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Posts posted by MicheleinPhilly

  1. I forgot just how creepy these stories were - when I read the book I limited myself to daytime reading and of course made the mistake of watching this before bed last night. I won't make that mistake again. 

    I appreciated the focus on Michelle and the victims rather than the killer. Obviously that may change as the series progresses, but I think highlighting the women impacted by his reign of terror is a refreshing change from what we normally see in this type of series. 

    I couldn't help getting a lump in my throat every time Patton spoke. His love for her is still so palpable. 

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  2. 4 hours ago, ElectricBoogaloo said:

    There have been a lot of really great Actors on Actors interviews over the years. They are so much more thoughtful and interesting than the usual "tell us about your new project!" interviews with entertainment magazines. I look forward to the Actors on Actors series every year because I know to expect these kinds of conversations.

    I've seen a few others but I think I'm going to actively search them out. It is so much more refreshing than the standard "What appealed to you most about the project?, etc. etc." rehash particularly when you can tell the interviewer isn't familiar with the material aside from maybe 1 episode they were provided. 

    It was so obvious in this interview that Kerry loves KE and Sandra loves Little Fires and that really came through. I thought it was lovely. 

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  3. Sandra Oh did a GREAT Actors on Actors interview with Kerry Washington for Variety. It's long (over an hour) but it is such a lovely, complex, layered conversation. I would like to petition for all actors to be interviewed by fellow actors instead of vapid entertainment "journalists."


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  4. On 6/24/2020 at 6:54 AM, maggiegil said:

    I like the show but now at episode 4, its getting a bit much that we have to have an explanation of Cece's background, how she came to genetic genealogy, connecting adoptees and then started working for parabon etc. every time. I like the explanation of the family trees etc but they seem to give the same background for Cece getting into the field every time. They seem to really pad the show too much

    This x 100. 

    Just watched episode 4 last night and we were remarking on the fact that they repeat the same information over and over in every episode. I'm assuming it is so that people can feel comfortable dropping in on any episode and getting up to speed, but I wish they would find a way to condense that into the intro. 

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  5. I thought this was...fine. *shrugs* I waited until the entire series was available because I am impatient and I feel like if I had attempted to watch it week to week I would have bailed. I appreciated the actors' performances and the production values were nice enough but I'm surprised by the critical reception this received. I felt like I was reading rave after rave when it debuted. 

    I only read the book recently and feel like the changes they made for the t.v. series were a total cop out. I also would have liked to see more of Laurie's unraveling as that was one of the more compelling aspects of the book. It happened way too quickly here. 

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  6. While this didn't have the same emotional resonance for me as Nanette I still loved it. It was precisely the warm, intelligent, hilarious balm my soul needed this week. 

    It's difficult to pinpoint highlights because there wasn't a single bit that didn't hit but I particularly loved her riff on American English vs. UK English vs. Australian English and her observations about small talk at the dog park (UGH!) Her entire art history lecture was gold as were her shots at the anti-vaccine movement. 

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  7. 16 hours ago, seacliffsal said:

    Interesting idea.  It could also be a plot point-he is after both Villanelle AND Eve as they contributed to his mother's death, so now they HAVE to team up to defeat him...

    I'm of the opinion that it is a plot point that will never be mentioned again. Just based on what we've seen in previous series, they don't seem to spend a lot of time examining things that were brought up in the past. ALTHOUGH I think of all of the writers, Laura has a pretty good grasp on this (e.g. Eve finally asking Carolyn what she spoke to Villanelle about in the prison in series 1) so it is certainly possible. 

    I just took all of those mentions of her son as further reinforcement that Villanelle is alone and has no one that cares for her/relies on her. I think it was just really driving home the overarching theme of the season. 

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  8. Just watched the BAFTA Q&A with Sandra, Jodie, Fiona, and Suzanne. Some interesting nuggets: 

    Sandra said that Phoebe Waller-Bridge is (naturally) her dream guest star while Fiona said Idris Elba. 🙂

    Jodie said that she thinks they still walk away from each other on the bridge even after turning back but that she obviously doesn't know where they will go in series 4. 

    Sandra shared a story about the bus scene - Apparently at one point she made actual contact with Jodie during the fight and she squeaked, backed up, and said, "I'm so sorry." They both regretted that it wasn't included in the show because they felt it was very "Eve." 

    Fiona stood up naked out of the bath and had hoped they would include it in the episode even if it was blurred. She said that the entire crew basically fell out of their chairs. 

