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Everything posted by emmawoodhouse

  1. Fun Bowers fact: the Bowers sisters who married Bontrager brothers did so in a double wedding. They also had their firstborn babies something like a week apart. I hope Hannie can steer far clear of Carver. He's a loon.
  2. Split the difference and give him 10? Although Madyson would still be in Smuggar's preferred prepubescent age range when he gets out. What, if anything, can be done to protect her?
  3. Anne's not a judge, she's a team captain. There are three people judging her team's food. She also can't control what shows of hers air when. I figure, hey, it's better to deal with her now for two months if it means we're free of her for the other ten months of the year.
  4. My bet is that we don't see him at all. And that's fine by me; I'd rather scandal-free Shota grace my screen.
  5. Seconded. We never found out what necessitated Sam's c-section, but he might have been transverse as well.
  6. She never admits she's wrong. She's her father's daughter, and she's third on my list of Despicable Duggars behind the FF and his father.
  7. Oh, I didn't catch the distinction! My bad. 😂
  8. @Zella, you have something in common with this Thorp guy. You share your undergrad alma mater. 😁
  9. That's pretty prestigious for someone who graduated with a B average.
  10. I bet that's her daddy over Jase's shoulder. He certainly looks invested in the conversation.
  11. Still mulling the meaning of ADA. Derelict's not qualified to be an assistant district attorney. Even in podunk Stillwell.
  12. I have a feeling that ADA doesn't mean what I think it means. 🤔
  13. It was unclear from the video how long the EMT stayed with Carlin. Shouldn't he have recommended an ambulance sooner if she continued to exhibit symptoms? Why did they wait so long?
  14. Last day of school is 5/26. Looks like I cross posted with @Zella! Also thought that Izzy might be staying with Cathy.
  15. Can we find out when they were in Little Rock for the swearing in?
  16. Yup, just coming here to post her IG from Stillwell. https://www.instagram.com/p/CdjlWr9sJVF/?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y=
  17. Yeah, I thought about her not eating as well. She obviously wants to be like her sisters who drop their baby weight in like two weeks.
  18. Yes, I unfortunately saw that. She's really pathetic.
  19. I watched the video. They are playing with fire. It almost sounds neurological at this point.
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