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Everything posted by PamPamPam

  1. What are the lyrics after "sweating?" Hubs and I have listened to it a thousand times and can't figure it out. Closed captioning says "your next year to the loo," which make no sense.
  2. Re the biracial angle: Remember this: it’s not you. It’s them. The show took the wrong approach Judy’s forehead botox is unfortunate. Kelly’s is almost there. Time comes when time is what it is. If we’re going to talk appearance, I am stunned Lea made training camp. Based on hot mess Cassie? Daphne was royally screwed.
  3. "Gun violence and physical violence solves everything."
  4. Who's behind and to our right [of who I think is] Lexie?
  5. Back row, 4th from right? I recall someone upthread saying Hannah was in Chicago and they wondered if she was trying out... good call after al!l
  6. I'm the first to post in here! Congrats to the women's wrestling team. Congrats to Tamyra Mensah Stock, freestyle gold medalist!!! Shout out and congrats to head coach Terry Steiner, who's from my home state!
  7. It's one of the silliest things I've ever seen. If stuff like this is necessary, pose them at the Stockyards or wherever. The mere suggestion they're dancing alongside a cattle drive is so very beyond ridic, why go to the trouble of the editing work?
  8. But it didn't have less testing; it wasn't an overnight/fly by the seat of your pants thing/throw it out there deal. This type of vaccine had been in the works for at least a decade. Dr. Fauci discussed it.
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