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Posts posted by MicheleinPhilly

  1. 9 minutes ago, Spartan Girl said:

    Good stuff, but they really nominated Jamie Lee Curtis over Stephanie Hsu for Best Supporting Actress in EEAO?! 

    Despite whatever changes the HFPA purports to make, they have been and always will be star-fuckers. 

    I'm curious to see how many of these stars actually show up. I'm hoping for a near universal boycott. 

  2. Maribel gives me whiplash. I seriously can not figure out what she wants at any given moment. If I was Micah, I would seriously reevaluate the wisdom in having a baby with her. 

    Am I supposed to believe that Dani now hangs out with Sophie and Finley regularly, to the point where she is high-fiving Finley? Yeah, no. 

    This episode felt like filler to me. 

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  3. 1 hour ago, CountryGirl said:

    That was so cute, especially him wanting to talk about his foot and ignoring his "Papa," who was so excited about the hummingbirds.

    I particularly loved him pointing out that his foot was dirty and then suddenly losing his shirt. OK, bud. You do you. 🤣

    • LOL 12
  4. 5 hours ago, Almost 3000 said:

    I'm not a Megan hater but that seemed so contrived for the camera that I was rolling my eyes. 

    Agree to disagree. 

    To me it seemed like a private moment that was captured on a phone by Harry. Archie was a very small baby so this was YEARS before a documentary crew showed up. They chose to share that private moment in this. 

    I'm not trying to be antagonistic, but I'm curious as to how people would have viewed the scene had it been Harry holding Archie and pointing out his grandmother instead of Meghan. 🤔

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  5. 1 hour ago, sadie said:

    Let’s assume Will and Kate are just jerks (I don’t think they are) but for argument sakes they are; good grief who hasn’t had to deal with a weird relative or in laws that didn’t like them, or never had an awkward introduction to new friends or family of your new boyfriend. They don’t know her yet, they are, you know, freaking royalty, maybe they don't head over for a dinner party in ripped jeans and bare feet as it’s not who they are. She sure wants everyone to accept her but seems pretty intolerant of others. GASP you’re not a hugger, how terrible.

    Megan just seems so offended by everything that doesn’t involve people just fawning over her. Maybe when you’re that beautiful you’re not used to people being Indifferent to you, maybe the royals weren’t impressed with her? Is that some crime that makes them awful. Frankly she seems pretty surface to me and I’m not sure I like her, and she’s TRYING to make us like her. 

    I didn't get the impression that she was trying to paint them as jerks, simply that she had a lot to learn about not only royal protocol, but also how Brits differ from Americans in terms of being comfortable with outward signs of affection. (Not suggesting that all Americans are comfortable with strangers hugging them.) 

    I think she was naturally extremely nervous during the meeting and recognized what an extremely big deal it was to be meeting Will and Kate for the first time. I think she was doing what felt comfortable to her at the time. 🤷‍♀️

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  6. The moment with Meghan holding the baby (I don't know if it was Archie or Lili) at the photo of Princess Diana and pointing out that she is grandma got me GOOD, particularly when the baby started touching the photo. 😭

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  7. Just now, irisheyes said:

    The kids aren’t the only ones celebrating two weeks with no school. I’m just sayin’. 😀

    Right?? That first holiday season after graduation was ROUGH. "What do you mean I have to use my own PTO? Don't you just close?" 

    Sigh. So young. So naive. 

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  8. I was just saying last night how I'm not really feeling all that Christmas-y this year and this episode may have just flipped the script! It made me feel all warm and fuzzy inside! 

    Maurice is cute! Janine should give him a chance because she needs a few rebound relationships under her belt before she and Gregory become the O-T-P - cause you know that is happening. They both just have to get rid of a bit of their adorkableness. 

    Poor Jacob. He would annoy the crap out of me as a co-worker but I know the holidays are hard for a lot of people for a lot of reasons. Thank goodness for Mr. Johnson talking some sense into him. 

    Melissa's "liquor coat" will make it 42 degrees! HA! 

    I missed seeing the kids this episode but it was nice to spend so much time "out of school." 

    And Ava! Are you...evolving??? Color me surprised that she not only extended the invitation but that Janine accepted it. 

    Warm fuzzies! 

