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Posts posted by MicheleinPhilly

  1. 3 minutes ago, CountryGirl said:

    I loved seeing the happier, hopeful moments in the closing scenes for this episode and cannot wait to see what the future holds for them. 


    They seemed to have carved out a beautiful life for themselves and their babies based on what I saw in this documentary. I hope that continues for them. 

    I don't give a rat's ass how they're going to make money in the future. It's none of my business. 

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  2. Just now, ancslove said:

    But it’s not just Oprah, Netflix, and the upcoming Spare promotions.  It’s also last year’s Dax Shepard podcast and The Me You Can’t See and Harry’s weirdly off-putting Good Morning America interview and the Archetypes podcast.  Now are there large chunks of time between each piece?  Absolutely!  But in two years it’s still a lot of retreading.

    But no one is obligated to consume any of it. If you're tired of their story, just don't listen to or watch any of it. 

    I can think of umpteen celebrities that I have no interest in that seem to dominate all forms of media *cough - Taylor Swift - cough* so I just avoid that media. It's not that hard. 

    I'm seriously not trying to be antagonistic, I'm just curious as to why so many people who seem to want them to "go away" (and I'm not talking about you personally @ancslove) just can't seem to stop talking about them. 

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  3. On 1/1/2023 at 11:57 PM, sistermagpie said:

    Seriously, how did this story ever get past anyone in the writer's room?

    I've said it before and I'll say it again:


    At this point I'm hate-watching just to shit on it. 

    • Like 3
  4. At this point, I'm just holding on until the inevitable cancellation. They literally have NO IDEA what to do with these characters. 

    I particularly liked them recycling the season 1, episode 1 storyline from the OG when Bette and Tina invited a random guy home hoping he would impregnate Tina. Sure, random stranger in a bar will immediately agree to be a donor after 10 minutes of conversation. Sure. 🙄

    I have zero interest in Carrie or her love life. 

    Sophie is a hot ass mess. 

    I was actually embarassed for Alice throwing herself at Tom like that. You can't just break someone's heart and then be like, "Hey, wanna get back together even though we've had no contact whatsoever?" The kitten was cute AF though. 

    Hendrix is an ASS. I'm at least glad that they didn't show him and Angie having sex because in my head I'm like, "You are still a baby in diapers! You shouldn't be having sex with anyone! Go to your room!" 👵

    3 episodes left. Please Showtime, put us out of our misery. 

    • Like 1
  5. 7 minutes ago, ancslove said:

    I think it was a weird claim for Meghan to make so definitively.  There are so many photos from various official events showing the senior royal women in coordinating colors, with or without the Queen. One of those events was during Meghan’s maternity leave, so maybe she just didn’t have any direct experience with color-specific royal “dress codes”.

    I don't recall her making any claims about "dress codes" or coordination. My recollection is that she simply chose to wear neutral colors so as not to clash with or stand out from other royals. She was trying to "blend in", so to speak. 

    • Like 9
  6. 15 hours ago, ZuluQueenOfDwarves said:

    So, for Philadelphia area people, or anyone else interested, tomorrow (12/21) is the legendary Jim Gardner’s last ever broadcast with Action News at 6pm. He’s been a Philly institution since 1976, and so many of us have grown up hearing the news from Jim. It’s the end of an era, and he is as beloved in real life as Quinta portrays him on Abbott Elementary. He will be deeply missed. 

    I am fully prepared to cry like a baby at 6:30 tonight! 

    • Hugs 1
  7. 2 hours ago, mytmo said:

    How in the world did it get leaked that H&M were staying at Tyler Perry's house?  Hoda outed this on TV?  Nobody did Tyler Perry any favors that day.

    Thank you for bringing this up because it was a question I had after watching but then promptly forgot about it. 

    Gayle King should have known better than to seek confirmation from Tyler in a national interview. I was actually surprised that she brought it up. Now whether that was the first mention of it to the general public, I have no idea. 

    But then the video of the paps climbing the hill and the cuts in the fence. 😡 What a vile group of human beings. Of course, they wouldn't do any of this if people would just stop consuming the trash, but that's never going to happen. 

    • Like 8
  8. How many episodes are there in this season? Cause I kind of need for this show to be done already. 

    I appreciate that Shane and Tess had an actual grown-up conversation while they were stuck out there. That was pretty much the only one in the whole show. I would like to see them work it out but I doubt that will happen. 

    I'm not exactly sure why Angie's roommate didn't swing by the health center on her way home instead of hightailing it to her room. Or at least after she realized she couldn't do it on her own. I can guarantee her that the health center has dealt with that situation countless times. 

    Finley is an idiot. 

    Alice is an idiot too. You spent one weekend with her and suddenly you're like Tom with the ring. Also thanks for reinforcing just why I HATE going to movie theaters these days. UGH. Shut up. And Chasing Amy wasn't any better with her constant chit-chat with her date. 

    Maribel and Michah need to get off the baby train ASAP. I feel like they barely know each other. Why are they rushing into this? 

    I actually think Sophie and Dani have better chemistry as friends than they did as partners. I'd love for them to stay that way but we know what will happen. 

