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Everything posted by Crashcourse

  1. Isn't there a MAFS Australia forum? I don't care about them, sounds like too much drama. I'll stick with boring MAFS U.S.
  2. What was it that Lorraine gave to Roy in prison?
  3. I checked in on this last episode just to see how it ended. Overall, I thought it was a meh season. I'd never seen or heard of Juno Temple before this show and didn't like her because I thought she was too "squirrely" and creepy. I wish they had chosen a better lead actress. If Witt was supposed to die, I wish it had been in a hail of bullets instead of stupidly standing there in front of Roy and not shooting him. Wayne is too stupid to live, letting a weird stranger into the house. It wouldn't surprise me if he wound up accidently dead due to some shenanigans Dot pulls off against someone else. I wound up liking Lorraine out of all the characters. Still didn't see the need for sin eater Munch. The overdone Minnesota accents drove me crazy, especially from the female officer and Dot. When they were talking at Witt's gravesite, I had to press the mute button.
  4. Emma was an awful actress, so she didn't need to stay around anyway.
  5. But that's why they're called dealbreakers, because a person can't/doesn't want to look beyond them. I don't see anything wrong with that.
  6. Yay Quinta! I'm tired of Anthony Anderson's mama.
  7. I'm watching the Emmys now and Quinta just won for lead actress in a comedy! I'm so happy for her!
  8. I'm sorry the Steelers lost, but I'd rather have them lose to Buffalo now than those Chiefs later.
  9. Yes, Michael is different and he knows it, which is why he shouldn't have gone on MAFS because he shouldn't have been surprised that the bride wouldn't be attracted to him. He should just date normally, let someone get to see him and get to know him. If women have been rejecting him because of his "unique" style and appearance, then maybe he should rethink how he presents himself. So, I don't feel sorry for him.
  10. Well, that was fun to watch. I can't wait to see Stephen A on First Take tomorrow. 🤣
  11. The only "funk" Joe has is under his arm pits and between his butt cheeks. That's all.
  12. The best part about this sorry episode was there was no Lauren and Orion. I appreciated that.
  13. But we don't know what he said to her in private. Emily might be acting like she doesn't know what's up with Brennan, but maybe she does and is playing "innocent" for the cameras.
  14. Of course, the guy was going to be different. I just don't like this one.
  15. I meant "dirtbag" literally. 🤮
  16. Even if they needed someone in the story to kidnap Dot and mess with Gator and Roy, they could have picked a more interesting, different type of character with a different backstory than some old medieval dirtbag like Ole Munch.
  17. Austin might not be into Becca, but he's no prize. Dude needs to clean himself up. Get rid of that scruffy beard and stop wearing that stupid cap. He'd better not commit a crime because it would be easy for someone to identify him: white dude with scruffy beard, wearing a backwards baseball cap, and looks like he needs a shower. Busted!
  18. I took a leave of absence watching this, but decided to watch the final two episodes to see how this mess ends. There were two things that cracked me up and that's all: 1) the YMCA song and 2) Dad?
  19. I recently watched the first three episodes and I'm watching this one now and I have to say, I'm not impressed with this show. I know it's gotten a lot of praise, but it isn't my cup of tea. So, I'll bounce now.
  20. I loved how he eviscerated Rodgers: "Aaron got two A's on his report card they were both in the word Aaron." He also was serious talking about him and his family receiving threats.
  21. I don't have an issue with wanting/not wanting certain physical characteristics in a partner. It doesn't mean they shouldn't be married. However, if a person is adamant about this, they shouldn't go on MAFS.
  22. Theresa has raw chicken wings for arms, so she should have worn a dress with sleeves.
  23. I don't mind Zende targeting RJ because Zende knows RJ is just a creep. However, I don't like Zende going after Luna because she looks too young and surely, he could find a more suitable woman in LA.
  24. Finn: Just because you "saved" Eric's life doesn't make you a saint or savior. Stay out of Thomas' face. Luna's got bandy legs.
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