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Everything posted by 40Love

  1. I may be remembering this wrong... but I thought Keith was raised by two moms. I think it came up when Denzel was complaining about losing to a man wearing heels. Anyway, I knew Keith would be crowned the winner when Tyra gave him best picture for the jumping shot at the airport. Should have been Will's win (IMHO). But, Keith seems like a nice enough guy. I wish him well! I hope Will goes to NY and tries to become a print model. He's too beautiful not to share it with the world.
  2. Ok.This is the first time I've really watched Tori and Dean since they were living at the B&B. What in the hell happened to Tori?? When did she become sooo unlikable??? Am I delusional.. was she always this self centered, difficult and irrational... or is this all staged and she's just acting?? This cannot be the real her. I mean she's making me feel bad for Dean. The way she kept interrupting Dean and talking to her friends when he was telling her about Tatum was so irritating. I don't blame him for being pissed. And how much is she paying her "friends" to hang out with her. The male friend seems to genuinely like and care for her...but I can't believe they don't want to strangle her with the constant hand - wringing and passive aggressive guilt - tripping. It would drive me CRAAZY!
  3. Ahhh.. thanks! He looked like a light-skinned black man to me... My bad! :-)
  4. Amen! She brings cute for days!! Good point. And speaking of Bob2... I think it's kind of funny to me that there are so many black men named "Bob" in the Walking Dead universe. Yes, two men within 5 episodes seems like a lot to me. LOL! Besides Bob Marley... it's not really a common name/nickname among my family and friends. We've got lots of Roberts, Robs and Bobbys".. But, my whole life I've only ever met/knew/heard of one black man (besides Marley) named "Bob". And here Sasha has personally met two! heh!
  5. Tyra did call them the finalists. But, my guess is that two of them will be eliminated in the next episode. IIRC there are usually only two finalists who face off against each other. I think it will be between Keith and Lenox... and Keith will probably win. That's a shame to me because as handsome as Keith is... I don't think he has what it takes to be a successful model and I don't think it's something he can learn. Models are like actors to some degree and the really successful ones are those who can fully immerse themselves into the "characters" of a photo shoot. Keith does not seem to have the ability to really let himself go and be somebody else in the shoot. It's like he doesn't want to look silly so he kind of makes only a half-assed effort at it. I think Will is just so gorgeous and I hope this show helps launch his editorial career. Lenox can do both runway and editorial. I think she'll be okay after the show. I don't think Adam is blowing smoke about being a super smart guy. He just doesn't want to get stuck behind a desk crunching numbers his whole life. I think he will find a way to capitalize on this opportunity and find some level of success after this. But, IMO Keith won't be able to pull off a photo shoot after he wins because Tyra won't be there holding his hand... and finding the one shot that works. Clients will get very frustrated with him very quickly.
  6. I may roll my eyes a little when I hear the sob stories... but they really don't bother me so much. I always watch the intros at the top of the show... because I'm sincerely interested in knowing more about the chefs. But, to be honest ... I do often fast-forward through the sob-stories during the show. Like you said... that can get boring after hearing it for the umpteenth time. Me: "Yeah, yeah, yeah --sick parent/child/sibling got it!" We all have a story... and in general it's kind of human nature to talk about ourselves. I can see the allure from the Chef's point of view... especially when a seemingly sympathetic producer or P.A. puts you in front of a camera and asks "Why is this so important to you"... or "Tell me about your past..was it tough growing up"... or "What are you trying to prove"? I personally wouldn't do it ...because I wouldn't want the whole world to know my story. But, then again I can barely boil water competently!
  7. Plus, if Henry is egging you on... he's probably got a really messed up reason for it. Come on Katrina. ..you know he's evil. Do the exact opposite of anything Henry suggests!
  8. What is the main plot to you? That's a sincere question, not a sarcastic one. To me the main plot of TWD is a core group of characters who have done, witnessed, advocated, experienced some seriously messed up shit and watching how they process and cope with their new reality. To me, this episode did that perfectly. While I miss Rick and Michonne and whole group together... I really liked this episode. It dove a little deeper into their psyches and I do think we learned something new about them. For instance... as nonchalant as Carol originally seemed at Rick exiling her, she was actually pretty broken up about it. She's still hurting over a lot of stuff and trying to find her way back. That's great to me. It was also nice to be out of the woods... and in the clean, bright (by comparison) city scenes. IMHO, for the story to be compelling the group (separated or together) needs antagonists (besides the Zombies), sometimes that antagonist is their their own inner demons. If Beth and Darryl hadn't been on their own..there would be no hospital villains to take down...So I'm good with it. I don't think there was any other way for Noah. He hobbled to that door at the speed of my 90 year old grandfather. Hell even the two tent Zombies didn't really slow down Carol and Daryl. Carol had plenty of time to aim the gun at his ..umm leg. Without the zombie release they would have been on top of his slow ass before he even reached the end of the hallway. :-)
  9. I had no issues with Mei's leadership during that challenge. At the time she wasn't as low-key with her confidence as Gregory... but, her confidence (some would call her cocky or arrogant) doesn't bother me... mainly because she can back it up. I like her a lot. I'd love to see her in the Final with Gregory. That makes sense. He was kind of a mess in that challenge, wasn't he? I think many of chefs and audience are surprised at how well he's done since that first episode.
