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Chairperson Meow

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Everything posted by Chairperson Meow

  1. Actually..... and I know I wasn't the only one wanting Andre on the stand, Anika killed a baby intentionally when she pushed Rhonda down the stairs. She is worse than even Lucious because he's never intentionally killed a child.
  2. Unless it's Jason yelling at Monica for saving AJ once and believing other guy was Jason.
  3. I think Billy Miller looks great. DZ looks great. Even Mo looks younger than Steve. Is he sick?
  4. Steve Burton looks weird. Like he needs to gain 10-15 lbs.
  5. Yes lol. Then we saw not dead Irene who was supposed to be dead for decades. I really kinda want an undead Susan Moore to tell us the story of JasonxJason.
  6. But does he know that they literally got off on Sonny murdering AJ, Jasons brother.?
  7. True. Sonny (and this is why imo he's an epic fail for romantic lead of a soap) has mistreated women to the point of extreme anguish to their mental and often physical state. He "can't leave the mob" no matter what, taking a toll on everyone connected to him- which is the whole town. He went after AJ Quartermaine physically and psychologically for years. AJ 's alcoholism was "weakness". His upbringing and desire to succeed in a legit company and to see his only child was considered "entitled" behavior from a spoiled man child. So, yeah. Sonny can and would throw some bs at Nina for stealing and possibly near injuring Avery. He's done more for less reasons.
  8. Thank you. I knew there was the blood thing because that's how they figured Tea's kid was Danny.
  9. Nah. They had a DNA test. Liz knew it was Jason's if I recall. They believed then that Franco was Jason's twin. Danny had a rare blood disorder that Liz recognized because Jake had it too. They did DNA but Sam got the results after. I think.
  10. Original Jason believed Robin was dead and was very much still grieving her death, as he blamed himself. Robin made some magical drug in the lab when it exploded. She made sure Patrick got the drug to give Jason. Patrick hated and blamed Jason for Robin "dying". Danny was a few months old when Jason died. The baby was kidnapped and he'd just reunited with Sam and accepted him as family
  11. I'm surprised Maurice "I don't like to work with new actors" Bernard hasn't insisted Steve as Jason and BM as AJ. AJ being alive technically gets Sonny, Carly, and Ava off for everything surrounding AJ's murder.
  12. Dude. Is that the same damn audio from 2011? Idk. We could get a campy Helena scene with JasonxJason
  13. Last time we had duel newspapers, Sonny murdered someone.
  14. I'm sure it's been upgraded to a treasure chest of pain now. The question is will Jasonx2 recognize the kid he thinks is dead? Or the kid he thought was Franco's via rape? I kinda want to see Jason V.1 see some people he does not know or thinks are dead. Like, I need a scene of Monica filling him in on the events past five years.
  15. Steve's eyes are scary in those pics. 5 years at Y&R did not do him well
  16. Maaaaannnn. We could have a dozen Jasons. Steve Burton playing every role. And it would still be worth it to never hear of Duke Justice again. Well, yeah. I think if he doesn't murder him, it will be out of character. I do think Steve Burton 's reactions to the events of the past 5 years will be worth it. When he chooses to, his facial expressions are kinda awesome.
  17. So far, Steve has cleared out 3 useless characters. Demand more money, Steve! Thin out the herd I imagined it was bar ware that they imported.
  18. SBJason is going to murder Franco after he goes on another murder emo sad spree. Which I am not sad for because there are too many worthless characters that exist in place of ones the show needs. If the show really had good writers, they'd make SBu the real tortured serial murderer Franco. It sounds weird, but it's better than Jason Wins LOL
  19. I don't think it's Laurel's dad who's killed. I think it's Asher, Connor, or Oliver. I do think that Laurel's dad has something to do with both the baby being wherever and another murder. My reasons for thinking this are: -Mikayla and/or Laurel get Oliver to hack into Papa Shady' s company. - They use Connor to basically do what he did in the past. Seduce someone with info - Asher gets killed to shut them up
  20. I think Therapist guy is shady. I also think he's hired by Laurel's dad to get in Annelise's head.
  21. I loved Bella's little crown. But what happened to Anika' s hair? It looks like a cocker spaniel. They can fix her hair better than that. I can't wait till next week. I hope we see Cookie talk to Luscious about her time in prison.
  22. Hush! But seriously. Did anyone predict that Morgan would be the more interesting brother over Micheal and Dante? Yes. I get creeped out during their scenes because it's like Kristina making out with her mom.
  23. Yeah. I think he thinks he killed Franco. Plus, Franco was in his twenties then so it will be interesting when he learns about this. Jason Steve doesn't know Danny is his
  24. Why can't they just show Brad at least and not Val? I saw her a week or so ago and I didn't recognize her. I forgot all about her.
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