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Posts posted by MicheleinPhilly

  1. In the previews I kept assuming that the quote from Dasha in the hospital was "These girls are barbarians" referring to Eve and Villanelle. 

    But when I re-watched with CC on she actually said:

    "Have you had haggis?"

    "These Scots are barbarians." 

    And I belly laughed.

    • LOL 2
  2. 29 minutes ago, stealinghome said:

    Some good news on Killing Eve's fourth season from one of the EPs--maybe we won't have to wait until 2022 after all! From this interview:



    Re: what was the point of Rhiannon, I think it was a couple things.

    1) If she's going to be Villanelle's last kill for a while, killing her was symbolic of Villanelle's severing ties with The Twelve through the very act the T12 groomed her for. This is the most obvious and textual interpretation--Villanelle rejecting T12 (and perhaps hinting that she will start proactively hunting/killing them at some point in the future--they will be the architects of their own downfall by creating the person who will take them down).

    2) At the same time, I also think it was Villanelle rejecting that part of herself--the one who was a "sheep" and just followed orders blindly without asking questions while fooling herself that she was in control. By killing Rhiannon, she was killing that past version of herself that Rhiannon represented. Represents her emotional growth and change in character throughout the season.

    3) I also think it served to demonstrate why T12 has been relatively lenient where Villanelle is concerned (which many posters here have been puzzled by). V took out T12's "hot young assassin thang" like yesterday's garbage. It served to show that when V is on her game, she really is head and shoulders above any other assassins. You don't throw away a potential asset like that, especially if you figure at the end of the day she will always come back to you.


    I don't know whether we should make a Season 4 speculation thread in order to fanwank our way through the next year but I'm guessing that your first point will be the essence of season 4. 

    Something else that I noticed with the Rhiannon kill is that she was back to her old, lethal self. V has been a bit sloppy this season letting her emotions get the best of her and suddenly she has one mini-date with Eve and she's back in fine form without a scratch on her. 

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  3. I typically do a re-watch before posting my thoughts but for some inexplicable reason this episode is still not showing up on my Amazon account or On-Demand. 

    Again an episode that was at least co-written by Laura Neal felt like a return to form in what has admittedly been a choppy season, plot wise. I feel like Laura is the writer who best understands these characters and is writing most similarly to Phoebe Waller-Bridge which makes me ridiculously excited to see where she takes them in season 4. In 2024 or whenever we'll get it. Damn 'rona. 😞 

    I would like the Television Academy to just engrave the Best Supporting Actress in a Drama statue with the name "Fiona Shaw" now, please and thank you. I'm still not over the fact that Geraldine sucked up so much screen time this season for no reason other than TO ANNOY THE EVERLOVING CRAP OUT OF ME but Gemma Whelan was a magnificent screen partner for Fiona. I was waiting for Geraldine to come strolling into the room at Paul's house so they could reveal that she had served some purpose other than being a gullible git who was duped into allowing Konstantin to eavesdrop on her mother. 

    One reason I'm looking forward to a re-watch is to examine the scene in the hospital between Dasha and Konstantin more closely. Is there some sort of pressure point in the hand that can immediately induce death? The camera work in that scene leads me to believe that he somehow hastened her inevitable demise but I'm still on the fence about that. 

    The humor in this episode was just first rate. From Villanelle at Bitter Pill to Talullah Shark to Villanelle and Eve being utter children, I laughed A LOT. While both Sandra and Jodie are phenomenal dramatic actresses, they are both natural comediennes and I love when the show takes advantage of both skill sets. 

    The dance and the bridge. WHOO BOY! I don't even know if I can fully process either yet but I am fully in the "how romantic" camp and I don't care how ridiculous it is, I swooned. I have no idea how any of this will work in season 4 and I don't expect to see 8 episodes of V&E snuggled up on the couch watching movies and eating spaghetti together but the knowledge that these 2 idiots finally had a conversation about their feelings that didn't involve grievous bodily harm will sustain me through the interminable hiatus. 

    • Love 10
  4. 7 hours ago, Arkay said:

    My brain is on quarantine. I truly cannot recall what it was, but it was something specific at the time that made it seem like it was Konstantin. Maybe something with the timing, but I just don't remember. 


