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About Kody and his bitterness towards the church, the family was active when the show started. Some of the kids attended the AUB charter school, the kids were active in their youth group, Kody met Robyn at a church event, etc. They started the home services because their church didn't extend to Vegas, and I remember Robyn pearl clutching when Janelle and Christine were considering sending their kids to a mainstream Christian youth group because the kids missed their old one. I do think Kody's current antagonistic attitude towards the church is because he feels like it ruined his life. I really do believe that he regrets polygamy and the mess it caused in his life--although I would argue his own behaviors and attitudes played the biggest part in why he is so unhappy. I wonder if he has left all faith entirely or is going back to the more mainstream LDS beliefs of his youth. Robyn has always seemed like she believes fundamentalism is the superior way to me that I wonder how she is feeling in all of this, or if she is following his lead. I mean, Kody is now acting like all the vows he made in that church are worthless, which would include his sealing with Robyn. If you subscribe to FLDS/LDS beliefs, this fundamentally changes what happens in the afterlife if you are a believer. I would not be surprised if this becomes a fight between Kody and Robyn down the road.
Kody seemed pretty negative about his old church and beliefs. I wonder what happened there... I also wonder if Robyn feels the same way.
Just one thing I don't understand... why is Kody all of a sudden acting like he never wanted to marry Meri? That was never the vibe I got it from the early seasons at all, nor do I remember him ever saying that in the past? I knew he never was attracted to Christine and married her just because, but it always seemed to me like he was attracted to Meri and Janelle and wanted to marry them. I think he currently regrets his marriage to Meri and is very disillusioned with polygamy, but to act like never loved her at all is just cruel.
My Life With The Walter Boys - General Discussion
VioletWitch replied to paulvdb's topic in My Life With The Walter Boys
One thing that annoyed me is that I couldn’t make sense of the ages/grades of most of the boys. So you have Will who is 25–easy Cody and Danny are fraternal twins who are Juniors Alex is a freshman, and Nathan is…? I’m guessing the mom is supposed to have had 4 children extremely close together? It all seems like they share the same friend group at school, including the adopted nephews who I’m assuming are twins and in the same grade as Alex/Jackie I have a feeling this will definitely get renewed for another season. I kind of hope they drop the love triangle schtick because it’s so obvious that Cole/Jackie have mutual chemistry. Jackie/Alex seems very one sided and the Alex character just comes off as pathetic. He’s better off with the friend who is pining after him! Overall I thought this was a very cozy show. It reminded me a bit of the earlier seasons of The Fosters. I actually enjoyed some of the subplots with the other siblings, so I hope we get to see more focus on them, and not the guidance counselor and English teacher. -
So now that we know Grace isn’t as innocent as she portrays herself to be, I wonder what her goal with Obie is? Maybe to piss off her mom? Davis being the real owner of the Lott apartment is going to get messy. Just realized— the protestor spitting on Grace’s mom before they enter the museum is the same guy Grace is making out with at the end!
For dinner they served pizza and wings with 2 liters of soft drinks on the table, and they also served cheap alcohol with the price still on it. The drinks were served in red solo cups and the son asks his parents why they aren’t drinking out of the regular glasses. They were supposed to eat at some fancy and exclusive restaurant (which Nick knew about) but Shan had them change plans so Nick wouldn’t think his daughter was hanging around entitled rich people Iris was offering Max’s father an opportunity to landscape design an important park
I’m not saying Agatha is innocent, it was made pretty apparent that she’s been living so long because she’s killed other witches, but I think being forced to give up your agency/body autonomy isn’t really fair in any situation. Especially since the last episode was basically saying “torturing and mind controlling people is wrong”
I definitely think that there were clues of Wanda’s villain turn in WandaVision. She may not have known the extent of the pain she was causing, but she DID know she was keeping people in the hex, and knew it was wrong which is why she put all of the children in the town into a deep sleep. At the end of the show, she drains Agatha of her abilities (valid) but then traps her mind; even after hearing the other townspeople say it made them want to die (not valid). She also ran off with the Darkhold, which she knew was the Book of the Damned. To me this was a writing issue with the show refusing to take a greater perspective on Wanda’s actions. I’m an avid comic book reader, Wanda being my favorite in the comics, and to me it seems the MCU wants to make Wanda their Jean Grey in everything but name, right down to the powers, uniform and the red hair. Wanda in the comics is an earthy, bohemian, sensitive Romani woman and this doesn’t really play in the movies…
Justin and Claire spend Christmas with the Duggars. https://www.instagram.com/justinsamduggar/p/CX7RAfNM7sJ/?utm_medium=copy_link
Joy and Austin: This One Time At Family Camp
VioletWitch replied to frenchtoast's topic in Counting On
I think she really enjoys doing the reels https://www.instagram.com/reel/CX3pImGFpAI/?utm_medium=copy_link