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Posts posted by MicheleinPhilly

  1. 16 hours ago, Simba122504 said:

    Why didn't Malcolm Jamal Warner ever ask for a lawyer?  He's a hard working family man who owns a small business and a nice home. Wouldn't he know to contact an attorney after the Detective visits him?  Even his wife tells him to turn himself in,  not hire an attorney. But religion played a big role in the episode for a reason.  It blinds people. 

    I think there is also sadly a belief for far too many people that they feel like "I'm telling the truth, I'm doing the right thing" that they don't need a lawyer. Many people assume that if they just tell the truth, everything will work out just fine and dandy for them. 

    Hell no! If a cop knocked on my door and said they were taking me in for stealing a Snickers bar from the local store (I haven't done that, BTW), I'm calling a lawyer! 

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  2. What didn't ring true for me in this episode was the supposition that Evil Nurse was now somehow a substitute mother for Matt and Danny. Why is Matt living with her where she is presumably poisoning him? Are there no grandparents or aunts and uncles in the picture? 

    Also did dumb dumb Daddy-O leave her everything in his will? Did he not have a will (highly unlikely given he has kids and is relatively well off)? Did he not ensure his children would be taken of, particularly after they had very tragically and painfully lost their mother? 


  3. 16 hours ago, aradia22 said:

    Sorry for being lazy. This was on my list of shows I saw but didn't get around to reviewing. I might still do it at some point.

    The short version is that the production was mostly competent as a showcase for the actors but failed in its overarching concept. It's strongest if you treat it as a concert with nontraditional casting. That said, taking a quick look at the tour cast, they replaced most of the Broadway cast and some of the few holdovers have been promoted to more prominent roles. Thus, I cannot recommend it so you can see a certain performances. You would be gambling on the casting director's choices. If there's something better, I would swap unless you like a particular actor in the touring cast. https://www.1776musical.com/

    He Plays the Violin, Momma Look Sharp, Molasses to Rum

    I appreciate your insight! 

    I "think" the only thing I can swap it for at this point would be Beetlejuice, but the website has been down for a week due to a cyber attack so I can't confirm it. 

  4. As someone who has been to Philly's airport many MANY times, I can confirm that there are sit down restaurants but unless I'm actually catching a flight, I'm not trekking down there to eat at them. And no, Mr. Johnson, Chickie's & Pete's does NOT have the best lobster roll in Philly. 

    At the end of the episode, I kept hoping that Gary would tell Melissa that he made a reservation somewhere so that Melissa could give her Barclay Prime reservation to Barbara. 

    • Like 2
  5. Saw "Come From Away" in Philly last week and freaking loved it. I was obviously familiar with the real life story but went into the show totally blind. I've already re-watched it on Apple TV. Just utterly lovely. 

    I have upcoming tickets for "1776" but I'm wavering on whether I actually want to go. Reviews both here and in the press, have not been kind and I've heard it's a bit of slog. I'm debating swapping my ticket for something else. 

    What would you do? 

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  6. 3 hours ago, StatisticalOutlier said:

    I'm assuming you meant to add, "Present company excepted, of course."

    My understanding is that it's notable because it's the first time a company called out a competitor by name in an ad.  The lawsuit got settled and there's no written decision or law flowing from it.

    I can see why Gellar would be deposed, but I'm not sure why she would be named in the lawsuit.  I'm guessing it was a procedural matter, since it's unlikely they included her because she had deeper pockets than Burger King and the ad agency, and her culpability would seem low.

     My apologies, counselor! 😉

  7. I don't think I even knew how to tie my shoes at 5. 

    I'd be curious to hear how the case study is presented in classes and I'm not sure what McDonald's motivation could be for including the 5 year old who appeared in the commercial instead of simply Burger King and its ad agency. 🙄

    I was also struck by how she hates when people remind her just how long it has been since Buffy. I absolutely HATE all of these "30 years since the release of X" commemorations. I know I'm old - I don't need you to remind me of that, damn it! 

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  8. I'll sit at the olds table with all of you. 

    I don't even bother to watch the Grammys or any other music awards shows anymore because I've never heard of 85% of the performers/nominees. I have my artists that I like and support but unless I know that they're performing, I don't bother with the shows. 

    I'm indifferent re: Beyonce as a solo artist but I loved me some Destiny's Child back in the day and I don't think I've ever heard a Harry Styles song in full. 👵

    Fandom these days frightens me. Can you imagine if social media had been around during the days of New Edition vs. New Kids on the Block vs. Menudo??? Bloodshed. 😉

    • Like 10
  9. Just now, slowpoked said:

    I think it will be more of a mess if the Academy decides to rescind her nomination than just leaving things be. I would think that IF violations were to be found, people involved would probably get away with a warning, fine or suspension. 

    I really can't see them rescinding her nomination and don't think they should at all. If Will Smith can bitch slap Chris Rock and then win and keep his Oscar, Andrea's nomination should be allowed to stand. 

    Also who knew Frances Fisher was a member of the Academy and an apparently influential one at that? 🤷‍♀️

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  10. 1 minute ago, BetterButter said:

    This is all so ridiculous. The Oscars are a subjective contest - she didn't dope and then go on to win the Tour de France. 

    As others have noted, the major studios and their strategists are pissed that they played the game the way they have always played it and something that did not follow that script broke through. 

    I know Will Smith hosted several screenings of Emancipation for his close friends, many of whom are Academy voters. Setting aside the fact that he is persona non grata with the Academy and it didn't move the needle at all, should he be "reprimanded" too? 

    • Like 4
  11. 3 minutes ago, sugarbaker design said:

    I definitely believe him to be that dumb, and I also believe he craved to be the center of attention.

    THIS. He drew way too much attention to himself with his inability to STFU. When he introduced himself as a veteran, I was confident he would be able to blend in and observe the dynamics without drawing too much attention to himself. He did the exact opposite. 

    • Like 5
  12. One of the most egregious recent examples for me was Rooney Mara being nominated for Supporting Actress for Carol. Yes, Cate is the bigger star and the movie was CALLED Carol, but in my opinion, the movie was 100% Therese's (Mara's) story. 

    And I've never looked at screen time or anything like that, but they were both so obviously co-leads, the category fraud was ridiculous. 

    And I'm still salty that Mara lost to Alicia Vikander. 

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