    Jodie talked about Villanelle's maturation from series 1 and all agreed that they can't regress to what the characters were previously. 

    There was disagreement on whether Villanelle or Dasha would put the baby in the bin because Jodie wanted to do it. 

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  9. 9 hours ago, lcarolynl said:

    I wonder if Elton John is a fan of the show. Getting the rights to Crocodile Rock would cost a lot, right? 

    I know he posted on Instagram after the episode aired praising the show and Jodie Comer. 

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  10. 10 hours ago, stealinghome said:

    But that all said: how does Carolyn know of Helene's existence? She clearly knows more about T12 than she ever lets on.... I did also laugh at Paul's "Helen from the Treasury Office?" line later in the episode.


    Eve and Villanelle in the dance hall was uh-may-zing. So much complexity to their relationship, so many layers. You can see how they just get each other--Eve twigged immediately that Villanelle was really, really off. And I think Eve gave herself away, first when she went to dance first (which was clearly to cheer Villanelle up) and then when Villanelle asked if Eve wanted to be like the older couples--I don't think Villanelle meant "you and I" but a more general abstract "do you want that?" Yet Eve totally interpreted it as about them (and Villanelle's little grin after that confirmation was everything). I TOTALLY want to see them consume each other! Also Eve's increasingly weirded out looks as Villanelle got more and more morose at the table were everything, as was their little "Are you leading or am I?!" kerfuffle (only for Eve, I think, to end up leading). And then Villanelle looked so forlorn and lonely when she sent Eve away to protect her, and some excellent acting by Jodie Comer--you could see Villanelle visibly struggle to be her "normal" self with Rhian.


    That bridge scene remains EVERYTHING. So much going on there. Eve looks at Villanelle like she holds all the secrets to the universe and I can't get enough. Really excited and curious to see where S4 goes!


    From Season 1 I've always twigged that Carolyn is either a member of The 12 or connected to them in some way that is not, "I work for MI6 and therefore must stop this nefarious criminal organization." There is just something about her that I've never trusted and I always wonder whenever Eve comes to her with a "Listen to what new information I've figured out about The 12!" if Carolyn is thinking, "Oh for pete's sake - took you long enough to figure that out." Like did Carolyn put Eve onto Villanelle/The 12 as a way to keep tabs on what MI5/6 knows/how close they are/next steps, etc. Just a theory I've had since series 1. 

    Eve automatically assuming that Villanelle was referring to them growing old together immediately took me back to Eve's conversation with Kenny in episode 1 when he asked if she was still "in touch with..." and she immediately assumed he was referring to Villanelle, not Niko. Girl's got it bad and always has. Does it make sense in the context of how Villanelle has "ruined her life", killed Bill, etc.? Of course not, but I love it.

    The show has obviously had different writers and showrunners and gets renewed on a 1-2 off basis so I don't think there was ever any GRAND PLAN for a 4 series story but I wonder how much this seemingly romantic direction has been influenced by the sheer amount of chemistry that Oh and Comer have. I know that there are certain segments of the viewing audience that think it is simply "fan service" or "fan fiction" but for me the chemistry is absolutely undeniable. I am mesmerized when they share scenes together even if they are being total goofballs like at Paul's house. 

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  11. 16 minutes ago, stealinghome said:

    But with that all said, the show this season also strongly implied that killing her mother broke something inside her--she didn't have any problems with killing itself until she went to Russia. I do hope they delve into why that is next season, even if Villanelle eventually is able to kill again like she used to--did Villanelle think on some level that killing her mother would solve all her problems and is even unhappier now that it didn't? Is Villanelle haunted now by the fact that she will never get what she wants from her mother, so actually regrets killing her because she will never get what she was seeking? Was her mother really what she wanted to kill all along, and now that she has done it, the fire is simply extinguished, or even does every kill remind her now of killing her mother (which she regrets)? Is she unconsciously trying to tamp down on the murderous side of herself in the hopes that she can then have a normal life (the irony being that Eve had that normal life and now wants what Villanelle has grown tired of)? Super interesting stuff that I hope the show dives into.

    This is a really interesting element to consider. I've thought V seemed slightly "off" from the very beginning of this season. There were just certain aspects of her personality to me that read as she wasn't feeling herself. 

    I think when you look at the sequence of rejections beginning with the Season 2 finale where Konstantin tells her he wouldn't pick her over his family and then Eve rejects her outright, I think the stage was set. Her mother was the straw that broke the camel's back. 

