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Posts posted by MicheleinPhilly

  1. This was easily the best episode of the series thus far for me but I feel like the bar is rather low. I still find it all rather silly but it's an okay enough summer diversion. 

    I would like to see them delve deeper into Carmel's psyche a bit because right now I'm getting a whole lot of "unreliable narrator" vibe from her. There's no way she and Masha weren't aware of one another beforehand so it came across as pretty cheesy to me that they dropped this bombshell out of the blue. 

    Everyone just needs to get the hell out of there ASAP, especially the Marconis. 

    • Love 3
  2. I've only just finished this and feel like I may need to re-visit as a binge as my sporadic viewing left a lot to be desired. 

    I enjoyed this a LOT more than many others but some of that may have been attributable to my time as an admin assistant to the Dean of our college of Arts and Sciences when I was an undergrad. I was able to witness so many of these shenanigans close up and it was almost scary how well Amanda Peet translated it here. I'm familiar with Peet as an actress but don't know anything else about her so I'm curious as to how she was able to pull this off. 

    I adore Sandra Oh and would watch a season of The Bachelor if she was on but I actually felt like she was somehow under-utilized here (again, a binge may be in order.) Not in terms of screen time, but how every single thing she did seemed to revolve around fucking Bill. 🙄 I loathed Bill with the fire of a thousand suns and hated to see this seemingly professionally competent woman derailed at every turn by this disheveled buffoon. Admin isn't for everyone and I was thrilled to see her so in her element teaching at the end, so maybe it was a blessing in disguise? 🤷‍♀️

    JuJu is a budding psychopath. Ji-Yoon should just give her to Bill and pay them to move away. 

    Holland Taylor was the show's MVP for me. 

    I really enjoyed the explorations of ageism, sexism, racism, cancel culture, etc. but feel like the show gave those topics short shrift in this 30-minute, 6-episode format. I would 100% follow this for a second season but feel that it wrapped up nicely enough and isn't necessarily needed. 

    • Love 5
  3. I hate Rosie O in this role. With the exception of A League of Their Own, I've never thought she was a particularly good actress and I think she and Laurel Holloman have ZERO chemistry. 

    I feel like they keep hitting us over the head with these anvils that Bette and Tina are the OTP (and I wholeheartedly agree!) and so I wish they would just get on with it. Stop with the placeholder girlfriends for both of them. 

    As an OG lover, I still find it hard to care about anyone that isn't Bette, Shane, Alice, Tina, or Angie. And was I supposed to be pleased by the return of Arquette? (I forget her actual name and her character's name.) She was such a non-entity in the original. Give me Sarah Shahi, damn it! 

    • Love 2
  4. I've always found Michael Shannon to be kind of creepy - probably that Bug movie I saw with him and Ashley Judd years ago - so seeing him play this dorky dad has been a little off-putting. I mean he's doing it well but there is a disconnect for me. 

    I think the show may have benefited from doing, what are they called, bottle episodes? Capsule episodes? Where they focus primarily on 1 character or family each week. But then I guess we wouldn't get Melissa and Bobby each week which frankly is what has been sustaining me. 

    I totally laughed when Masha thought that Zoe seeing her brother was evidence of some breakthrough. Countless people who have lost loved ones have experiences where they "see" or "talk" to that person. It's a well-documented psychological coping mechanism so this idea that Masha thought she played any part in it was 🙄.

    I'm still thoroughly perplexed as to what the influencer couple is doing there. Is it to revive their sex life? OK, mission accomplished. I'm not familiar with either of the actors but their characters just seem like filler to me. 

  5. On 9/2/2021 at 3:01 AM, Daff said:

    Happy Surprise! Went away for the weekend, returned to find Britbox offering Vera-Season 11. New episodes air every Tuesday! Same old Vera, opening with her leaving her house, eating, drinking coffee. As she approaches her vehicle, she takes one last bite, tosses remainder in the encroaching tall grass. Then, one more swig of coffee (or, tea?), dumps remainder at her feet, tosses the cup in the back of the vehicle! 

    SAME! I actually squealed out loud when I got the email notification from BritBox. I've so missed her. 

