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Everything posted by turnitwayup

  1. So Tamala knew that she was let go on Friday, but wasn't expecting the news to come out before the season ended. No wonder she's ok with everything since she felt Lanie as a recurring role more than series regular and she got 8 seasons. http://www.accesshollywood.com/videos/tamala-jones-reacts-to-her-castle-exit/ I wonder why she wasn't looking for guest roles the days she wasn't filming or let her know last december so she could've gone for pilot season. She had to notice her screen time has reduced so much over the last few seasons that it was like one scene per ep when she was on. Guessing Molly is the actor that's gonna be sent to represent Castle to the various ABC functions now on if the show continues cause it seemed like Tamala was always the one there .
  2. Nathan finally gave his diplomatic tweet. https://twitter.com/nathanfillion/status/722454480843890688 He hoping the show lasts for more years. Yeah I don't think it's gonna last that long.
  3. Ikr? If a s9 happens, I would expect below 1.0 ratings. Probably better off trying to do a brand new short season show staring Nathan again than a retooled Castle. Something like American Crime or AHS where you could do new plots each season.
  4. Not with the current news of Stana gone next season. It make that last Caskett scene more sad that sweet now that there isn't gonna be a happy ending if ABC does renew. Plus the idea that Haley would give the Castles a key to her place was also huh?
  5. Like I said in the ep thread, the forced Haley/Alexis bond plus Haley seeming to have more screen time with Castle's family that Beckett has all season gave me the vibe that Haley is gonna be Castle's new love interest after a Beckett death. A widowed Castle is so depressing for a show that was basically a rom com set in a procedural. More surprise they didn't even bother to negotiate with Stana. They should've got rid of Tamala last season with Penny since Lanie barely appears in most eps and you wouldn't believe she's suppose to be Beckett's bff. Even sadder is that when Marlowe was around, Caskett got their happy ending while everything is likely leading to Beckett being on one of the TV Line Scorecard deaths. Hollander's Woods is looking better and better as the series finale. It seems like the only Caskett happy ending was to do what Major Crimes has done to Brenda and Fitz. Transfer Beckett to command a different precinct, Castle appears once in a while, move Ryan and Espo as leads and change the name to The 12th or something. Oh Susan being positive to get people to watch tonight's ep while Toks has no idea what's going on but what she read on Deadline. Nathan is suppose to live tweet the ep tonight and I'm expecting a lot of angry tweets aimed at him. Jon is sad about the exits and hope fans will come back to what ever "unknown incarnation of the show." He and Seamus hasn't been asked back yet. Sounds like everyone will probably find out online. So possible PI Castle in LA could happen now. Widowed Castle is too depressed to stay in NYC due to Beckett's death so to move on by moving his PI office to LA for change. They would bring along Alexis since she's probably the cheapest of the main cast. Martha to recurring once in a while cast since she has her acting studio in NYC but comes out to visit family and random guest star roles for various tv shows. That would get rid of most of the cast and add new cheaper roles. Add in wacky hjinks with Meredith and you got a completely different show.
  6. They had a few scenes. Maybe a tiny more screen time than Alexis. I rather had seen Beckett buy Ryan and Espo drinks scene that have Castle and Alexis console Haley in the PI office drinking whatever hard liquor in the glasses. The continue forced Haley/Alexis bond all season still has me thinking that Haley will be the person Castle moves on with after a Beckett death if there's a Beckettless s9. Haley seems to have more scenes with the Castles/Rogers than Beckett has all season. Yeah it must've been a random Sunday airing on CTV.
  7. I had issues streaming the ep so I must've started and stopped a few times. My attention kept wandering so that every time I had to stop to have it load some more, I wonder If I really wanted to finish the ep. So far we've had a handful of fun eps in a season full of blah and wtf Loksat nonsense. By watch this ep tonight, it's one less show to watch tomorrow. Typical ep, the Ryans just had a baby again so of course no mention how they're doing or why Ryan isn't exhausted. Even Beckett's dream/Caskett interactions wasn't a full developed subplot either. Tone Death > Backstabber when it comes to Robert Bella eps.
  8. Meh. Don't care about Haley's background or her long lost not dead partner. So Haley had walls and Castle and family tore down them down. Ugh, Hawley needs to stop recycling lines and plots. Beckett seems to have s3 hair that I do like. Noticed the 3XK motel made an appearance this time in daylight. Alexis is back to hanging around at the PI office apparently at all hours. Martha's scene was the highlight of the ep and Susan deserves much more screen time. The ending Caskett scene is really sweet but it seemed very random on this ep. This entire season has lowered my expectations that I doubt we'll ever get to see a Caskett motorcycle road trip stumble onto a murder type ep.
  9. Entertaining ep and reminded me of some of the earlier season themed ones. The teasing between them, Caskett banter and Castle just getting into the story he hopes is right. More balanced screen time between the 4 of them and no mention of LokSat. Imagine if the eps were like this all season long. The baby drama was kinda of random but I loled at Javier as a middle name. At least this new writer spent the time to rewatch the old eps. Those scenes were great. Lanie got to have a little more screen time than usual since she was listening to Castle explain and showed up at the hospital. Vikram and Haley weren't missed. IA about Alexis. Srsly go back to class or teach that ESL one that she has. I wonder if tptb will remember they need to have her graduate this season and I really don't need to see that ceremony either.