  10. IMHO, Gregory raised his hand (or nodded) as a natural reflex when Tom posed the question (perhaps not taking a second to realize the question was actually just meant for the losing team.) We've probably all done it in class or a meeting... raised our hand a little too fast and then pulled it down like "oops, they're not talking to me"! He wasn't doing a Horshack impression... standing there with his hand raised begging for the judges to call on him. Padma (or Tom) saw him give an affirmative answer to the question and asked him to elaborate. And I don't think his response was cocky, or rude or disrespectful. IMO it was the answer a professional; a leader would give. He basically said they've gotten to know everyone's skill set at this point ... and with that knowledge for the good of team he would done his best to guide Aaron from the overly-ambitious dish. And Aaron would have probably listened to him because he respects Gregory as a chef. He respects Adam too and probably would have followed Adam's suggestion as well (it would have been a different story if the direction had come from Kerianne or God forbid Katie). But, as Adam said, even though he was "sort of" guiding the team... he was in no way taking on the role of EC because he was just trying to make sure his dish was good enough. To me Gregory was not just looking out for himself... but doing his best at looking out for the whole team. I'm also not buying into the theory that Gregory ended up stuck with Aaron and Katsuji in the last challenge because of yet-unseen asshatry on his part. I think that's just how it shook out. If he was an undercover ass (which he very well may be), I think the producers would be showing it. They sure have had no problem in the past showing jerks behaving badly... even if they are front-runners. I'm just very happy to see him doing so well... I never would have predicted that after the very first show when he had to face-off against the first knifed cheftestant. I hope he can keep it up!
  11. Right. Plus, it's not like the show is Live. It was recorded months ago. Producers can construct and adjust the "script"/episodes and then edit them any way they want. If Steve hadn't hurt himself, they're would have probably been a double elimination down the road or one of those extended "to be continued" episodes to get back on track. Last season didn't they have at least 2 of those "to be continued" episodes. I think that's because unexpected things happened during the taping and they had to adjust the content to stay on schedule.
  12. Awww... really?: -) I think he's pretty cute. In fact, I think he could play a great Virgil Flowers (a Minnesota detective from my favorite fiction writer John Sanford). Not crazy about the idea of him trying to get with both sisters... but for the most part I don't mind Hawley's character. Although I do wish they would add Jenny in more. It's clear Katrina is no Charmed One! Too bad. It'd be nice to see her.. you know ...do so magic without swooning all the time... and actually back up all that condescension she's throwing Abby's way with some real power. Just sayin'. I love this show!
  13. 40Love

    S05.E05: Self Help

    My take on the wife venturing out into Zombieland with no protection and no weapon is that perhaps this was pretty early in the apocalypse and people really didn't quite appreciate the extreme insanity of the situation. Early on: people thought it was sickness that people could be cured of (Virgil and the farm folks), people were living in campsites (CDB, Michonne, her lover and his friend etc.). A lot of folks were just walking (or in Rick's case riding on horseback) into danger. Perhaps Abe's wife thought they could just side-step the slow moving sick people and get away from her homicidal husband, who at that point she thought was just as bad or worse that the SOBs who her raped her. I can see how she wouldn't exactly be thinking straight: she's on the run, she's tired, hungry, terrified, confused, gang raped ...and on top of all that she and the kids watch dad take out 5 people with his bare hands and canned goods... Yeesh --- IMO it's not really a stretch, especially if this happened in the early stages of the outbreak. Plus, girlfriend looked like a seriously delicate flower, a majorly skittish Nervous Nellie. I'm sure her brain and emotions were on overload! I get it!
  14. It's just my opinion.. but no way Keith should have received top photo and that ad campaign. Will earned that reward. He nailed that photoshoot with very little direction. How amazing is it that Tyra picked Keith's ONE and only good shot. He got all 10s and she never once mentioned how he struggled at the photoshoot. And she picked Adam's one good shot too. Keith, Adam or Chantell should been sent home... not Raellia. Chantelle should have gone for telling that bold faced lie about changing her makeup and hair. But of course she stayed so we can see her confront Yu Sai about calling her Panda. Despite Tyra's hormones, I don't think Keith has what it takes to be a model. No one will hold his hand through a shoot like Tyra does. Adam needs real intervention. Not another week in the competition. He was so drunk in the confessional.
