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Posts posted by MicheleinPhilly

  1. 1 minute ago, roughing it said:

    No, not new information about Villanelle, but seeing Pam following Villanelle's path.  Sorry, should have clarified:  "Bringing "Pam" out of her dark and into her light, by allowing "Pam's" psychopathic tendencies to blossom.  That Pam's not truly happy unless she can fulfill her murderous urges."  By making Pam a hired assassin, it allows her to follow through on those urges, just like they did with Villanelle.

    The problem that I see with this though is that Pam doesn't have an ounce of the charisma that Villanelle has. So for me her blossoming is just one big, time-wasting nothingburger. YMMV. 

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  2. On 3/16/2022 at 9:16 PM, CrazyInAlabama said:

    I miss so much on every episode of this show, and so I consult the forum to see what I didn't notice, and what others did.   I really appreciate everyone catching what I don't.     

    I have to watch every episode twice - once on DVR delay on Sunday night and again via streaming with closed captioning on Monday to get every little detail. The audio when it airs on BBC America always seems horribly garbled to me. Or maybe I'm just getting old. 👵

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  3. I'm still enjoying it although I'm not breathless with anticipation each Sunday night like I was for previous seasons. 

    While I love Konstantin, I wish they wouldn't devote so much time to Pam's storyline. If it isn't connected to the larger narrative, I don't care. When they announced that this would be the final season, they indicated that they were exploring certain spin-off ideas. If this is the direction they're thinking of taking said spin-off, I think it will bomb spectacularly. 

    I absolutely adored seeing Fiona and Jodie play off each other so extensively in this episode. It really did feel a bit like a season 1 episode with those 2. I know she has been nominated for each season previously but I REALLY hope Emmy voters don't forget about Fiona Shaw this year. 

    I feel like Eve is "playing" Helene rather than having some long-awaited sexual awakening. But Helene is not gullible enough to fall for it. Does Eve think she will spill all based on a (hysterically awkward) bath and a kiss? I can't wait to see what form of torture Villanelle has in store for Helene when she realizes that she's gotten further with Eve than she has. 😉

    Now that we're officially halfway through the season, they really do need to get the core four (or three if Konstantin is going to continue being the Assassin Professor) on the same page and in the same room. 

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  4. On 3/6/2022 at 4:18 PM, Cranberry said:

    I liked this one fine; it had some good character moments... but this is the final season, there are only eight episodes total (only five left after this!), and I'd like to see some more plot progression. Get Carolyn and Eve and Villanelle all working together already!

    THIS. We know it's going to happen based on the season trailer - get on it with it already. I don't really need to see Pam's evolution as an assassin. 

    It's clear that Villanelle is still head over heels for Eve. I'll be curious to see how she justifies the betrayal of Eve throwing her in prison. Shades of season 2 when she explains to Gabriel that Eve stabbed her to show how much she cares about her? 

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  5. https://lithub.com/its-an-honor-just-to-be-asian-sandra-oh-on-systemic-racism-in-hollywood/

    A really lovely excerpt from a forthcoming book about Asians in pop culture. 


    It’s an Honor Just to Be Asian: Sandra Oh on Systemic Racism in Hollywood

    “For the first time, I’m finally getting film roles where my character’s name is Korean.”

    Excerpted from Rise: A Pop History of Asian America from the Nineties to Now by Jeff Yang, Phil Yu, and Philip Wang. Used with permission of the publisher. Copyright © 2022. Reprinted by permission of Harper.


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  6. I'm happy the Jesus stuff seems to be over and done with as that was becoming increasingly difficult to tolerate. This show doesn't work when they have the core four off doing their own things. While they're not together, at least for now Carolyn and Eve seem to be on parallel tracks. Curious to see how Konstantin will fit into all of this. 

    I am absolutely LOVING the material they are giving Sandra Oh to work with after the debacle that was series 3. I hope they keep it up. And sexy, determined, somewhat confident Eve could get it. 😍

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  7. On 2/28/2022 at 3:44 PM, Hiyo said:

    Wow...I must be one of the few on here who enjoyed this episode. Then again, I've enjoyed all 3 previous seasons of this show, so I'll just chill here at my table of one...

    I'll sit with you. 

    While I did have some quibbles with it, I was just so damn happy to have these ladies back in my life.

    I do hope that at some point we get some exposition on what happened in the ensuing months/years? following the end of season 3. Eve and Villanelle went from being sort of "okay" with each other on the bridge to Eve seemingly hating her guts. What's that all about? 

    I thought Villanelle expecting Eve to come to her baptism and her disappointment when she didn't to be a nice callback to the Amsterdam pig murder in season 2. And of course, Hugo's appearance. But I don't recall Hugo being such a "rah-rah" MI6 defender. He always struck me as a posh git who was just biding his time until something more interesting came along. I'd be fine if we don't see him again. 

    I love sassy Eve but of course, Eve being Eve I fully expect her to trip over her own feet a few times before she, Carolyn and Villanelle eventually join forces. 