    Now do I think this will stick? I doubt it. I just don't see where they have Villanelle NOT be an assassin as I just think that would be a bridge (whomp, whomp) too far. She obviously needs to find some sort of fulfillment that doesn't involve following orders and having no input. I just have absolutely no idea what form that will take but I am excited to see where they go with it. 

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  12. In the previews I kept assuming that the quote from Dasha in the hospital was "These girls are barbarians" referring to Eve and Villanelle. 

    But when I re-watched with CC on she actually said:

    "Have you had haggis?"

    "These Scots are barbarians." 

    And I belly laughed.

    • LOL 2
  13. 29 minutes ago, stealinghome said:

    Some good news on Killing Eve's fourth season from one of the EPs--maybe we won't have to wait until 2022 after all! From this interview:



    Re: what was the point of Rhiannon, I think it was a couple things.

    1) If she's going to be Villanelle's last kill for a while, killing her was symbolic of Villanelle's severing ties with The Twelve through the very act the T12 groomed her for. This is the most obvious and textual interpretation--Villanelle rejecting T12 (and perhaps hinting that she will start proactively hunting/killing them at some point in the future--they will be the architects of their own downfall by creating the person who will take them down).

    2) At the same time, I also think it was Villanelle rejecting that part of herself--the one who was a "sheep" and just followed orders blindly without asking questions while fooling herself that she was in control. By killing Rhiannon, she was killing that past version of herself that Rhiannon represented. Represents her emotional growth and change in character throughout the season.

    3) I also think it served to demonstrate why T12 has been relatively lenient where Villanelle is concerned (which many posters here have been puzzled by). V took out T12's "hot young assassin thang" like yesterday's garbage. It served to show that when V is on her game, she really is head and shoulders above any other assassins. You don't throw away a potential asset like that, especially if you figure at the end of the day she will always come back to you.


    I don't know whether we should make a Season 4 speculation thread in order to fanwank our way through the next year but I'm guessing that your first point will be the essence of season 4. 

    Something else that I noticed with the Rhiannon kill is that she was back to her old, lethal self. V has been a bit sloppy this season letting her emotions get the best of her and suddenly she has one mini-date with Eve and she's back in fine form without a scratch on her. 

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  14. I typically do a re-watch before posting my thoughts but for some inexplicable reason this episode is still not showing up on my Amazon account or On-Demand. 

    Again an episode that was at least co-written by Laura Neal felt like a return to form in what has admittedly been a choppy season, plot wise. I feel like Laura is the writer who best understands these characters and is writing most similarly to Phoebe Waller-Bridge which makes me ridiculously excited to see where she takes them in season 4. In 2024 or whenever we'll get it. Damn 'rona. 😞 

    I would like the Television Academy to just engrave the Best Supporting Actress in a Drama statue with the name "Fiona Shaw" now, please and thank you. I'm still not over the fact that Geraldine sucked up so much screen time this season for no reason other than TO ANNOY THE EVERLOVING CRAP OUT OF ME but Gemma Whelan was a magnificent screen partner for Fiona. I was waiting for Geraldine to come strolling into the room at Paul's house so they could reveal that she had served some purpose other than being a gullible git who was duped into allowing Konstantin to eavesdrop on her mother. 

    One reason I'm looking forward to a re-watch is to examine the scene in the hospital between Dasha and Konstantin more closely. Is there some sort of pressure point in the hand that can immediately induce death? The camera work in that scene leads me to believe that he somehow hastened her inevitable demise but I'm still on the fence about that. 

    The humor in this episode was just first rate. From Villanelle at Bitter Pill to Talullah Shark to Villanelle and Eve being utter children, I laughed A LOT. While both Sandra and Jodie are phenomenal dramatic actresses, they are both natural comediennes and I love when the show takes advantage of both skill sets. 

    The dance and the bridge. WHOO BOY! I don't even know if I can fully process either yet but I am fully in the "how romantic" camp and I don't care how ridiculous it is, I swooned. I have no idea how any of this will work in season 4 and I don't expect to see 8 episodes of V&E snuggled up on the couch watching movies and eating spaghetti together but the knowledge that these 2 idiots finally had a conversation about their feelings that didn't involve grievous bodily harm will sustain me through the interminable hiatus. 

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  15. 7 hours ago, Arkay said:

    My brain is on quarantine. I truly cannot recall what it was, but it was something specific at the time that made it seem like it was Konstantin. Maybe something with the timing, but I just don't remember. 