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  9. 15 hours ago, Elizzikra said:

    I wondered that too. I mean, I guess it's nice that they didn't just leave Carrie alone and brokenhearted somewhere and maybe they were under contract to have Rosie O'Donnell in at least one more episode, but that just seemed like filler and maybe a little comic relief. I don't need to see her again.

    14 hours ago, sistermagpie said:

    I guess she's Tess' sponsor so maybe they're going to keep her on? Or she's Tess's sponsor? (And they're meeting at what's going to be the new bar and popping over to the already-running bar to go to the bathroom?) At least the character's got to be better when not complaining about Bette all the timee, but I can't say I missed her. She has no reason to be with any of these people. They're not friends.

    I don't know how AA works but would people that so recently fell off the wagon be sponsoring others? 🤷‍♀️

    But yeah, I hope this is the last we see of her. 

  10. Gigi honey, your life supposedly flashes before your eyes when you have a near death experience. You dear, had a head laceration and some bruised ribs. 

    I kind of get where Dani is coming from because I was SUCH a green-eyed monster in my 20s, BUT Dani should have factored in that Gigi has children with Nat. They are always going to be in each other's lives. I would have been pissed if I saw them canoodling at Alice's show like that but Dani should have thought about that and discussed it with Gigi before she started a relationship with her. But that would require people to have mature conversations on this show and we can't have that! 

    What's the over/under on how long it will be before Dani and Sophie fall back into bed together? 

    I have no idea what the point of the Finley/Carrie scenes were. I don't care if Carrie finds new love or if Finley goes to college. 

    I hope Alice can have at least some

    semblance of a normal relationship with Chasing Amy. At this point kooky Alice and the TEENAGER are the only people displaying even a hint of maturity. 

  11. 40 minutes ago, kwnyc said:

    And being half-dressed, with school clothes on the upper half, and flannel jammies on below!

    When she was complaining about having the tuna sweats I was yelling at her: "Then why are you wearing 2 sweaters?????" 

    • LOL 4
  12. Oh The L Word - I wish I knew how to quit you. 

    Sophie has some nerve accusing her sister of having a big mouth when Sophie blabbed about Maribel and Micah's plans to the least stable person on the planet. And speaking of those plans, can we maybe SEE those conversations? They have the opportunity for a really interesting story here about baby-making in the LGBTQ+ community and instead we get "I do want to have a baby with you." The writing for this is just awful. 

    Is Jennifer Beals leaving the show? I sort of got that vibe and while that would finally convince me to turn this shit show off, I do still love my Bette Porter. Particularly when she is with Shane and Alice. 

    Don't really care about Dani and Gigi although for her kids' sake, I do hope Gigi is okay. 

    Shane is 100% going to hook up with that other chick which will be as stupid a decision as opening another lesbian bar. There are seriously like 3 left in the entire United States. 

    I am totally hate watching this out of some misguided sense of nostalgic loyalty. They should change the name to The L Word: Hot Ass Mess Express. Ugh. 

  13. I loved this episode! 

    Loved Gregory's assertiveness when dealing with Ava and how much he has grown as a teacher. 

    Loved Jacob's standing up for Janine. 

    Loved Barbara and Melissa and Tasha acknowledging that Janine can often (most times) be too much and they just want her to shut up. But they also were able to appreciate what she brings to the school and were happy to have her back. I screamed when Tasha said, "WAIT - Why am I talking?" You know you all have a co-worker (or 3) like that. 

    Loved Ava. Yes, she is a horrible principal and an even worse teacher, but this was a terrific episode for Janelle James. It's a comedy - I'm not expecting her to behave appropriately. That's not who the character is and it's not actually a documentary. I get that her brand of comedy doesn't work for everyone but I just love it. 

    Loved Janine's students and how much they value Janine and hate Ava. 

    I even loved the "crime scene" tape across the coffee maker at the end that said, "Don't use. It's trash" because it brought to mind the whole printer debacle from season 1 when Mr. Johnson kept wanting to throw it away. 

    It was definitely one of the strongest episodes of the season for me. Kudos Quinta! 

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  14. 10 hours ago, SnazzyDaisy said:

    Buck already bought a firefighter onesie for his baby.

    Ohh boy…someone should tell him! 😢



    Yeah, as soon as he told everyone "I'm going to be a father" I thought, "Oh Buckley."

    This is all going to turn out very poorly and I am not looking forward to the soap opera element. 