    In that first episode Konstantin receives a takeout food order with a menu inside. Something to the effect of "Time to go fishing" was handwritten on the menu. Now that could mean several things but Kenny then died like 10 minutes later so that's immediately where my brain went. 

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  5. 4 hours ago, tennisgurl said:

    We so called that inevitable heart attack for Konstantin, but I am actually a bit surprised that he survived, as well as Dasha surviving her Eve stomp down. So many almost deaths this season, I half expect Kenny to come walking in the door with a big band-aid on his head!

    This actually made me spit water all over myself so thanks for the reminder to change my t-shirt more frequently than I have been. 🙂

    • LOL 7
  6. 21 hours ago, stealinghome said:

    Yeah I didn’t get that from the episode. What I got was that Helene wanted the golfer dead, but V’s plan all along (with Konstantin) was to take out Dasha, hence why she asked Helene if she could bring Dasha on the mission.

    I'm with you on this. The golfer was the target and Villanelle and Konstantin saw it as the perfect opportunity to take Dasha out and facilitate their "escape" from The Twelve as evidenced by the fact that she had arranged for him to pick her up outside of the golf course after the fact. 

    • Love 14
  7. 9 hours ago, Cranberry said:

    Laura Neal wrote this episode and also the third episode of this season. She's next season's showrunner, which is pretty exciting to me as I feel she has the best grasp on the characters out of all the current writers.

    THIS. This was probably my favorite episode of the season. It had the same wit and spark that made me fall in love with it in the first place. 

    I found it incredibly interesting to watch Villanelle sort of fall apart and lose what made her such a brilliant asset in the first place while simultaneously seeing Irina (and in a way, Eve) sort of harden into what Villanelle used to be. 

    I literally cheered when Villanelle clubbed Dasha and was grinning wildly when Eve was stepping on her because I just think she is a vile human being. At least when V was paired with Konstantin you saw some real affinity and affection between them. I so wish Eve had been able to finish the job. 

    I had absolutely assumed that Konstantin was a goner. I had seen photos of the Liverpool Street station scene months ago (damn nosy Instagrammers) and have been dreading it all season but am glad that at least for now, he appears to be okay. Kim Bodnia's laugh alone is like a big, warm comfort blanket. 

    Still completely over Geraldine and don't care if I ever see her again. What a waste of a character. Yes, I think she has played an important role in fleshing out Carolyn's character but she continues to suck up too much screen time. 

    I am genuinely excited for the finale but know that I will be bereft that we will likely have to wait until 2022 to see how this is all going to shake out. 

    • Love 9
  8. 14 hours ago, kieyra said:

    Heck, I wanted him to live a happy life with the dark-haired fellow teacher that V murdered last season ...

    Oh gosh, I found her to be SUPREMELY annoying - NEEEEEEKOOOO! - but I too wish that they had just let him be. Show them talking at the facility and him telling Eve that he deserves more than her and then let him be. 

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  9. 15 hours ago, kieyra said:


    Irina?! I don’t know. She and V are fun to watch but I didn’t need to see her flip over into cold blooded murder. Konstantin and Carolyn really are, respectively, the worst parents ever. 

    That just seemed like a ridiculous plot point for shock value. On the one hand I can see how it would happen - Irina hates that her father dotes on Villanelle and seems to spend more time caring for her than for Irina - but it also didn't help that Irina was missing for so much of the series so we never got to see her devolution into little psycho. 

    Not saying that I want to see that - I think the show is beginning to get crushed under the weight of all of these ancillary characters but it just seemed to come out of left field and not in a good way like Kenny's murder. (Not saying Kenny's murder was a good thing just that it was integral to the story.) 

    • Love 6
  10. 3 hours ago, ElectricBoogaloo said:


    It was revealed during their drive. 

    Carolyn: What did you want with my child?
    Konstantin: I swear, I tried nothing. She kissed me!
    Carolyn: Geraldine kissed you?

    I re-watched and was still not prepared for how much that grossed me out. The MUCH more interesting aspect of that conversation IMO was Kenny wondering if Konstantin was his father because frankly that idea had never occurred to me. 

    • Love 2
  11. 23 minutes ago, stealinghome said:

    Kenny’s query to Konstantin coupled with Geraldine kissing Konstantin is also icky because if Konstantin was potentially Kenny’s father, wouldn’t that mean he could also potentially be Geraldine’s?!?! Squick ahoy.