    I'm intrigued. 

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  8. Quote

    Just Dunk Me

    After Eve and Villanelle's exchange on the bridge, Eve is on a revenge mission; Villanelle finds a brand-new community in an attempt to prove she's not a monster.

    Airs 2/27 🤗

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  9. 44 minutes ago, NUguy514 said:

    This idea is completely stupid, and I hope everyone realizes this change will not, in fact, do anything to make the show shorter or more entertaining.  In lieu of airing these eight awards live, the producers will fill space with more bits, more performances, more montages, more bullshit.  Kind of like the Grammys, except that the Grammys can be a glorified concert since they exist to award musicians.  Having Billie Eilish or Beyoncé perform or having a montage of superhero films (seemingly the only films people go to theaters to see now) is not suddenly going to increase viewership.  The people who don't watch the Oscars (which, to the producers, would be boys and young men in the middle of the country) are never, ever, ever going to watch them – doesn't matter what they do to try to attract that audience.  Many people who do watch the Oscars are going to be alienated by making the Oscars less about the awards and more about the "show."  I don't give two shits about all of the extraneous crap the Oscars stuff themselves with, and I prefer having exactly zero hosts – that actually moves things along much more quickly.  Beyond feeling insulted that they're giving out score, production design, and (especially) film editing pre-telecast, I actually do want to see the short awards given out live and hear the winners' speeches; they worked much harder than, say, Will Smith (as an actor, I can tell you with 100% confidence, they worked a LOT harder than Smith and every other actor nominated; actors spend 95% of filming sitting around), and it feels so elitist and gross for the producers to decide that these awards are fine for the telecast but those are not.

    The ratings are going to suck this year, no matter what, because no one saw the movies nominated, because the nominated films aren't superhero films, because COVID changed everything, etc.  Also, there just weren't that many good films or great performances in 2021, so even I, an Oscars junkie, feel very unenthusiastic about most categories (I do still have a few films to watch, so I guess that could change).  All these changes will cause me to do is to DVR the telecast and fast-forward right through everything that isn't an award, so good job, AMPAS/Disney/ABC/producers.

    Kate Winslet Crying GIF by The Academy Awards


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  10. Quote

    Sandra Oh and Jodie Comer Lay ‘Killing Eve’ to Rest

    Across four seasons, the bodies mounted as their characters’ mutual obsession deepened. But like all relationships, this one, too, had to come to an end.


    Lovely little interview with Oh and Comer. There is a detail mentioned that made me EXTREMELY happy:



    Sandra Oh and Jodie Comer locked eyes across a fish tank. Illuminated in the blue glow of bubbling water and artificial light, the two women slowly registered each other with puzzlement, hostility and abject longing. Across three seasons of “Killing Eve,” the two actresses and the show’s creative team have worked to master the complex bond between their two characters, and there it was, distilled in a single “Romeo + Juliet”-inspired moment.

    And then a wayward fish ruined the shot.

    “Dude!” Oh exclaimed, still exasperated months later. The fish, which show up in the first episode of the show’s fourth and final season, were exceedingly “difficult,” Comer explained, laughing.


    While I love this show desperately, the constant wait for them to end up in one another's orbit in each season has always frustrated the crap out of me. 

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  11. On 2/15/2022 at 10:55 AM, ProudMary said:


    Beginning this Monday, Twitter users will get to vote on their favorite films that were released in 2021 — regardless of if the film was nominated for an Oscar — using the hashtag #OscarsFanFavorite. The film that receives the most fan votes by March 3 will be recognized during the awards broadcast on March 27.

    Isn't this what the People's Choice Awards are for? 🙄

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  12. From The Hollywood Reporter: 


    "The Academy Awards are going from a host drought to a deluge," reports The Hollywood Reporter's Rebecca Keegan. "This year’s Oscars will be a three-act show with each one-hour act emceed by a different host, according to two sources with knowledge of the telecast planning. After three years of hostless Oscars, the multi-host strategy helps address the biggest deterrents for potential emcees — the time commitment of preparing for the lengthy show and the often unflattering glare of the spotlight that the high-pressure gig can shine on entertainers. The plan also gives the Academy an opportunity to hire hosts who can attract different demographics to the flagging ABC telecast."


  13. I enjoyed this. It's not great television and certainly won't win any awards but it was a fine weekend binge to take me out of my head for a couple of days. 

    I tend to avoid "The Woman", "The Girl" books like the plague these days after reading a few and realizing they all rely on the same tropes. They also like to throw in an M. Night Shymalamadingdong type twist at the end that is usually laughable so seeing a send-up was great fun for me. 

    I wouldn't be mad if they made a second series but seeing as how this one worked because she was a lonely drunk, I don't know how they could replicate it. 

