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Posts posted by MicheleinPhilly

  1. 19 hours ago, ProudMary said:

    RE: Music categories. 

    Is there some unwritten Academy rule that Diane Warren has to get a Best Original Song nomination nearly every year? I was hoping Lenny Kravitz would get a nomination for "Road to Freedom" from Rustin.

    Seriously. I was hoping her honorary Oscar would put a stop to that. The music branch is weird. 

    13 hours ago, blackwing said:

    I can see Ryan Gosling performing.  He has the personality to want to do it.  Bradley Cooper sang and he was also nominated the same night.  

    Ryan Gosling comes across to me as very shy and not someone who would want to draw attention to himself with a performance. Unlike Bradley. I guess we'll see but I would be very surprised if Ryan performs. 

  2. 2 hours ago, Spartan Girl said:

    I know “Just Ken” won’t win Best Song, but I don’t care as long as we get a performance at the ceremony.

    I wouldn't be at all surprised if they get someone other than Ryan to perform it similar to what they did years ago with a song from Chicago. I just can't see Ryan performing in front of that crowd. 

    But speaking of Best Song, WTF is Flamin' Hot??? And why is there ALWAYS a WTF? nomination in this category?

    • LOL 1
  3. I've always had mixed feelings on traitor recruitment. I think it adds an interesting element to the game, but I do wish they would cut it off at a certain number of contestants left in the game.

    Also, spoilers for episode 9:


    I don't know how foolproof Harry's "revealing the shield at breakfast" strategy is going to be. Doesn't Claudia always tell them that the traitors had the opportunity to recruit? Do the contestants know that if someone is recruited there is automatically no murder? I just don't think it's going to be the surefire "get the target off my back" strategy he seems to think it will be. 


  4. Episode 9 spoilers:


    So when is Jaz planning on revealing his thoughts on the traitors' identity? At the reunion??? He did this with Paul too - suspected him very early on, made 1 or 2 comments at the roundtable then zipped his lips, voted for someone else. He could win the whole thing if he wasn't such a numpty. 

    Thankfully Andrew seems to have calmed down considerably after his first disastrous day as a traitor. 

    I don't know how I feel about them recruiting Ross. He's such a non-entity. I am mildly curious to see if and how he "exacts revenge" for Diane's murder. I just don't think he's a savvy enough player to pull it off. We'll see, I guess. 


  5. 47 minutes ago, AntFTW said:

    Why did Larsa switch from Dan to CT? The flames were on Dan, and it seems that she stopped fanning those flames.

    She became fixated on the idea that 1 of the traitors has to be a big, strong alpha male based on who has been murdered so far. 

    • Like 6
  6. 10 minutes ago, AntFTW said:

    Eventually, not now.

    Sure, it isn't but they're her numbers. They are the people she trusts. Phaedra clearly knows they're not traitors, and she also knows they won't vote to banish her... at least not yet. Her clique would vote to banish everyone else before Phaedra (if ever) and that's good for Phaedra. Keeping them around helps Phaedra.

    Why would she not want to keep her friends around? That's good for her game.

    It's worked up until now but I also think she just put a bigger target on her back with Dan and Parvati. If I was them and knew that Phaedra has essentially declared the other Housewives "off limits" for murder, I'd totally throw her under the bus. Up until now, I've thought she was the most chill and skilled of the traitors. I know there are more Housewives than any other group, but you're not a literal unit. Her reaction to people speculating that at least 1 Housewife has to be a Traitor was too over the top, IMO. She should have saved it for the turret. 

    On the other hand, I also think Parvati should have let someone else raise that issue at the roundtable. It's not like no one else was thinking it. 

    • Like 12
  7. 42 minutes ago, meep.meep said:

    It seemed odd that Phaedra didn't consider that she was outnumbered and possibly not the big killer running the show.  Plus, if she wants to win, she'll have to take out all of the other housewives eventually.

    THIS. I saw a hint of this in episode 3 when she had such a strong reaction to them possibly targeting Sheree. I get that these people are your friends, but this game isn't about that. 

    I'm hoping now that the seed has been planted, more Housewives start getting banished. Mostly because I just find them annoying with the way they swan around the castle in a pack. 

    1 hour ago, peachmangosteen said:

    Yea, I don't think Dan has any idea what these people are like because he doesn't seem to keep tabs on any reality tv now. Similar to Kevin really. 

    Speaking of Kevin, WTF is Bling Empire???