    Wait, when did we learn that Geraldine kissed Konstantin? See this is why I fell asleep - self-preservation! #gross

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  12. I actually fell asleep during this episode which has literally never happened before. But even on re-watch I can see why I did. 

    I miss Eve. I miss her cat and mouse with Villanelle. I miss her with anyone other than the Bitter Pill guys. I just miss her. Please bring her back to me, show. 

    I am so beyond over Geraldine. At this point I don't even care if she is a part of The Twelve or working with Konstantin, I just find her to be an irritant that takes away from screen time that could be better spent on Eve and Villanelle. I find her to be whiny and annoying and I really don't care what role she will inevitably be revealed to be playing in all of this. 

    Curious as to what Villanelle thinks is awaiting her beyond the assassin life but think it's another brilliant bit of characterization for her as it further hints at her craving for "normalcy." 

    Seriously hoping Eve pitchforks Dasha and leaves a note saying, "Unlike you, I can finish the job, bitch." 

    • LOL 4
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  13. 1 hour ago, kieyra said:

    Just throwing it out there, but back in season 1 V pointed out more than once that it was weird that Konstantin had never slept with her. This seems like it could be a hint that he's her real father. This season he mentioned that he'd seen pictures of her when she was a baby. 

    This episode makes it clear that V remembers her father, though--but I suppose there's no guarantee that the man she remembers was her 'real' father.

    I haven't picked up much from Dasha about V's past. 

    I've always been under the impression that Konstantin recruited her from prison and Dasha trained her. 

    But I do think there is more there in terms of her relationship with Konstantin. I mean, why would you see a baby picture of an assassin you recruited? And how would he have gotten access to it? Perhaps from the orphanage? *shrugs* 

    I'm cautiously optimistic that we are going to get some additional insight into her relationship with Konstantin in these last 3 episodes. 

    • Love 5
  14. 14 hours ago, nameless slob said:


    This reminded me that Villanelle cried during an episode on season 1, I believe it was season one.

    In the end of the episode, the one where she beats up a woman on the bathroom of a club and Konstantin drags her out.

    I remember she was crying looking in the mirror and smiling as well from the fact she was indeed crying and actually  feeling something.

    That was in season 2 in Amsterdam after Eve didn't come to "see" her pig kill. Carolyn sent Jess instead.

    But she also did shed tears in season 1 (at Eve's kitchen table and with Konstantin when she broke into his house). With Eve there was a certain amount of manipulation with the tears but I think some of them were genuine. Which is why I find her expressions of emotion when taken as a whole across 3 seasons to be so fascinating. Thus far we know the only people to "get to her" are her family, Konstantin, and Eve.  

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  15. 16 minutes ago, Arkay said:

    I'm not sure if, when she told her mother that she DID cry when she was a girl, if that was a heartfelt memory or a manipulative act. 

    I think this a really interesting thing to consider because we've seen Villanelle be confronted with the idea that she "doesn't feel anything" and I've always wondered what sort of defense mechanisms she is employing and why. I have certainly noticed a pattern this season of her being more outwardly emotional. 

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  16. I was initially skeptical when I heard about this episode because I had read far too many "first 5 episodes" reviews that basically said this one brought everything to a screeching halt. Which yes, it does but I also thought it offered so much in terms of characterization. 

    I had also spent too much time theorizing on whether Konstantin was setting her up with a "fake family" just to appease her so I was pleasantly surprised to have been way off on that one. 

    I think it has been clear from series 1 that Villanelle craves a certain sense of normalcy and connection but given her psychopathy doesn't quite know what that looks like or how to achieve it. You see her over the course of the few days slowly beginning to let her guard down and relax into the zaniness and connect with Bor'ka but then her mother just brings her crashing back to Earth in one fell swoop. 

    When her mother told her "You're not a child" and she responded "I want to feel like one" was the moment everything in this episode clicked for me. Those last 10 minutes were devastating and beautiful in equal measure and I'm excited to see how this affects Villanelle going forward. Will she continue grasping for "normalcy" and connection or will this turn her into an even more ruthless killer who is not solely motivated by money or instructions but by instinct or *gasp* feelings? 


