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Boo Boo

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Everything posted by Boo Boo

  1. I'm just saying that it strikes me as very odd that someone jumps on the show then suddenly starts looking for bio parents. Essentially, she and others are making this search a storyline.
  2. I really wonder how much sex they even want. My sex drive took a major hit after menopause. I could go the rest of my life w/o it and I never thought that would be the case as I had a very healthy sex drive up until 2 years ago.
  3. Let's see how many have we had across the RHO's franchise suddenly decide to find their birthparents? Danielle, NeNe, Ashley, now Eboni. I'm sure there were others as this feels too familiar. Convenient how they go all their lives without finding them and then decide to find birth family members for a storyline.
  4. RIGHT! I've noticed lately here and other places that people are treating Sonja as though she's some babe in the woods neophyte done so wrong by her castmates. I used to love Sonja for her wit and charm, but she's playing up this crazy act to secure her apple. And when you read up on the reasons why she went into bankruptcy, you realize that she's really not a great person. So I could give two fucks that they were laughing about Sonja's obvious lies -- esp. given her digs at both Lu and Ramona.
  5. Right. I have no problem with that given Sonja's comments about Ramona to others.
  6. Same here. I'm no prude but vulgarity for vulgarity's sake is not edgy nor is it funny.
  7. So basically we're going back to franchise tropes: not inviting one member to a function, a child looking for birth family members for the first time EVER in their life times. Also, were they really thinking the nude model likes women?
  8. Agreed. I realized within about 5 minutes of her interview that I would have a really difficult time being around her for more than 5 minutes. So it did make me see how hard it would be for Crystal!
  9. Yes, and just oddly answering questions. I kept hearing Crystal in my head saying "inappropriate, awkward..." I actually wondered if she was on something too.
  10. She's aging out of the snag-a-rich-guy demographic. And she looks like shit now too.
  11. I'm sure Erika was more than happy he had a mistress so she didn't have to fuck that old goat.
  12. Ha, I read this at first as you joking about Tom's crash -- "Sorry guys, because of my dementia and embezzling from widows and orphans, I careened off a cliff and didn't get to watch it this morning..." Then I realized you meant you fell asleep! I actually thought Kyle looked better having a few wrinkles than a lineless face at 51.
  13. Rinna is such a terrible actress that her face lights up and she literally gushes when she talks about this "friendship."
  14. Okay, a few episodes I thought well, it's possible Erika didn't know. I think it's still possible she didn't know the extent or where he was embezzling from, but this story she is weaving is so all over the place I can only surmise that she knew he is a shady mother fucker and didn't care as long as she was getting paid. And really -- she would've been better off pretending shock of it all. The fact she is trying to cover him by saying he's got dementia now -- complete with the ridiculous car accident story - says a lot. I mean, you can drive the same curvy fucking road a million times, but reach for your cell phone, lose control and crash. It doesn't mean that you have dementia. And why the need to lie about the accident or not divulge what really happened? My guess is he was probably drunk. The only other reason to not divulge the cause of the accident -- attempted suicide? Whatever the case, her stories about the car accident are purposeful yet they don't make sense. (Also, I saw Sutton on WWHL and I could def see that she's an awkward, somewhat irritating person. She came off WEIRD. I'm becoming more team Crystal now lol)
  15. Marylander here too and it cracks me up this franchise is still called RHOP.
  16. Right? I don't know if she's purposefully trying to go with blank, angry, depressed model face, but she looks blank, angry, depressed. If your entire worth is being the arm piece of a creepy dude and posting nearly naked photos of yourself, maybe it's not that fulfilling Lisa Rinna.
  17. Ha, right! Amelia is taking pages out of the Kardashian playbook with the photo editing that makes her thighs look huge, but her head look tiny. W/o photoshop, she has an amazing body. Face, not to so much.
  18. I hate, hate, hate Lu's long hair. While she didn't need to keep the feathered hairstyle she had years ago, the long hair drags her face down. The prior hairstyle showed off her incredible cheekbones. Love her look here.
  19. I was about to type: I think the model is Eastern European and she is!
  20. I think if Crystal were the one crying, agitated, anxious, they would gravitate towards her. Also possible they know her better in real life and this is not the usual Sutton they know. If the behavior is unusual for Sutton, they may be wondering what is going on with her. If I had a friend that was normally, well normal, and then I'm seeing irrational behavior from her, I'd probably be wondering what the hell is going on with her. I was not the biggest fan of Crystal from the first several episodes, but other than her "jealous" comment I didn't like, she held her ground. If someone tells you that your mere presence alone sets them off, well, what are you supposed to do? I love when she cut Rinna off about the apology. I also think the woman believe Crystal over-dramatized getting walked in on with the use of language -- violated and creepy. So they are seeing Sutton's side of that.Honestly, if I got walked in on and someone said snidely, "what's going on in here" or whatever Sutton said, I'd be ticked. The correct response is "I'm so sorry -- I thought you said come in, my apologies!" Assuming Crystal's eating disorder and reaction to being walked in on are related, I hope that Crystal helps them understand why she being walked in on was particularly triggering for her.
  21. I agree with all of this. Unless I thought a coworker was completely shady, I probably would be like, "she didn't know." Particularly if the husband was a famous attorney whose lawsuit was the subject covered in Erin Brockovich! I would assume she just figured it was money from his work, good investments. I could def believe the "mean Tom" stories based on that LVP dinner and he was an ass. The problem it's all coming out now, not more of a long trickle of stories. But if she was bitching about him on TV while married, there probably would be hell to pay. On Portia, I thought she was overacting the crying jag when her sister came home, but now that the oversleeping and missing classes -- that's extreme depression. While many of us didn't really mind being home more, for kids it was probably hell on earth -- even if they live in a mansion and have all the luxuries. The uncertainty of it all -- even now with Delta strain -- is still very scary. The toll it has taken on our children is probably immeasurable.
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