    • Love 2
  6. On 8/27/2021 at 12:13 PM, Nellise said:

    She's an executive producer on the last few series she's done so I'm guessing she's choosing these for herself mostly.

    BINGO. She's also been optioning the books these series are based on precisely for the purpose of developing into series. 

    I remember hearing that she had optioned this novel before it was even published (I believe she and Liane are friends). I don't think I knew that she intended to play Masha though. 

    I'd like them to dig more into the psyches of each of the guests as individuals because for me, what I've seen thus far from Melissa, Bobby, Michael, and Regina have been the highlights. I'm more interested in learning about them and their issues than the "intrigue" of Masha. 

    • Love 2
  7. I read this when it was first published and HATED it so my expectations are low. I'm tuning in mainly for the actors. And given how they changed things from book to series with Big Little Lies, I'm hoping they do the same here. 

    I think Nicole Kidman is a great actress and I normally gravitate to her projects but I find her to be woefully miscast here. There is nothing about her in this first episode that would compel me to sign myself over to her for 10 days regardless of how beautiful a retreat it is.

    I did laugh though at the disparity between Melissa McCarthy's room and Michael Shannon's considering he went on and on about how they received a super discount. Indeed. 🤣

    I recognized the theme song immediately as it was used in a very pivotal scene in Killing Eve. Speaking of KE, Nicole should chat up Jodie Comer for how to convincingly do a Russian accent. 

    I will 100% follow this through to the end given the caliber of the talent, but I'm not expecting greatness. YET.

    • Love 2
  8. 19 hours ago, izabella said:

    It's not enough for all the lives she helped ruin.  She was a willing abuser and sex trafficker.

    I completely agree. I do think her cooperation helped her in terms of the length of her sentence. I wasn't confident that she would spend more than a few months in prison so 3 years was a welcome surprise for me. 

    • Love 3
  9. I don't exactly think this episode was necessary for us as viewers, but it was very satisfying seeing the victims get closure.

    Watching the video from his cell and then seeing his "performance" during his court appearances was INFURIATING. I hope he lives for a long, long time. 

    • Love 4
  10. On 5/14/2021 at 5:56 PM, Bastet said:

    The stories seemed curated to show how they have to handle loved ones and bystanders in addition to the patients.  They're a hell of a lot better at it than I'd be, that's for sure.

    YES. And that woman with the overdose patient. "You need to give him mouth-to-mouth!", "Do you want me to squeeze the airbag?" Um, no. Just stay over there. 

    • Love 2
  11. On 5/14/2021 at 3:28 PM, Kromm said:

    If they were actually the 87 most qualified people, it might make sense.  But that's never been a requirement with the ultra-sleazy HFPA.  It's more been "who had the connections to get a bunch of free, all expenses paid, vacations every year". 

    BINGO. In reading about the inner workings of the HFPA this year, I was a bit surprised to learn that a large percentage of them aren't even working journalists and they get paid to sit on various HFPA "committees" that seem to serve no purpose whatsoever. Hell, I'd like to join the HFPA. 

    • LOL 1
  12. 18 hours ago, Hiyo said:

    “Stars and studios have willingly played this game for years.”

    Oh yeah. Back in 2010/2011 there was chatter about The Tourist getting nominated for its awards due to a special screening or something like that.

    The Tourist's nominations were a total headscratcher. I always just assumed they were to ensure that Angelina Jolie and Johnny Depp would show up at the ceremony. The HFPA are MAJOR star-f***ers. 

    • Love 2
  13. 18 minutes ago, Hiyo said:

    Seems like PR work from the studios and talent agencies to try and edit themselves out of the narrative that they were very active and willing participants in the corruption deals with the HFPA.

    Of course they were. I can't recall if it was discussed in this thread and I'm too lazy to go back and look, but just this year the HFPA was treated to a luxury junket compliments of the team behind Emily in Paris. Stars and studios have willingly played this game for years. 

    • Love 1
  14. This article contains some interesting tidbits from talent managers and publicists: https://www.vanityfair.com/hollywood/2021/05/golden-globes-cancel-nbc-hfpa


    One executive who has dealt extensively with the HFPA told Vanity Fair: “Through the years, there were things like, ‘Can you read this script?’ Or an inappropriate comment. Those kind of things, people just kinda put up with.” 


