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Everything posted by emmawoodhouse

  1. They wholly believe that it's the wife's responsibility to keep herself attractive and "joyfully available" for her husband. So yes, in their eyes it's Anna's fault that Smuggar joined Ashley Madison and downloaded/viewed CSA.
  2. That statement reminded me that Sam's birthday is coming up soon. I know it's in July, just don't recall the exact day.
  3. emmawoodhouse

    The NBA

    He's officially listed as Doubtful.
  4. The Dillards' statement regarding the cancellation of Counting On. https://www.dillardfamily.com/2021/07/statement-on-counting-on-cancellation-better-late-than-never/
  5. How many of these people were hoping to see Jinger? 😂 https://www.instagram.com/p/CQ93WRdlEVI/?utm_medium=copy_link
  6. Nathan and David were steeped in Gothardism after the deflections of Daniel, Rebekah, and Size. He likely agrees with Jill and just tolerates those siblings who left the fold.
  7. emmawoodhouse

    The NBA

    Chris Paul addresses compressed season's problems.
  8. I'm afraid that TLC isn't completely done with the Duggars. TLC's statement basically said they were giving the Duggars space or time or something like that. A Jana wedding would be a ratings bonanza, and TLC knows it.
  9. She may observe it but not agree with it. I'm sure Jill had a talk with Nurie about this subject before she got married.
  10. Yeah, let's see if the Wissmanns hang in there. Inviting Duggars to Nebraska at this point seems to indicate they're sticking around for the time being. Now, if there's a conviction, that may all change.
  11. Lasted about two minutes before my eyes practically fell out of my head from rolling so hard.
  12. Remember, Nurie is the one that called American women "sluttish" (according to Jill, of course). This was because these women dared to wear pants, while the women in Botswana (I think that's where she and DBD went) dressed modestly in skirts. 🙄
  13. Mitch Gaylord was a hottie! Not a bad gymnast, either. 😁
  14. Illegal here. That doesn't stop the morons from setting them off anyway.
  15. I doubt they've ever paid Boob a dime to live in the warehouse. I suspect Anna and the Ms will continue to live there rent-free.
  16. Yeah, that's it. TLC saw a girl in jeans and thought it would be an interesting juxtaposition with her Little House cousins.
  17. Not to mention, they may be short two beds. Did the twins ever return the girls' beds they slept in when they moved out?
  18. LOL, I thought the post meant location. I'll keep my stupidity there for all to see. 👍
  19. Pretty sure that Anna's LLCs also have a lawyer named.
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