    In that first episode Konstantin receives a takeout food order with a menu inside. Something to the effect of "Time to go fishing" was handwritten on the menu. Now that could mean several things but Kenny then died like 10 minutes later so that's immediately where my brain went. 

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  16. 4 hours ago, tennisgurl said:

    We so called that inevitable heart attack for Konstantin, but I am actually a bit surprised that he survived, as well as Dasha surviving her Eve stomp down. So many almost deaths this season, I half expect Kenny to come walking in the door with a big band-aid on his head!

    This actually made me spit water all over myself so thanks for the reminder to change my t-shirt more frequently than I have been. 🙂

    • LOL 7
  17. 21 hours ago, stealinghome said:

    Yeah I didn’t get that from the episode. What I got was that Helene wanted the golfer dead, but V’s plan all along (with Konstantin) was to take out Dasha, hence why she asked Helene if she could bring Dasha on the mission.

    I'm with you on this. The golfer was the target and Villanelle and Konstantin saw it as the perfect opportunity to take Dasha out and facilitate their "escape" from The Twelve as evidenced by the fact that she had arranged for him to pick her up outside of the golf course after the fact. 

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  18. 9 hours ago, Cranberry said:

    Laura Neal wrote this episode and also the third episode of this season. She's next season's showrunner, which is pretty exciting to me as I feel she has the best grasp on the characters out of all the current writers.

    THIS. This was probably my favorite episode of the season. It had the same wit and spark that made me fall in love with it in the first place. 

    I found it incredibly interesting to watch Villanelle sort of fall apart and lose what made her such a brilliant asset in the first place while simultaneously seeing Irina (and in a way, Eve) sort of harden into what Villanelle used to be. 

    I literally cheered when Villanelle clubbed Dasha and was grinning wildly when Eve was stepping on her because I just think she is a vile human being. At least when V was paired with Konstantin you saw some real affinity and affection between them. I so wish Eve had been able to finish the job. 

    I had absolutely assumed that Konstantin was a goner. I had seen photos of the Liverpool Street station scene months ago (damn nosy Instagrammers) and have been dreading it all season but am glad that at least for now, he appears to be okay. Kim Bodnia's laugh alone is like a big, warm comfort blanket. 

    Still completely over Geraldine and don't care if I ever see her again. What a waste of a character. Yes, I think she has played an important role in fleshing out Carolyn's character but she continues to suck up too much screen time. 

    I am genuinely excited for the finale but know that I will be bereft that we will likely have to wait until 2022 to see how this is all going to shake out. 

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  19. 14 hours ago, kieyra said:

    Heck, I wanted him to live a happy life with the dark-haired fellow teacher that V murdered last season ...

    Oh gosh, I found her to be SUPREMELY annoying - NEEEEEEKOOOO! - but I too wish that they had just let him be. Show them talking at the facility and him telling Eve that he deserves more than her and then let him be. 

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  20. 15 hours ago, kieyra said:


    Irina?! I don’t know. She and V are fun to watch but I didn’t need to see her flip over into cold blooded murder. Konstantin and Carolyn really are, respectively, the worst parents ever. 

    That just seemed like a ridiculous plot point for shock value. On the one hand I can see how it would happen - Irina hates that her father dotes on Villanelle and seems to spend more time caring for her than for Irina - but it also didn't help that Irina was missing for so much of the series so we never got to see her devolution into little psycho. 

    Not saying that I want to see that - I think the show is beginning to get crushed under the weight of all of these ancillary characters but it just seemed to come out of left field and not in a good way like Kenny's murder. (Not saying Kenny's murder was a good thing just that it was integral to the story.) 

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  21. 3 hours ago, ElectricBoogaloo said:


    It was revealed during their drive. 

    Carolyn: What did you want with my child?
    Konstantin: I swear, I tried nothing. She kissed me!
    Carolyn: Geraldine kissed you?

    I re-watched and was still not prepared for how much that grossed me out. The MUCH more interesting aspect of that conversation IMO was Kenny wondering if Konstantin was his father because frankly that idea had never occurred to me. 

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  22. 23 minutes ago, stealinghome said:

    Kenny’s query to Konstantin coupled with Geraldine kissing Konstantin is also icky because if Konstantin was potentially Kenny’s father, wouldn’t that mean he could also potentially be Geraldine’s?!?! Squick ahoy.


    Wait, when did we learn that Geraldine kissed Konstantin? See this is why I fell asleep - self-preservation! #gross

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