the only acceptable way of dissing a person's mother is to say "yo momma" It threw me off every time I heard it, and I really like their scenes together. If you're gonna have them drag each other, do it right!
  13. Ten to one, it was that rat bastard Semiyon who arranged it. I knew he was shady, but when he went back to speak to Vadim.......sigh. It was almost settled, you asshole! Poor Natasha, she was almost gone. Vadim is gonna be out for blood now. Alex is walking into the mother of all traps. I'm glad Alex kept his word about helping Joseph get Lyudmilla out of there. I've got my fingers crossed for those crazy kids. It looks like Masha was smart and left, good girl. The Godwins are going through some issues right now, you do not want to be a part of any of that! Oksana walking in, taking a look, and asking what Dmitry has done was funny. One episode left! Does anyone know if this has been renewed?
  14. Oooh boy. The tension on the Roci was hard to watch. I mean, I get it, but it was hard to stomach. Alexs' message to his family was very sweet, I do hope he manages to meet up with them again one day. Drummer working out despite having been shot not too long ago, swoon! Errinwright can go die in a fire anytime now. I hope Chrisjen lights his ass up. Plant Doc is sweet as usual. Prax just exudes this aura of calmness around him. I did love how he was the one to rename the ship. But MVP goes to Bobbie imo. That combo crawl/sprint to find a way to open the door was awesome. I also loved the callback to the Razorback (and we saw a quick video of Julie) they weren't playing when they said it was fast. Cannot wait until next week.
  15. My warning bells were blaring at the chick in the pool. Baby or not, she was a tad bit too friendly. Also dude in the department store, can you be any more obvious? Although I'm pissed that the bodyguard left the person she was supposed to be guarding outside, alone, and vulnerable. What the what Masha? I somehow missed that she was Alexs' ex as well as Katya's best friend, ew. That is not gonna work out for you in the long run, take the money and goooooo. Poor Lyudmilla and Joseph. The way they're both going, I don't see one of them surviving the season. I'm calling it right now, Vadims right hand man is doing some shady ass shit. Don't know what yet, but he's definitely suspect in some way.
  16. Oh wow, please tell me that was a fake-out!!! As soon as Olivia started talking I knew Mary was made. That was some mutually assured destruction right there. I see the old cliche of two people speaking in a restroom and the 3rd person overhearing is still with us. Naomi might have actually brought mother and daughter back together. But I know she's gonna fly right back off when she realizes her plan to get back at Jess didn't work . I am concerned about Heather, though, all of Naomi's talk about God and what he would think. Side note: does Olivia own anything else but white clothes ?
  17. Just when I think Morejon isn't a complete ass.....he goes out of his way to prove me wrong. Using that family like that, all the while, knowing where the money was coming from. There's a line where your actions are more hurtful than harmful, no matter what side you claim to be on. Look behind you dickhead, you passed it. The idiot that was up for the Dept Chair. I can buy that he's skated a while, especially if there are actual classmates of his that people can talk to, and proof he attended (stories/pictures etc) But that should have bitten him in the ass a long time ago. And to go up for a chair on an ETHICS committee, knowing damn good and well you didn't graduate. C'mon man. You're lucky it was Dr. Arm Candy that caught you, no one else would be as generous in their understanding (especially after you insulted their wife)! I always like when Mike B shows up. He's blunt, smart, and opinionated, but he also reads like a friend/ally to Bess. Wild Russell sighting!!
  18. Without all the glitz and glamour, Lyudmilla looks so young, my heart bleeds for her. But I wanted to stand up and cheer when she bargained for her freedom. Attagirl! Beat them at their own game. I did not see that twist with Semiyon, nor with Masha. Dmitri sure gets around, doesn't he? Alex is showing more emotion now, he's not just a block of wood. I like that he's taking matters into his hands as well.
  19. Thankfully Mary has a lot more nerves than I do, cause when the camera panned up and I saw Ben, I jumped and yelled 'Holy Shit!' I did like how he was respectful of the family. Maybe now that he's seen what it actually entails, he'll try and divert attention away from her. Aaaand of course he's gonna jump back into bed with her. Dumbass. Dammit Naomi, for one second I thought you were gonna be the bigger person, guess not. I still maintain she's gonna pop at the wrong time. Olivia the cops just showed up asking about your husband, can you try and show some emotion? Just a bit? No? Okay.
  20. I was just thinking that it's hilarious that the guys are so terrified of her, and now no more Connie. I wonder how they'll write her out.
  21. Naomi is gonna be the one to bust everything wide open. She's already jealous that Jess is hanging out with new girl. Plus what she just found on the hard drive, I can tell she's gonna try and blackmail SOMEBODY just to get the attention back on her.
  22. Word. The whole episode I was like "discretion, do you know it?" Talking to any and everyone about Alex, all that is gonna do is put him under a microscope with even more people. I get that he's your fiancé, but maybe keep it a bit more to yourself until you have more proof? I was so scared that the computer guy would meet a horrible fate. But since it seems like he's proven his usefulness, he'll be around more I'm sure. Side note: was that not the cutest baby ever?
  23. Holy Hell. I mean, you're already in the house, the Pento is in the rum, he's about to be high as a kite. Might as well let that play out. Of course, you'd have crazy ass Olivia to deal with..... Des.....I was ready to be pissed at him for striking out on his own, but he showed that he could probably handle it. Oh and Ben!!!! I had to blink twice, then once again to make sure it was him. That last shot of her almost out the door, and then BAM he's right there, was nice.
  24. The girlfriend has to have something else going on, she seems so unfazed by Alex's (new?) demeanor......unless Alex is always that wooden. I guess you can chalk it up to him being there when his Uncle was killed. Hopefully she has an angle that she's playing, otherwise she just seems oblivious. I can't believe Dimitri was having an affair! I thought his grief over his brother was a bit extreme, but didn't guess he had a mistress. Oksana came through like a BOSS.BITCH though. Basically told her not to half-ass it if you want him, take all of him!
  25. My jaw hit the ground! I watch a fair amount of TV and I thought I knew where that was going, but nope! And the twist! Thank God Mary was able to help her in the end.
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