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Everything posted by emmawoodhouse

  1. Carlin said that she's going up a size (to a 2) to accommodate her anticipated bump. Renee also has to close up those sluttish thigh high slits. The dresses are indeed pretty, but sleeveless in December? Brrrr...
  2. Oh no! Having not hit up the figure skating message boards today, I hadn't heard that. 😕
  3. Nathan's tree crash came from one of Esther's brother's social media. Unfortunately, I saw it second hand and couldn't tell you his name. I'm pretty sure Carlin talked about the blood draw in her stories yesterday, so it's probably expired by now.
  4. I know they consider all sins equal (which is stupid), but there is no difference between adult and child SEXUAL ABUSE in their world? That's sick.
  5. FINALLY! Party in the Crescent City! Good costumes in the crowd, too.
  6. Pretty sure the due date is April, but she has stated that she'll deliver early, in March.
  7. Come ON Saints. It was going so well for most of this wretched game.
  8. Saw a pic of Jer (I think) holding baby Fern at one of the TTH Monday night get-togethers fairly recently.
  9. Good news, Cowboys loathers...Dak has been ruled out for tonight's game. I'm pulling for the Pats today. I feel dirty.
  10. Yeah, if there's an announcement from the Duggars, it will likely come from DFO. Maybe Boob's recent acknowledgement of 22 grands was meant to be an announcement of sorts for anyone who is still counting.
  11. So, CP is actually better than the evil that is adult porn? Who thinks like that?
  12. No kids in most of the buildings around here. The kids across the street in their gates houses are pretty much all high school aged, so will not be out, at least in this 'hood. It's also a pretty busy two lane street, so parents generally take their littles to quieter places with more kids.
  13. I imagine Nurie hasn't gotten a word in edgewise since Jill went home. It's likely been all about Jill's SEVERELY injured knee. Nemo who?
  14. In Carlin's most recent video, she verified that Nathan crashed into the tree on rehearsal day. Wedding day makes for a better story! 😁
  15. Well, even if he makes the GPF, he has several weeks to address his "issues." If he doesn't make the final, he doesn't have a competition until Nats in January. Hopefully, he'll look more comfortable by then; the Olympics are something like 4 weeks after Nats.
  16. We haven't seen her on the Grand Prix yet, but I imagine that Shcerbakova can't be left off Russia's Olympic team unless she regressed like Alena. I can't see them leaving Trusova home. Poor Liza.
  17. I don't find him attractive at all. But that could be influenced by the fact he's so ugly on the inside.
  18. Did you get knocked out by the first two shots?
  19. Nah, otherwise the number would be much higher what with counting Annabell, Asa, whatever Jinger called hers, and Jessa's. And they haven't counted Katey's either.
  20. That Michigan/MSU game. Holy cow.
  21. I guess we'll find out on Monday if the kids went trick or treating.
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