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Everything posted by Colfrmb

  1. @Rt66vintage, well, if we are going to speculate on IQ, I have to wonder about Asuelu, Tiffany, Jenny, Sumit too. And Ariela. And Skyla. I think probably the best candidate for weight loss surgery is King Chuck. When he threatened to have a heart attack, I thought, so NOW is the perfect time to blame it all on someone else. He should hire Andrei to be his personal trainer.
  2. Angela strutting across the stage, with everyone else watching, reminds me of my cat when she’s got a mouse, acting like her poop doesn’t stink. Omg, send out the bouncers to drag her back to her chair. I’m surprised she didn’t try to flip over one of the monitors. also to whomever corrected me about Ronald, you are correct! I was blurry eyed about the kiwi thing. I blame it on the pain killers. (J/k)
  3. My fav response when I see someone I don’t really like who has made some changes but not enough to lavish fake compliments is to say, “wowwwww, look at you!” That’s what I would have said to Angela, followed by “oh my gawd.” To drive it home. and to whometer called Ronald a Kiwi, he an Aussie. Kiwis are from New Zealand.
  4. Last week, I was out to dinner in a touristy restaurant and lo and behold there was a table of 5 middle aged women, 4 of whom had hair exactly like Natalie’s. Theirs was not as platinum as hers but they all had the super curly, just below the shoulder blunt cut and I wondered if they were all sisters. I wanted to ask where they were from but I could not admit my 90day obsession, so I just watched. (They had better noses and features than Natalie). Nobody rolled their eyes or pouted and huffed even once.
  5. I may be wrong but Brandon‘s parents played a large part in getting Julia over here and paying for a lot of the expenses of her immigration. They were invested financially in this marriage. To hear her talk like that probably really hurts their hearts. I find them annoying but I think julia is being a bitch. Shut up and be grateful.
  6. Well today Anna posted on Instagram that they have three embryos that they are sending to Ukraine to be implanted in a surrogate. So much to say about this. Ok, 3 more kids? It could happen! Omg. I still worry about her original 3 sons and how they manage with their mother’s choices. They could end up with a family of 8! I guess they are planning on more spin off shows. Oh my, oh my, oh my. update- I just read thru the comments and she says “ one at a time”. But she’s still shipping over 3. Good grief.
  7. I have zero respect, and do not ever forget, physical violence and I consider cake throwing to be physical violence. Women who do such things are just as scummy and I cannot forgive them. Of everybody, I hate TLC the most. Some of these scenes are so upsetting, regardless of who is the biggest asshole. There should be disclaimer, before and after. saying if you or anybody you know is involved in domestic abuse, here’s a number to call. If TLC can save one person from heartbreak, it would be worth it. I am ready for a break from these people. I am shocked I’m saying it but bring on Tiffany and Ronald.
  8. The people on this show spend more waking time strewn out on their beds than anybody I know except for when I was in the college dorm.
  9. If Michael’s story about nursing until he was 9yo is true, I feel really bad for his mother. Why did this poor woman do this?
  10. I watched the preview of Love in Paradise thinking it would help me justify continuing on after my free time of D+ but so far, I’m not inspired. I still don’t believe that Mykul breastfed until he was 9. He is from a family with 16 kids. A mix of bio parents but there had to be at least a couple of other kids competing for those boobies during those 9 years. I just don’t believe it. Yara has her hands full with Jovi. He’s a horndog who gets off on loud, crazy booze infused action. This is going to be a challenge for years to come. Her comment about finding an older rich guy might be her best option.
  11. After hearing Asuelu sing a little bit on the last episode, I want to hear him sing Silent Night. I think we have found his calling.
  12. I’m a little sympathetic towards both Jovi and Yara. I do know people who love living downtown and I wouldn’t say that it has to do with where the strip clubs are, although that may be the case with Jovi. I can understand yara wanting to get out of New Orleans but two of her dream homes were Paris and was it New York City? I would’ve been looking for someplace closer to her mother-in-law and reasonably close to the airport.
  13. @gaPeach, sadly, I think that some of the pillow talk cast members or friends with Angela because they think there’s a possibility she will get a spin off and maybe somehow they can get a piece of the pie or their own spinoff for being her friend. That can’t happen with Michael who is over in Africa, waiting.
  14. I’m still surprised that Natalie had the balls to take Mike’s truck before her surgery. I would half expect him to call it in as stolen. I’m sure her name is not on the title. Now that would have made for some great soap opera TV.
