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Posts posted by MicheleinPhilly

  1. On 5/6/2023 at 5:05 AM, Diana Berry said:

    That was awful

    CO-SIGN. This episode cemented for me that I will not be following this show in season 2. Some episodes have been wonderful but others, like this one, were absolutely abysmal. 

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  2. 19 minutes ago, Arkay said:

    I guess this was the last episode on Fox?

    I don’t know if I’ll bother to follow the show to wherever it’s going.

    Just kind of tired of the show. 

    Wait, was this the season finale? If so, then Hallelujah! I promised myself I'd stick it out until the end of the season but after that, I'm done. It's just a crappy soap opera at this point. 

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  3. 1 hour ago, Kel Varnsen said:

    Then when Henry, Ted and Beard show up at the West Ham match, Nate can't even bring himself to wave, to a kid. 


    My hate for him ratcheted up about 1,000 points in that moment. 

    I don't care about his trajectory or "growth", he's an asshole. Always has been, always will be. 

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  4. 16 hours ago, kwnyc said:

    (And I really hope they are giving us a red herring with Ted pulling a green matchbook out of his pocket!)


    I've never entertained, for even a millisecond, the idea that they may put Ted and Rebecca together. Well, except for when I'm reading these threads, but I digress...

    When I saw that, I immediately said "Oh no, please don't" out loud. There hasn't been an iota of romantic chemistry between them and I hate the idea. 

    But I'm also someone who has never much cared about any of the romantic entanglements on this show. I'd be perfectly fine if they just kept the focus on Richmond as a team and left all of the romance stuff by the wayside. 

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  5. Can this show please stop wasting so much time on KJPR and West Ham (i.e. Nate)? It's supposed to be a show about Richmond, ergo I want to see Richmond. In the stadium training, at matches, in the locker room, hanging out with one another. All of these side stories are just distracting from the magic. 

    These expanded episodes have been such a blessing and a curse. 

    • Like 11
  6. This episode had bits I loved and bits I hated so while it wasn't nearly as successful as last week's, it was at least better for me than the first few episodes of the season. 

    Anything that doesn't have to do with Richmond just seems like a colossal waste of time given how little time we have left. I mean, Jason Sudeikis basically feels like a supporting character this season while KJPR gets LOADS of screen time. I have adored Keeley's relationship with Rebecca since season 1 but they need to figure out a way to get her back to Richmond ASAP because her entire arc is just a time suck. 

    I laughed when Nate's diorama got crushed. I've said it before and I'll say it again - I don't care about Nate, I'm not interested in a redemption arc for him, I'd be happy never to see him again. His creepy "showing up at the restaurant and peering through the window every day" did not endear me to him nor did his creating some Jack-in-the-box from hell to ask a woman on a date. 

    LOVED getting to meet Sam's father and seeing where Sam gets it from. And the team banding together to repair the restaurant? *weeps* 🤗

    All of the Richmond scenes made me giddy. Please let the show focus on THE TEAM for the remainder of the season and not these stupid side plots. Pretty please. 

    Also, more Mae. Please and thank you. 

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  7. I think I'm going to finish this season and then finally quit this show for good. They're really scraping the bottom of the barrel for storylines at this point. It's unfortunate because I really like several of the actors - it's just SO STUPID. 

    • Like 4
  8. 18 hours ago, mostlylurking said:

    I had no idea spending a night in a museum was actually a real life thing!  I too went to the Franklin Institute for a field trip and we just ended up spending more hours on the school bus then at the museum (Jersey native here). Back then they prob didn’t allow sleepovers.  The most unrealistic part was all the kids actually sleeping.  There is no way I can see that happening.

    It definitely wasn't a thing when I was a kid because I remember being VERY jealous when it did become a thing and and I was too damn old. ☹️

    • Hugs 4
  9. 3 hours ago, paramitch said:

    Now I feel like the show wants us to ship Nate with the woman who was blatantly belittling and cruel to him (and his parents) just because she could be, I guess, because... yay Nate? I don't get it.

    Is anyone really shipping Nate with anyone though? He's pretty much universally reviled so I don't know how much people care about his love life. 

    • Like 6
  10. Jacob's Ketanji Brown Jackson pajamas! 🤣

    I'm not a huge Gregory/Janine shipper, but damn, they made me swoon in this episode. I loved seeing them have an honest, mature conversation with one another and recognizing the potential repercussions to a romantic relationship going sour. 

    I haven't been to The Franklin Institute in DECADES but I was absolutely DELIGHTED that this episode was set there and that they actually filmed there. I could smell the stinky feet heart from my tv screen! 😉

    I'm going to miss this show over the next few months. 

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  11. Not sure where to put this so...

    I saw Prima Facie on Saturday night. In a word, WOW. It is incredibly intense and Jodie Comer is absolutely mesmerizing. I can't recommend it highly enough. One of the most affecting theater experiences I've ever had. 

  12. I've been to a movie theater maybe twice in the last dozen years precisely for that reason. And my most recent visit did not inspire me to take up the habit again. Sigh...

    Our cultural campus just announced the 2023-2024 season and sadly, I'm disappointed. On the 1 hand, it will represent a HUGE cost saving as I'm a subscriber, but I'm not terribly inspired by the shows. 

    Wicked, Company, Ain't Too Proud, Mrs. Doubtfire, Girl From the North Country, Frozen, Funny Girl, Mean Girls, Cirque Dreams Holidaze, Hadestown, Message in a Bottle, and Mamma Mia!


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  13. I saw the touring production of Six last week and REALLY enjoyed it. It was a ton of fun and I found the production and music really catchy and clever. 

    My only quibble was with some fellow audience members who brought 4 young children who could NOT sit still for the show despite it only being 80 minutes long. But I'm also guessing young children aren't exactly the target audience for a musical about the wives of Henry VIII despite how poppy the music is. 😒

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  14. The most satisfying moment of this episode for me was seeing Nate wandering onto the pitch following his snub of Ted and essentially standing there alone. He wasn't being mobbed by any of the players or a real part of the celebration - he was just kind of standing there by himself. 

    Karma is a bitch, you douche. 

    Yes, I am petty AF. 

    • Like 7
  15. I finally just changed my DVR recording to go 90 minutes over so I don't have to rely on On-Demand and their annoying commercials that you can't fast forward. 

    While I did like this episode more than the last couple, I was still thoroughly confused by certain plot points. Or holes, as others have pointed out. 

    I feel like the writers think they're smarter than they actually are. 

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