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  17. 12 hours ago, BellyLaughter said:

    So The 12 don't want Villanelle distracted by Eve (who is currently investigating them in connection to Kenny's death.... are they unaware that Eve is doing this?)  Dasha was told to get rid of the distraction and she thinks the best way to do that is lure Eve to Poland and pretend to be Villanelle and kill Niko...maybe it's just me but that makes ZERO sense....Dasha just metaphorically held a red rag to a bull...

    I'm officially confused.

    It's not just you. Why do The Twelve think that killing Niko would somehow make Eve and V less fascinated with each other? Was it supposed to be a warning signal to Eve? If they had done any homework on Eve AT ALL, they would know that witnessing someone's death, even if it is someone she loved or cared for deeply (i.e. Bill, Kenny) isn't going to get her to back off, it's only going to fuel her obsession with unwinding the mystery of The Twelve more. 

    • Love 4
  18. 2 hours ago, tennisgurl said:

    That was freaking brutal, oh my God! Niko wasn't a character that I particularly liked, and I thought that he had run his course as a character on the show, but no way did he deserve that! Killing him off, especially in that manner right in front of Eve, seemed really gratuitous to me. This is presumably to lead to Eve wanting to take down the bad guys even more, or blame Villanelle or team up with her again, but this just seems like something they wanted to do for the sake of being shocking. It seems so unnecessary, especially because Kenny's death is still so recent and that did a lot of what killing off Niko would do in the narrative, and was just done for the sake of drama. They could have easily just given Niko and Eve one last chat to give them some closure, then he could have gone to Poland and he never would be seen again, this seems almost mean spirited. Its like they just want to get rid of as much of the supporting cast as they could, and they cant think of any way to do it except for killing them off in increasingly brutal ways. 



    Completely agree with this. I would have been fine if the last we had seen of Niko was during Eve's conversation with him at the facility in episode 1. Even though I as a viewer have found myself thinking, "Ugh, why are you still here?" it just felt like a cheap ploy. 

    • Love 3
  19. On 5/3/2020 at 5:14 AM, RealReality said:

    LOL, they were building this when I worked downtown.  I kept wishing it would open.  There are so many noire, old Hollywood settings, especially if you walk in some of the "less desirable" areas because no one has gotten hold of those buildings yet to tear them down.  

    Sometimes I just liked walking around.  It's not a great area, but in my experience if you're not looking for trouble, it's the middle of the day and you're not looking like a mark, no one will bother you.  Most people there do not want to bring on police scrutiny.  

    Oh my gosh. I used to work in downtown LA and the trolley was a distant memory at the time. I used to hoof it up and down those stairs every day. When I started watching this show I was like, "Really? REALLY? A damn trolley? I wish!" 🙂

    • LOL 1
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  20. 4 minutes ago, roughing it said:

    But isn't that the point?  Eve and Nico's marriage was struggling, Eve was bored and looking for excitement that had left her.  So no wonder there was no chemistry between her and Nico.  They'd lost that lovin' feeling, otherwise known as chemistry.

    Well sure. But I mean that I've NEVER seen any chemistry between the two of them. So it wasn't hard for me as a viewer to sort of dismiss him as "dead weight." Overall he was a very bland character which I suppose makes sense for purposes of fleshing out Eve and her boredom. Like even in series one when he was dragging her to bridge games all I could think was, "Ugh, kill me now." 🙂

  21. On 5/3/2020 at 11:41 PM, stealinghome said:

    Wow, they really ARE clearing the decks character-wise, but in a much more gruesome way than I expected!!!! Poor Niko. I'm glad he's off the show--we've way, way outgrown him at this point--but the poor man didn't deserve that end. I would have been okay if he had just disappeared and never returned. Eve is going to eat herself up with guilt, and honestly rightfully so; she signed his death warrant several times over by refusing to get out of the spy world. I'm calling it now though: Eve's second kill is going to be Dasha. She's going to find out that Dasha killed Niko and snap, given that she has basically nothing left to lose. It certainly seems like the writers want her to be at the absolute end of her rope for the season's second half, and I can only assume that's because we are headed for something BIG for her. (Also, Eve, honey...instead of collapsing dramatically to the ground, maybe run after the person who just impaled Niko????) Also, my second guess for Dasha's death is Villanelle, if she discovers Dasha tried to turn Eve against her.

