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Everything posted by emmawoodhouse

  1. tOSU going down had to bust some brackets.
  2. Johnny Mac's empire is riddled with inaccuracies and greed. I know I had read about the son who ran afoul of the IRS before, but I don't know what became of him after the fact. I guess he's still working for Daddy, just behind the scenes where he can't be remarked upon.
  3. LMAO, the bible that Jeremy held was referenced in that article. Worth a couple hundred grand, yet Jeremy wore no gloves when handling it. I hope the thing falls apart. 😂
  4. Awesome news, @rue721!!!! What a relief for you to know that you can attend the school of your choice with a full ride. As for that pesky exam, you got this! 😀
  5. The pond is not on the Duggar back 40. They had to drive on county roads to get to Granny's place.
  6. Bar exam isn't until July. Then he won't know if he passed until October or November.
  7. If it's all about Sutton and Garcelle riding Erika hard, I am all in! 😁
  8. Isn't the next season already in the can? If she comes back, it'll be a while before we see her.
  9. Deshaun Watson accused of sexual assault. Gross.
  10. 🤣🤣🤣🤣 I didn't even notice. It looks like he gave himself a new combover.
  11. Derelict is practicing law at the U of A law clinic. I know this is common for 3L last semester. https://www.instagram.com/p/CMkQ3ilL-H7/?igshid=1vd78krn3kws1
  12. Because I didn't have access, I had to solicit the help of the Assisted Living activities manager to do the actual transfer. I had to provide her the bank routing number as wrll as her account number. The transfer was made successfully. MIL will be 89 next month, and in her confusion with the debit card, cut up her regular credit card! I hope we don't have such issues when the new card comes. *sigh*
  13. I don't know about Katey's mother, but Pa Nakatsu sold his business and is retired. Katey is also a pilot.
  14. My MIL got a check for the first payout but a debit card for the second. It was a PITA transferring the funds into her checking account.
  15. Congratulations on the exams! And yes, how you had your tax refund deposited determines whether you got a direct deposit vs.the dreaded debit card. I didn't even think of those who owed Uncle Sam. But even if someone just paid last year, I think they would still get direct deposit if an account is on file.
  16. Thanks @QuinnInND. I thought I had read either 70 or 80k per adult, so this splits the difference. 😁
  17. Isn't there an income ceiling? Perhaps you exceed it?
  18. Nope. I'm at the tail end of the alphabet and the money was in our account this morning when I checked.
  19. Slight correction to make to that comment. Tom was not disbarred....yet. I forget the exact terminology, but he was deemed incompetent to practice due to his supposed Alzheimer's.
  20. Too light. You don't find that shade of green in nature. 🤣
  21. I don't want to know what's on that plate. Looks disgusting. And hey girl! Hilaria is up in the comments! https://www.instagram.com/p/CMiCXw0BEFN/?igshid=13e2v4jmlfd6l
  22. Which one is that? I didn't know there was a Kenya. Help! 😁
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