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Everything posted by emmawoodhouse

  1. That's like game of Shag, Marry, Kill. Except I'd kill them all. They aren't shaggable or marriageable (none are proven providers...two are flat out grifters, and the third is riding his famous wife's coattails). So kill is the only option. 😁
  2. I remember her bitching and moaning when the lady called from the hospital in need of a ride home. Didn't the lady post that Jill didn't even leave her water on her nightstand? I remember seeing that somewhere.
  3. I turned on MLB Channel just in time to see him strike out. Oh well, tomorrow's another day. 😀
  4. Can someone post Jill's latest Bible verse so we can all have a good laugh at the irony. It's a doozy. 😁
  5. Has he gotten 3000 yet? Last I heard, he was at 2999.
  6. She's desperate for material to keep up her two videos a week schedule. I just watched this one, and it was mind-numbingly dull. I feel so sorry for those kids.
  7. I don't think there's any relationship between Joy and Jessa either. The Show had unmarried Joy show up at Jessa's once to help her clean her nasty couches, but other than that? I don't recall them together.
  8. Chunk la HUNK was actually better looking when he was Cade's age. 😱
  9. Pretty sure G3 is Calvinist. The Masters University (not the seminary) is one of their sponsors.
  10. Punchable Aunt Cade looks like shit. 😂 https://www.instagram.com/p/Cclsw1qvGcY/?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y=
  11. They aren't even speaking at Big Sandy this year! They've been headliners there forever. You know who IS speaking? Michael Bates' husband, Brandon Keilen. And of course, TFDW.
  12. Don't government employees have an extensive vetting process that doesn't begin until AFTER the bar has been passed? If so, it sounds like he's in private practice.
  13. And is rumored to be knocked up again, based on some screenshots from Jer and Hannah's wedding.
  14. Yes, he said he was in his final year some time ago.
  15. Masters Seminary is on Easter Break this week. Jer will be done with finals by May 6 with commencement to follow. Let's see what they do next month.
  16. Jeremy found an activity in which he could relive his glory days in the net. 🙄 https://www.instagram.com/p/Cck6MM_LRrj/?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y=
  17. But Jer doesn't have a real job. I think he has a RE license, but has he ever listed anything? He calls himself a "flight instructor," but how lucrative is that? Flight time is expensive!
  18. emmawoodhouse

    The NBA

    Just read that Booker is out for at least Games 3 and 4.
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