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Everything posted by Crashcourse

  1. Walmart commercial: I hate that version of "You're All I Need to Get By" and I change the channel whenever it comes on. They messed up a great original sung by Marvin Gaye and Tammi Terrell.
  2. Crashcourse


    Yasmin needs some new glasses because she looks like an idjit with those huge frames.
  3. I know people can experience grief and trauma differently, but that daughter acted strangely cold and indifferent during the interview with the police. I suspected her and the boyfriend.
  4. Liam got punk'd by a fuckin' dummy. He'll have to live with that for the rest of his life. 😂
  5. Meh, I have no sympathy whatsoever for Dope. I still say she brought this all on herself by constantly sniffing around Thomas. Liam is right that she can't seem to get Thomas out of her system. I was waiting/hoping for the Hopequinn to laugh her ass off at Liam after Hope told him about the fake kiss.
  6. Granted, I don't watch this show every day, but does Hope ever mention her child Beth? All I ever hear is her talking about Douglas--and Thomas. I never thought I'd say this given Steffy's addiction storyline, but I actually think she'd make a better parent for Beth and she could be Auntie Steffy to Douglas. Of course, that wouldn't happen unless the writers offed Hope, but I wouldn't be sad about that if it happened.
  7. The reason he didn't rush in was because he didn't see any evidence of her struggling to get away. Since it was the mannequin, she was standing still getting kissed. At least that's the way he saw it.
  8. Yeah, but his mouth stands out more to me. He reminds me of Bucky Beaver (I'm old).
  9. 40 year-old Madrid woman was pleasant enough, but I thought she was trying too hard to be funny for the tv cameras. I think Nick got a little annoyed with her jokes.
  10. Crashcourse

    The NBA

    As a Wizards fan, I won't miss John Wall. At.All.
  11. I'm assuming this was filed pre-COVID so they probably aren't getting rentals now anyway.
  12. I wondered about that too. I didn't like any of those houses. As far as renting, I'd hate to clean up after a bunch of drunks/messy people who rented it for a week or however long.
  13. Yeah, I feel even sorrier for Douglas. At least little Beth is too young to know what's going on with her doofus parents, but Douglas is old enough to sense that his daddy has issues.
  14. Those teeth annoy me too. Maybe he needed braces as kid.
  15. Berlin heifer in the mom jeans: She was a pill. Hubby needs to run away back to the States ASAP before they have kids. The best thing about this episode was seeing Kevin again!
  16. Imma keep this short: I'm sick and tired of Hope and Liam. They are both too stupid to live. Their kid would be better off being raised by someone else, like Brooke or even Steffy. Even wolves. Seriously, I'm done. Ok so maybe I won't keep this short. As much of a hypocritical ass Liam has been, I put equal blame on Hope. I can understand Liam thinking she was using Douglas as an excuse to be with Thomas. She had to know that, not only was Liam jealous of her relationship with Thomas, Liam was truly worried about her safety being around Thomas. Sure, Liam was stupid for jumping to conclusions about "the kiss that never happened," but Hope brought this all on herself. So yeah, that kid deserves better than these two.
  17. I'm a Steelers fan and I'm glad they won, but I loved Mike Tomlin's interview when he said they sucked. Because they did.
  18. I'm waiting for her to say "(insert name) and I's." That's also a standard phrase on these reality shows.
  19. Ok this haunted house shit is stupid.
  20. Tayshia's got great boobs and she obviously likes to let 'em hang but I wish she'd put on a bra sometimes.
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