    Based on the previews for next week, it's gonna be a skip for me. Let me know if anything consequential happens. 🙄

    • Like 1
  9. 1 hour ago, bluegirl147 said:

    And how many people have a negative attitude about her simply because they saw the headlines?  Those headlines are meant to make you look. Maybe people read the articles maybe they don't. But they have seen the headlines and for some people if it's a headline it must be true.  In the states if we see a  headline from the National Enquirer most people know it's an exaggeration at best and outright lies at worst.  But in UK it seems tabloids are on the same level as legitimate news organizations.  And as quoted above anger sells.

    But what I don't understand (and again I don't follow the BRF so perhaps someone who does has greater insight), but WHY do headlines like this inspire such anger and vitriol??

    They are hugely inconsequential, nit-picky little things that literally have no impact on your life whatsoever. 

    Why are you angry about whether or not Meghan wore a hat to honor the Grenfell victims? You should be foaming at the mouth with rage over what actually happened to the Grenfell victims. 

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  10. I loved this panel. They had great chemistry with one another and really interesting stories. 

    Count me in as someone who was horrified by all of the "body" talk. I mean I wasn't surprised by it but had assumed it was more driven by the rubbish entertainment "press". 🙄

    BBC iPlayer had posted a clip on IG of Kate telling a story that wasn't included in the BBC America broadcast. Basically, she was performing in a play and almost shat herself. At one point she thought she actually had. It was absolutely hilarious and I have no idea why censors thought American viewers couldn't handle it. Or maybe it was cut for length because of the stupid commercials. 

    • Like 2
  11. If this episode did anything, it was make me grateful that I can now go back to ignoring the BRF's existence. Good lord, this family is more dysfunctional and toxic than a fictional soap opera family. 

    Enjoy your golden handcuffs, William. 

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  12. Quote

    ‘At night, I’m unable to sleep as I lie there, grinding my teeth and dreaming of the day when she is made to parade naked through the streets of every town in Britain while the crowds chant, “Shame!” and throw lumps of excrement at her,’ he [Clarkson] shockingly wrote.

    If that's what keeps you up at night, sir, you lead a very charmed life. 


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  13. Just now, Ohiopirate02 said:

    Apparently, yes. Even though baby showers are not about the gifts but about celebrating the upcoming birth of a much wanted child.  The gifts are a distant second.  Meghan was a woman in her late 30s finally getting the life she wanted--married with children.  

    How dare she! <sarcasm font> 😜

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  14. 17 minutes ago, MadyGirl1987 said:

    This is where I think her “Hollywoodness” hurt her in her entering the royal family. Hollywood celebrity is different then public servant celebrity. While the average joe expects fancy high end parties for a rich Hollywood celeb, seeing a political figure(Which is what members of the royal family other then the sovereign and heirs are, they are basically diplomats,) that is living on public dollars having what is seen to be a fancy star studded event, where the purpose is to give the person of honor gifts(I’m not sure what gifts were given or even if there were gifts but that is what people expect when they hear shower, whether wedding or baby) is bad optics.

    But she literally said that her friends paid for the shower out of their own pockets. Are we now saying that famous people can't have baby showers because "They're rich, they can afford their own stuff"?? 

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  15. 4 minutes ago, sadie said:

    I guess I don’t understand what Harry thought the palace could do. Yes I suppose they could have sent out a notice to the press “stop being racist” but I’m guessing it wouldn’t have stopped. Then what? What the press was doing was horrible, but how many of us live perfect lives with no cross to bear? No one. 

    Someone who actually follows the BRF can probably expound on this more thoughtfully, but my interpretation was that it's not just the press being racist - it was the actual "institution" FEEDING these stories to the press. So to know that your family was the catalyst for so much of this hatred is a MASSIVE cross to bear. 

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  16. I'm oh so glad that I don't follow this toxic shit on the regular. What an awful, awful "institution." And I'm curious as to why so many people seem to speak of the BRF and its protocols with such reverence. I have MANY British friends and they all hate the monarchy and the fact that their tax dollars subsidize figureheads. 

    The footage from the wedding was absolutely lovely as were all of the glimpses of Archie. What an adorable little boy he is! 

    The "press" is trash. I don't understand why anyone even looks at tabloids, let alone treats their word with any semblance of seriousness. 

    It was obvious to me from this episode that the internal war began after Harry and Meghan's trip to Australia and New Zealand. "Can't have the spare and his bi-racial wife soaking up all of the attention and adoration!" 

    Why am I still watching this? 😂

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  17. I don't follow the Royals, British or otherwise, so everything that happened in the lead-up to the wedding was something I only heard about from the Oprah interview, I think. I may have seen some mention of it in the media at the time. 🤷‍♀️

    Meghan's father and sister are trash. Doria is a gem. 

    I feel badly for her niece not being able to share that moment with Meghan and Harry due to "protocol." 

    • Love 5
  18. 1 minute ago, blackwing said:

    I'm seeing more and more negative reviews for "The Whale".  So even though Brendan Fraser seems beloved, and probably assured the Globe since the Globes love a feel good story, wondering what his chances at Oscar are.  It doesn't seem to bode well when an actor's nomination is the only major thing the movie gets nominated for. 

    I think he is a lock for an Oscar nomination but I don't know how confident I feel that HFPA will give him the award. He has already stated publicly that he will not attend because he was previously sexually assaulted by a member (the head?) of the HFPA and never received an apology. 

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