    Villanelle's stuff was boring and predictable this episode. I'm not sure how they managed that, given that Villanelle is such a dynamic character, but there you go. Whoever the writers are this season, they really don't have a very good handle on her. Very interested in her going "home" next week though, given that she's clearly hankering for some connections (she was kinda enjoying the game with the grieving lady I thought). And with that said, I do love that she sent Eve a bus birthday cake. Now that was a classic Villanelle move. (And I did crack up at Eve tossing the cake over the roof. Oh Eve, you're still obsessed, just own it and move on. I did enjoy her talking to the bear too.)

    It certainly seems like the show is setting Konstantin up to die soon--trying to serve a bunch of different masters feels like it's catching up to him--but I do hope they don't kill him off. He remains, other than Eve, by far Villanelle's best scene partner, and I would argue that Villanelle/Konstantin is, after Eve/Villanelle, the best dynamic on the show. The return of Irina was pretty anticlimactic though, and cliche. I have wanted the character back but this was underwhelming. She was every pissy, surly teenager on TV ever.

    Glad we got a little look into The Twelve and how they operate. Wouldn't mind more going forward at all, but hopefully it's not quite as cliche/poorly sketched out.

    These people were able to trot all over Europe in about 5 seconds. Can I get their time warp capabilities???

    Boy, Carolyn is a shit mother. Her stuff also felt perfunctory tonight. What did it really tell us that we didn't already know?

    I don't mind the Bitter Pill guys, but I still don't understand why they exist other than because the writers have no one else for Eve to hang out with or talk to. I liked Eve getting brutally honest with the dollar discount Idris Elba guy though--that's more honest than she's been in a long time. Also, Kenny's ex is so obviously shady at this point. The camera made a point of having her hovering in the background of all the office scenes.

    Overall, this was a weird episode--it felt both like a lot and nothing happened. There was obviously a lot of setup for the second half of the season, but no real movement forward. The pacing thus far has been really off. Also off was the sound mixing (again)--I think I missed half the dialogue and will need to rewatch for sure.

    ETA: oh, and I totally want to know why Geraldine lied to Carolyn about Konstantin coming over.


    I've never been a huge Niko fan but this just seemed like an unnecesary, shock kill. I mean, I know why they did it within the context of the show but do they actually think that Eve is going to believe that Villanelle killed him? I know she has shown some questionable behavior in the past but I don't think she is stupid. And I for one am rooting for her to kill Dasha in revenge. Also, Eve and Jamie (is that his name?) had more chemistry in one 4 minute scene than Eve and Niko did in 2.5 seasons. 

    I thought Villanelle came across as very cartoonish in this episode. I'm not saying that I didn't laugh and enjoy it but it seemed kind of out of character for her. I think perhaps I'm just not used to her being so transparent with her emotions. She has always come across as somewhat robotic so to see her emote so openly was a bit jarring. 

    I need for Geraldine to have a purpose other than demonstrating how bad of a mother Carolyn is. Basically I need them to start showing me what purpose all of these new characters they have introduced have within the larger storyline. Because right now they just feel like filler to me. 

    Also really hope Sandra Oh doesn't get overlooked for any award consideration this year. She has been KILLING IT. 

    • Love 2
  22. 44 minutes ago, dubbel zout said:

    The baby couldn't identify Villanelle, so there was no reason to kill it. As psychopathic as Villanelle is, she's very pragmatic about her kills. Either it's because she's being paid to do it or there's a strategic reason for it. She doesn't kill random people just because she can.

    THIS. I think harming the baby would have been a bridge too far. I view Villanelle's kills (with the exception of Bill) in the same way that I viewed Dexter's - they're inherently terrible people, at least those we've been given any information on, so really in a way she's doing a public service*.

    *insert obligatory disclaimer about not condoning murder or admiring actual psychopaths IRL*

    • LOL 1
  23. On 4/28/2020 at 10:07 AM, Ms Blue Jay said:

    What happened to Villanelle's wife?

    Well if she had any sense she got the heck outta Dodge after that disastrous wedding reception. 

    I don't think she was introduced as a "real character" - it was more a way for them to show that a. Villanelle had moved on and was SO OVER Eve (sarcasm font) and b. introduce Dasha. I mean even though V referred to her as Maria, IMDB has her credited as "Spanish wife." I don't think it was ever intended that she would be a major or recurring character.

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