    Their press conferences are renowned for awkward questions that spark arguments with each other. They sometimes come off more like pushy fans than journalists, asking for photos and autographs and uncomfortable favors.


    A top talent rep describes how publicists prepare clients who are new to the HFPA: “This is what we tell all of them: ‘You won’t believe this, but the Golden Globes are decided by, like, 80 weirdos. They’re going to fight with each other and say weird things. Just pretend they’re a crazy aunt or uncle. Patronize them, and don’t worry—none of these interviews get seen anyway.’”


    “They'll fly around the globe for Angry Birds, but they walked out on The Hate U Give, which was a film so socially relevant at the time—and still," she told Vanity Fair.


    • Love 1
  15. On 4/23/2021 at 12:12 AM, BookWitch said:

    Holy Crap the choking guy!! That was intense! That poor woman that laid on the floor for 2 days, I would have liked an update on what happened to her. Same with that woman in the casino. 

    That entire choking incident gave me so much anxiety. I found myself yelling at the screen "Cut your damn food!" after they revealed the size of the lodged piece of meat. 

    My heart broke for that woman that was trapped in her house like that. Even if she didn't want to call 911, I wish she had been able to get in touch with a family member or neighbor who could have assisted. 😟

    • Love 3
  16. I haven't seen any of the nominees so didn't have a horse in any of the races aside from liking people personally. 

    I thought the show itself was...fine. Given the pandemic restrictions I think the producers made the most of it. I certainly thought it was way more successful than other pandemic era award shows I've seen. But agree that the lack of clips was a glaring omission. I had thought that given the producers, an opportunity to highlight the nominated work would have been a priority but 🤷‍♀️.

    • Love 3
  17. 9 hours ago, Kromm said:

    Just end the damn Globes. It's always been redundant, and now it's inherently scandalous too. The HFPA operates like FIFA, but with far less compelling reasons for anyone to care they exist. 

    I've always enjoyed the drunken spectacle of the Globes but the idea that this small handful of people sets the tone for the awards season has always baffled me. 

    And yes, I recognize that it is all a highly frivolous enterprise but it has always been entertaining to me. 

    But for all of the poo-pooing that the Hollywood glitterati have been doing for months now, they could have taken a stance this year by simply refusing to participate. (It was an awful "ceremony" anyway.) But they all "showed up" after posting about how outraged they were by the HFPA's practices. 🙄

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  18. On 4/15/2021 at 11:12 PM, Bastet said:

    Did they give an update on the gunshot victim?  I don't remember seeing on.

    They did not. They gave updates on the baby, the man with COVID, and the woman with the broken leg. I'm always curious how they decide who to include/exclude in the updates. 

    • Love 2
  19. 23 minutes ago, stealinghome said:

    Ugh, that is a SERIOUS bummer. I was expecting the show to go 5 seasons. 4 seems just too short--it seems to me they certainly still have 2 seasons' worth of material.

    Any sort of spinoff would be a terrible idea (and I say this as someone who just loves Killing Eve). Oh and Comer and their chemistry ARE the show.


    I agree with all of the above. I truly thought they were going to end it with 5 (and had hoped PWB would come back for the final season.) I can't help but feel like the COVID shutdown forced their hand a bit and wonder whether season 4 is now being rewritten to account for the fact that it is the end. And now I'm even more salty that season 3 wasted so much time keeping E and V apart and focusing so much on the newbies. 😒

    I have no interest in a spin-off either. I think it's a horrible idea. Who are they going to follow? Irina in prison? Konstantin on a beach somewhere? Kenny in the afterlife? 

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  20. 18 hours ago, Bastet said:

    They're probably just going to make the first one available to try to get fans hooked enough to sign up for the streaming service.  It's not going to work on me, so this will probably be the only episode I see, but I've just downloaded it so I can watch later - thank you again, as I wouldn't have thought to look for it on YouTube.

    It will most definitely work on me, unfortunately. If they don't continue posting the episodes to YouTube, I'll likely just wait until all of the episodes have aired and then sign up for a free trial. 

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