  15. $1,000 says that Jovi slammed at least 2 cocktails as soon as he got off the plane, with no camera crew to record it, swished some mouthwash, popped a stick of gum and headed down the escalator to the waiting TV team, and his baby… and his wife, yeah, her too.
  16. I can pretty much guarantee you that Kalani still comfort nurses both boys but she didn’t want to admit it on camera. and stop calling the younger one Farty! So rude.
  17. @mamadrama, I’m always curious about the people whose posts I read on a daily basis and I was saddened to read your story about your dad and son having cancer. Oh my gosh. I am so extremely sorry. One of my best friends is stage 4 and was in the hospital during the holidays and only her husband could go see her. There have been times that I have dropped her off at the ER and sat in the parking lot for 6 hours in a blizzard wondering if I should go home or not. This has been a brutal year for many. I myself, at the risk of repeating myself, am 3 yrs out from breast cancer treatments. This year, I was terrified that I might have to go in and be there alone in the hospital with strangers. So things like these silly reality shows and this forum literally give me joy and take me away from reality and I am so grateful for your posts, which are thoughtful and enjoyable, and everyone on here. Really, you are awesome. I pray for your family and you.
  18. I bought a fake Christmas tree years ago and that’s what I put up every season. Do people really spend $300 just on a tree, let along all the other stuff/junk, when they literally don’t have money for food? I think the asparagus tree would’ve been fine.
  19. Mike & Natalie - I cannot imagine scheduling a surgery and telling the person who is going to drive me there and take care of me just a week prior. Not only that, you have to have the money discussion when someone else is paying for it! Yes, he’s an asshole, but you knew that when you hugged your mom goodbye. Deal with it. Ronald &Tiffany - Tiffany showed her true colors as she sat in the living room with her squirming daughter as her husband worked with lightning speed to finish up in the kitchen well she screamed at him to drop everything and come attend to her. Ps, Ronald, buy a bunch of cheap fast food and frozen products for Tiff and she will be tickled pink. Andrei & Libby - I’m not going to give them any analysis because I can’t stand the thought that they are getting a spin off and I’m hoping it’s not true. And I’m definitely not going to watch it. Michael & Ang - If the roles were reversed, Angela would probably be in jail on domestic violence charges. That’s all I can say about them.
  20. @Mahamid Frauded Me, Thank you so much! I really needed this kind of closure. You made my day.
  21. So today I’m reading through all the posts and I wonder if the producers felt the dirty hypocrisy of the season just like we did and that’s why there is no Tell All or Reunion. I have watched the shows about the polygamist families of Southern Utah and I think I didn’t get this upset because they didn’t rub our noses in the self defined religious aspect. Now 75% of thepeople on this show had a whole religion to themselves and the other 25% (Winders) bowed out before the end. I guess the take away, if there is one, is that this stuff doesn’t work unless there are pretty rigid rules and structure and most of society today doesn’t work that way. I STILL feel intense sadness for the kids who are being sucked into this chaos, because that’s what it is without the predefined cultural structure.
  22. @LucyEth, i’m so disappointed! Even TV shows that don’t have a Tell All will show a screen at the end of a scene that has a little epilogue sentence on it. Like one saying “well, they tried but Bert is still not pregnant.” and how about after the Snowden wedding, “Chrissy lasted for three months and then packed up her kids and left for parts unknown.” something!
  23. What about the winders and he king and queen? Is this IT?
  24. @Emmeline, I don’t trust people who post pics with sunglasses on their profiles. Figures!
  25. I think, no amount of money from TLC is worth he mind fuck Ick is laying on his two boys - and her parents are complicit in this for even going and telling them it is all a game - which if he gets Roberta pregnant, it is def not a game. I wish someone should deliver to Ick the message that if you want to play the Religious parable game, Adam and Eve acted on impulse and whim and look what happened to them and everybody else for the rest of eternity. They were cast out of the perfectly fine Eden and punished for the rest of their lives. So don’t go telling me that the Bible says that acting on impulse and hormones is ok with God. Apparently Danielle isn’t smart enough to argue with this dumb loser. Also, I moved to Colorado from California after I graduated from college and I was amazed at the kooky accent, bad basic grammar and lack of general knowledge a lot of the native people had and I wondered how they managed to graduate from elementary school. That said, I still think both Garrick and Danielle are not very bright. She may be dumb but she doesn’t deserve what she’s getting and I am astounded that nobody in her family is getting worked up about this.
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