    • Love 6
  14. On 6/24/2021 at 7:55 PM, Cranberry said:

    Really hoping this is either fake or misrepresented: Killing Eve's Villanelle will become a born-again Christian in final series


    On 6/25/2021 at 10:25 AM, MicheleinPhilly said:

    This is laughably ridiculous. But then again, so is The Daily Mirror. 😉

    In all seriousness I can't imagine a show "insider" would leak ANY details about any upcoming storylines so I will take this with an entire shaker of salt. 

    I may have egg on my face in a few weeks based on what's in the trailer. 😂

  15. 18 hours ago, ChelleGame said:

    This just made me cry again.  All of it.

    I was so shocked that they made Kath leave that class. I wasn't expecting that. It would hard to see someone in that kind of distress and reject them. I was surprised by the lack of compassion in that moment.  But it also made my heart hurt even more for her. I was glad she dropped that envelope / paper...

    I kept waiting for someone in the yoga class to follow her out and attempt to comfort her. When no one did, I was shattered. Her entire arc this season just broke my heart. 

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  16. I limited myself to 2 episodes a day so I wouldn't blow through the whole season in an afternoon. I also don't know if my heart would have been able to take any more than that. By the end I was a sobbing, hiccuping, hyperventilating mess. 

    Bravo, Ricky. BRAVO. 

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  17. 16 minutes ago, NUguy514 said:

    I don't know why the producers even want a host; I've enjoyed the last several shows without a host so much more.

    I feel like they think a particular host will bring more eyeballs to the broadcast which is so silly. Every year I feel like they bend over backwards trying to appeal to people that wouldn't watch the Oscars no matter who is hosting or what films are nominated. I wish they would just focus on producing a good show that appeals to hardcore Oscar fans. 

    I'm waiting for them to announce that a group of Tik-Tokers will be hosting. 🙄

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  18. 23 minutes ago, Raja said:

    Because nobody is going to let you on an international flight without an entry visa on the other end. Maybe spies and the highest up in gangs can get fake papers. If she had that visa and passport then she could become a visa overstay like the lead character on The Cleaning Woman on FOX and try to get asylum.

    Secondarily if her situation is that dangerous at home it could be like the manhunt stories. Her enemies could cover the airports, bus and train stations as they are the points she can't get to because they pick her up before she got on the plane..

    Well you certainly gave it a lot more thought than I did so thanks for that. 🤣

  19. 2 hours ago, blackwing said:

    He wouldn't have been trafficked if she hadn't illegally entered in the first place. 

    She was seeking asylum. You have to be physically present in the United States in order to apply for asylum. 

    Did she ever reveal how much money she paid to the mule to help her? If it was thousands of dollars, I'm wondering why she didn't just purchase plane tickets, claim she was visiting family in the U.S. and then apply for asylum at the airport. Not saying she wouldn't have been separated from her son anyway, but it seems a much less dangerous approach. 

  20. Ugh. Talk about anticlimactic. 

    When Dexter was at his full-on, manipulative best in that interview, I was actually feeling somewhat nervous and anxious but had full faith and confidence in his ability to finagle his way out of it. Did I want to see Dexter and son criss-crossing the country dispensing bad buys? No, not at all. But to have Angela, the shittiest of shitty cops and Iron Lake, the backwateriest of backwater towns, and the Caldwells, the douchiest of douchebags, be the things that finally brought him down??? Meh. 

    Aside from the BHB ketamine ret-conning, we're supposed to believe that Kurt, who was 12 sheets to the wind and could barely stand up when he encountered Dexter that night, remembered anything, had a hunch about the incinerator, went to said incinerator, and squeezed his fat ass inside of it raking around to collect all of the hardware from his son's leg. And Angela's certainty that she had all of the evidence she needed to "nail" Dexter was laughable but par for the course. 

    Remember how excited I was by the first episode? Gosh, I was naive. I'm not mad that he's dead, I'm mad that this is how we got there. 


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  21. 1 hour ago, Ms Blue Jay said:

    I think the point of the post is that white people on this show are allowed to "exist", whereas non-white people are often about their racial identities, like Seema with Diwali. 


    I'm a member of a minority group but it doesn't comprise my entire identity as a human being. These characters seem to be nothing more than tools to pull the core 3 from their lily white, rich, cisgender, heterosexual bubbles while screaming at the audience, "See, we fixed it!" 

    How incompetent of a showrunner do you have to be to not be able to come up with fully fleshed out minority characters that fit into the story organically in New York City in 2021/2022? 


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  22. UGH, this show. While I found this episode marginally more palatable than the others, it's a fairly low bar to clear. 

    Once again, Carrie finds a way to make everything about her at the picnic by trivializing Miranda's transgression with her "Well, my husband died. This is no biggie in comparison." It's not a fucking competition, Carrie. Get over yourself. And in the long ago words of Miranda, "It's a BIG, FUCKING deal."

    They really need to find something for her to do whether that's dating or writing or shopping or SOMETHING because I really don't feel like watching her moping around whatever apartment she happens to be residing in at any given moment. 

    I never thought I would say this, but Anthony is the only redeeming quality for me with this. 

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