    • Like 13
    • LOL 2
  8. 1 hour ago, peachmangosteen said:

    Ekin-Su seemingly not even thinking about Parvati handing her the drink when they found out the Traitors poisoned someone and Peter even wondered 'Did anyone get handed a drink' is why it's hard to not think there's some Production related shenanigans going on here. Like come on now! I guess maybe she did and it was just edited out for some reason. 

    I think the fact that after Ekin-Su sipped from the chalice, Parvati took it back and sipped from it too may have been what caused everyone to totally overlook it.

    Or Ekin-Su and everyone else in that room really is just dumb. I'm more inclined to believe the latter. But I do remember thinking to myself "Smart move" when Parvati took it back and sipped from it. 

    • Like 7
  9. This was the cattiest roundtable ever and I loved every minute of it. When Parvati called the Housewives out for having scripts...I cackled. And I've never even watched Housewives. Everything was just so ridiculous and over-the-top. And then it continued in the turret! Is it 9 p.m. yet???

    That challenge was so creepy and disturbing. If I was Ekin Su I would have puked all over the interior of that coffin. 

    Kevin, please close your mouth when you're chewing. You look like a horse. 

    • Like 13
  10. On 1/16/2024 at 2:20 PM, fastiller said:

    I feel so bad, because there was a relationship I liked for several of the recent seasons which ended off-screen and this led to another relationship where the actors just have zero chemistry.

    Nikki and Jack? I couldn't agree more. Every time they show them being romantic with each other I just roll my eyes. 

    • Like 1
  11. I am! I am! And I've been DYING for someone to pipe up on this board so I could talk about it. Will also spoiler tag...


    I was actually thinking that Miles had done enough at the roundtable to flip the script and oust Paul. Or maybe that was just wishful thinking on my part. While I enjoyed Paul at the beginning, he has just gotten WAY too cocky for my liking. If a traitor is winning, I hope that Harry takes it all. 

    I found that challenge to be disturbing and creepy AF. If I was Ross, I probably would have had a panic attack. I definitely would have if I was in a coffin. 

    @waving feather Have you been watching the Uncloaked show after each episode? I'm loving that. 


    • Like 2
  12. On 1/14/2024 at 9:21 AM, Michichick said:

    I’m glad Dan made it through, but I think his days are numbered.

    🎯 I don't know if it is just the editors cherry-picking clips to show us but he comes across as shady and nervous and fidgety AF. Like ALL THE TIME. And I don't think he did himself any favors with his roundtable speech. You knew you were going to get called out and that's the best you could come up with? "This is just my personality." I predict he'll get the boot sooner rather than later and I will laugh. It's always the ones that declare themselves as made to be a traitor that make shitty traitors. 

    I also don't really understand his logic in making the murder decisions (because it seems to me, he's totally in charge of that). OK, you want to get out people that you think may suss you out, but you're also eliminating people who have been valuable in contributing to the prize pot. Don't you want to win as much money as you can? 

    • Like 8
  13. While the sweeps were predictable and a bit boring, overall I thought this was a great show. It moved at a good clip and I appreciated the reunions and some of the surprise presenters (most notably Christina Applegate and Marla Gibbs). I actually enjoyed Mama Anderson because I hate when people ramble on incessantly. I only saw a handful of those "so-and-so would like to thank XYZ" chyrons and wish more shows would do this/more nominees would submit lists. 

    My favorite win of the night was easily Quinta's because I love her and Abbott and hey, someone who actually makes me LAUGH won a comedy award. As I said before, I love The Bear but it has no business being in the comedy category. Hell, I laughed more during Beef and The White Lotus than I've ever laughed during The Bear. 

    How often does this Academy admit new members? Is it every year like the Oscars? I feel like some fresh blood in the voting pool would make things much more interesting. There was absolutely no reason for every single person that appeared on screen in The White Lotus to be nominated. I felt the same way about all of Ted Lasso's nominations (particularly in the guest categories.) 

    Curious to see how 2024 shakes out given that several shows are retired/won't have aired and anything that does air will have a truncated season. 

    • Like 3
  14. On 1/13/2024 at 4:14 PM, Thalia said:

      I loved Maks standing up for Peppermint.  And Trishelle, it is a game after all and you have to have some reason to vote someone out.   But you had been arguing against Peppermint from almost the first moment. 

    I'm pissed that her shit stirring worked. I can't remember which of the other contestants pointed it out but that whole conversation was a huge nothing burger. I've only seen Trashelle on her initial season of The Real World (which is the season that caused me to finally tap out) but I can't STAND her. Is this what she does for a living - flit from one reality show to another to manufacture "drama"? 

    And I get it - Peppermint didn't do herself any favors in the kitchen but at this early stage when they have no real evidence against anyone, I wish they would just focus on voting for people that are annoying. 

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