  15. Right! From her intro, it looks like she works at a small, quaint and beautiful restaurant that puts out great food. She apparently excelled in culinary school and has a real passion for cooking. She was the right person for that particular restaurant... the owners recognized her serious skills and made her the Executive Chef. She most likely wouldn't be able to walk into a 5-star restaurant and become an EC with only 4 years experience. But, the owners of her restaurant just want good food coming out the kitchen.. they don't care how long she's been cooking. The way Amanda questioned her about her experience, it was like she couldn't believe the woman would have the audacity to even apply for and accept an EC job without more years under her belt. I don't get the animosity. It's not like she was a cocky arrogant kid, who couldn't cook. She was perfectly nice woman... with real skills. Scott should have been praising her for her accomplishments. He hated having to admit she was great chef... even without being a seasoned professional. He desperately wanted to find something wrong... and when she picked up those thongs he had her! Heh!
  16. Yes, you're right. I'm old too! Heh! Diane's feathered boa'd costume was a callback to Janet Jackson's appearance on the variety show. Janet used to imitate Mae West.
  17. Thanks! Yeah, I'm glad the dark-haired quiet one won too. I was also to see more of the soft-spoken chef who cut a finger right before plating. Unfortunate mistake... she might have made it to the next round over the FN-celebrity wannabe!
  18. Is Von Der Pool the chef who desperately wants her own show on the Food Network... because she wants to be famous and really, really needs a lot of attention? I refused to remember her name. If it's the same lady, I didn't like her or her blind ambition to bring a "great personality" to the network.
  19. Also, Dre and Charlie were hoping to dispel the stereotype that all black people know each other. But alas, the white board of black people proved that we may indeed all know each other! LOL!
  20. Agreed! Like when: Bow asking why the kids couldn't take care of her when Dre told her he's a terrible caregiver and that she'd have to go in a nursing home! Dre telling Josh and the coffee-scorched co-worker they should get to the hospital and that he'd delay the staff meeting for them! Dre saying black folks don't ever go looking to find out what made the strange sound. Love this show!! I laughed so hard when Charlie popped Josh... and then Josh had actual statistics showing 88% of "bros" don't like to be startled and the other 12% think it's "messed up!" Also loved Diane's little do-rag she was wearing at bedtime. My mom used to wrap my hair the same way. Nice small touches.
  21. I think Gareth left Bob at the church because he was an arrogant, self-satisfied asshole who had no fear of the group. He underestimated Rick and what his reaction to leaving a half-eaten Bob at the doorstop... Gareth wanted Rick to know they were being hunted. He thought he had the upper-hand, right up until Rick blew off his fingers. Even Martin thought he could overtake Rick in the stand-off. But, sadly... to paraphrase Rick the Termites seriously didn't realize they were screwing with wrong people. Didn't Gareth say they had been watching the group. Rick and Daryl even discussed that they were being watched--but, Daryl couldn't find any tracks. They also asked Gabriel if he was the one tracking them. So it's not too unreasonable that Gareth made a pretty good guesstimate of how many guns the group had. I also think that's how he knew their names. They had been listening on them, watching them the whole time.
  22. LOL! Yeah... your scenario makes much more sense... cuz his story is some major B.S. The part of his story that makes me go "huh?" is where he says it was "so early, just so early"! Like really? But, after reading this theory, I'm thinking maybe his terrified congregation came a knockin'... while he and his honey were in the church rockin'!
  23. I don't think it's Carol or Beth. It's almost like someone behind Daryl was holding a gun and forcing Daryl to show himself to Michonne...like he was coerced. Daryl seemed reluctant. Maybe Carol is being held captive somewhere else and the captors forced Daryl to take them to his camp.
  24. IMO, anything short of wagging your fingers at Garrett and his group, asking them if they had learned their lesson and letting them go with a promise that they would leave CDB alone... would have been brutal. Killing kneeling, unarmed people with a bullet to the head is still an execution... a less messy death... but still a death... and pretty cold one at that. The termites were going to have to die no matter what. Rick and the others just went about it in an angrier way. Glen and Maggie would have probably been less horrified if they killed the termites in a gun-battle or in a hand-to-hand fight for their lives. But, I think they would have been just as upset at seeing human, captured and defeated Termites shot between the eyes while kneeling and begging for their lives. It's who Glen and Maggie are. I get them trying to hold onto humanity as tight as they can... but the Termites had to go... one way or the other.
  25. Raelia's outrage over getting a 6 cracked me up. Really girl, really?? You spent the first 10 shots with your back to your camera? Duh! I hate when other contestants gang up on one person, claiming they don't deserve to be there because they don't want it as bad. Lenox, mind your own business and try to do your best at the photo shoot. Don't concern yourself with Chantel and her motivations. Stop being a shit-starter. And please stop rolling your eyes.
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