    I lived in LA for 5 years so I always handwave the geography stuff but I legit laughed out loud when Bobby, on a rooftop in downtown LA, said, "I smell fire" and it was a rinky dink little controlled burn in like Calabasas. 🤣

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  15. 1 hour ago, Browncoat said:

    I don't recall the timing of Krista's suicide and the posting of the video -- do those line up?  I think that's why I suspected Francesca.  She was definitely there in the class, and absolutely disappointed (gutted?  betrayed?) when Lydia chose someone else (especially that she chose a man) to replace Sebastian (the assistant conductor).  It made an outstanding revenge video.

    I definitely got the impression that Krista's suicide didn't happen until later in the film but both she and Francesca certainly had the motive for posting it. And Francesca's actions with the book - writing RAT over TAR - certainly suggests that she was 10,000% done with Lydia. 

    That's why I'm so looking forward to watching it again to hopefully have some of my questions answered. 

    • Like 2
  16. 22 hours ago, Browncoat said:

    Cate Blanchett deserves all of the awards.  She truly inhabited Lydia/Linda and was mesmerizing to watch.  In the class at Juilliard, before we really knew that she was a shit person, I was telling her in my head not to pick on the guy so much.  Her defense of the video that it shouldn't have been posted because that was a "non-tech zone" is so typical of people who've been caught.  I suspect Francesca.

    I thought it was Krista because throughout the film, we see the back of a redhead watching Lydia in several scenes. Although she's never identified IIRC, they were definitely implying that Krista was obsessed with her following what I assume was a romantic relationship. 

    There is a sort of gauzy scene at the end of Lydia and a redhead that I assumed was a flashback. 

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  17. On 11/27/2022 at 1:50 AM, txhorns79 said:

    This was a hard movie.  I felt like it was in deep need of an editor.  Blanchett is very good, but the movie drags through a very long feeling first hour (complete with five or so minutes of acknowledgments at the beginning of the film) before it really gets down to business. 

    The screening I went to was delayed about 30 minutes because of projection issues. When it finally started and that long sequence of credits started running, we all thought we were seeing the end of the film accidently. People actually began turning to one another and saying, "Is it broken?" 

    It was an odd choice, for sure. 

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  18. Quinta and Sheryl Lee appeared at our Thanksgiving Day parade. There was an absolutely adorable moment of Quinta meeting Jim Gardner in the broadcast booth. I am not exaggerating when I say that this man is an absolute legend in Philadelphia and seeing how Quinta was so starstruck made me absolutely giddy. 

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  19. On 11/23/2022 at 1:52 PM, jah1986 said:

    I agree, I love all the ladies and hate Brady. But I think this movie is about the 2017 Superbowl and the Eagles won in 2018.

    8 hours ago, methodwriter85 said:

    People usually go by the Superbowl being the previous year, so the Super Bowl that took place in 2018 would be referred to as the 2017 Super Bowl as it crowed the winner of the fall 2017 season.

    However, story-wise it'd make more sense for the 2016 Superbowl (that took place in 2017) that the Patriots won against the Falcons, as they won after overcoming a pretty big deficit.

    I literally know nothing about football and don't even follow it so I'll just take your word for it. 😂

    • LOL 1
  20. 18 hours ago, greekmom said:

    But poor Angie. Getting dumped as you move into your dorm room on your first day in college.  That's cold man. Really cold.

    14 hours ago, sistermagpie said:

    One of those obvious examples of a conversation that would have happened over their senior year and summer, but they had to wait until now because they want the season to start with Angie getting dumped and starting college. (Just as Micah and Mirabel have never brought up their thoughts on marriage with each other or her sister until he whips out a ring...) 

    The Angie thing didn't bother me as much, although I felt badly for Angie, because they're kids. First love, inevitable heartbreak, yada, yada, yada. It's what happens. 

    It's the writing that has everyone else acting like a teenager that bugs. No one on this show acts like an adult. 

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  21. I'll watch this via streaming because I love all of these ladies. I hate Tom Brady but it will be nice to revisit him getting his butt whooped by the Eagles. 😊

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  22. Sigh. Why do I keep doing this to myself? Almost 19 years in and I still can't quit this crap fest. 

    Finley still bugs, Shane is still gonna cheat, Bette and Tina are still gonna dance, Alice is still gonna date wildly inappropriate people, Micah is still gonna get the short end of the stick because the writers don't know what to do with him...

    Days of our Queer Lives. 

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