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Everything posted by emmawoodhouse

  1. Just to clarify, he didn't buy the theater in October. Per my article, he bought it sometime in 2020. I think that's the date of the article (and when we found out about it).
  2. I saw that Duggar Data reported his passing, but I don't know where she got the information. I'll wait for Whitney or one of the Bateses to say something.
  3. emmawoodhouse

    The NBA

    The Suns have quietly put together a 16 game winning streak. They have a home/home series coming up with the Warriors this week. Should be fun!
  4. Watching some of the Oklahoma/OSU game tonight. OSU scored, and they cut to Pistol Pete. Poor kid kept having to fix the head as it kept tipping to the side. I wonder if Derelict had this same issue? It IS a huge ass head. 😀
  5. Found an article. Looks like Boob bought the building before Smuggar's arrest.
  6. I wish I could find the article I read so as to identify the nut job who is in charge. I'd never heard of him, but he got Boob to buy in on this concept. A history museum dedicated to Gothard's perspective would actually be pretty humorous, in a macabre sort of way. Just imagine the delusion. 😂
  7. I don't think anyone allowed to post on her FB page would dare cross her. Nor are they that clever. However, they are highly uneducated. My bets are on SOTDRT fail.
  8. I just can't with these two. Especially Jeremy. He's the most pretentious of turds.
  9. Some IBLP flunkee wants to open a Christian American History museum.
  10. As I noted earlier, there's too much color involved for it to be Jilly's handiwork. 😁
  11. Ugh, Alabama pulled out the win. I was hoping for a loss to really screw up the FBS. 😇
  12. Decorations went up this afternoon. I'll flip the switches in about half an hour. I had cat supervision. 😸 Booster is all set up for next Sunday. I took the only opening my local CVS had.
  13. Maybe Austin is doing No Shave November? Eh, doubt it. They don't strike me as having much of a social conscience.
  14. I had to stop and think a second to realize what the leghumper was actually trying to say. 😂
  15. I think you're right. She was never adopted by that family. Sorry, can't remember whether the Perkins were her natural family, or was it the Owens? She went by both names.
  16. Jill just posted pics of the Thanksgiving spread. The food actually has color, so we know Jill didn't make it. 😂
  17. I don't know the ages/sexes of Lisa's kids. Perhaps the oldest is married, lives out if state, and was with their in-laws? Just spitballin' here. 😀
  18. Jesus who? They don't care about Jesus. They're all about the fire and brimstone of the Old Testament and, maybe tangentially, the teachings of Paul.
  19. There is so much wrong with that list. Jill doesn't adhere to much of it aside from KJV and clothing. What does she say about Ma Turtleneck's short hair? Her sisters don't have much longer than shoulder length, either. Hell, neither does Jill without those ratty extensions. 🙄
  20. When she announced the name, she noted that she gets to bestow the first name, and Chad gets the middle name.
  21. Who would you have considered the winner? Chigs?
  22. But the men's standings are tiiiiight between 3-8. Any of them could pull up to a podium. Well, maybe not Camden who has never put two clean programs together.
  23. No, it's Whitney's father. Gil has been pictured partying it up at Papa Bill's this Thanksgiving. He's fine.
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