  10. For an Espo centric ep, it was much better than the previous ones. I did like Espo getting suspended tho he probably got off easy since Beckett is captain. Gates would probably be more pissed and give a worse punishment. I like how Ryan had his back and was enjoying Espo's mom's food and went to go get drunk at the end. Wish they had more of these types of scenes than that stupid Sarg exam and jealously subplot earlier in the season. Enjoyed Castle and Ryan hanging out as backup and Castle not being the drama and just observing the amusement of the whole situation. IA, finally we meet Espo's family yet that s5 Christmas ep doesn't make any sense anymore since he is close to his family. 9 years didn't seem like long enough time since i thought Ryan had been with team like a yr before the start of the show and Espo like 2 yrs. I kinda wish we had a better idea how long Espo and Ryan have been with the NYPD and the length of time in the other precincts before joining the 12th. Plus Espo continues to have better chemistry with everyone but Lanie. Speaking of Lanie, she blames Castle for the split. Beckett is a crappy friend to Lanie for not telling her the whole story. Sounds like no one knows why they split and got back together. The whole precinct doesn't need to know but Ryan, Espo, Lanie, Martha and Alexis should. Even Haley knows what's up. Kinda meh on the Lucy/Linus subplot but it was still better than having LokSat mentioned anywhere. The Beckett, Martha, Alexis loft scene kinda felt odd since they Castle seemed to not be in the loft at all. Even more since this entire season Beckett and Alexis haven't interacted with each other. The way that relationship has been written over the seasons it comes across as they really only tolerate each other which is really sad since earlier seasons and deleted scenes had them bonding. If the show manages to get renewed, this new writer might be the new Creaseys. Ok 1st ep but improves on the 2nd ep. He at least attempts to put some characterization since no one else really has done that in a long time. Plus I need them to just send Alexis to grad school somewhere else next season. It's time for Molly to go find some other roles. She at that age where she needs to branch out cause the show is doing a disservice to her. I wonder if she could do anything but be a smug young adult.
  11. I like the sneak too. The next ep shows promise and seems to be done by a new writer. Castle teasing Espo is always a nice change since that doesn't happen much anymore.
  12. As Castle would say "Boys will be boys." So last yr's party had mermaids at pool side and this yr Demming tazes Josh while Ryan and Maddox watches. Well okay then. Didn't Krista wished Nathan a happy birthday on twitter last yr? It's been quiet so ia on them not together anymore. It just seems like Nathan's girlfriends only last about a yr. Molly's current hair color and style at the party really ages her at least 10 yrs. Looks like she walked off the pgs of a JCrew or Ann Taylor Loft catalog. I wonder if it's because she hangs out with people 15-20 yrs older than her so she kinda dresses older and Luke isn't do any favors styling her on set either. Even more sense when they each wrote solo ep in the 2nd half of the season. Chad's was ep17 so that possibly been written during or after the holidays since ep14-15 were being filmed before and after. That holiday hiatus must've sucked for them if they were slowly separating. Also the awkwardness of the writers room. I barely remember the Hong Kong ep, but wasn't the HK cop life falling apart and everything on the outside can look deceiving. Then Dara writes an ep where Beckett and Castle only interact by phone. It's kinda sad that the bts drama is more interesting than what's on screen lately.
  13. Of all the supporting characters, Haley was the voice of reason. I guess it's a matter of time that Haley and Vikram are gonna half to work together and maybe she'll find out that Vikram is part of Loksat. Then they could get rid of that character. The no lights is just redic. Harsh shadows under the bridge at the crime scene and every loft scene. Really the only scene that should've been in the dark was the academy shooting training area. I got bored with some of the scene at the academy especially lead recruit's training by herself. Didn't care for the lead academy recruit and it was so predictable that either the sergeant or academy commander was gonna be the killer. At least Beckett wasn't being yelly while trying the threaten the irish mob guy the 1st time. It was better than when she try to threaten Vulcan in Veritas. Same with not angry yelling at finding out Castle secret. I love Ryan teasing Beckett about all those awards in the trophy case and a Alexis free ep. Better her than Alexis knowing and smirking. I rather have her be his confident since she more his peer. Hopefully Martha knows too but is just playing along. The next ep kinda looks promising since Espo got involved with a criminal and Castle looks entertained by it.
  14. What a weird loft layout. No wonder 3XK had no problem getting into the loft, apparently you can sneak out from the bedroom to the main hallway.
  15. I loved Brian's Drunk History recap at the beginning and it was fun that it continued to be sober history recaps. Nice caper in Russia. Mike and Ike's fondness of Brian is sweet. Curious what Rebecca's reaction is gonna be when she meets up with Brian. Will she be super angry or worried disappointed that he didn't tell her?
  16. Even though he mostly directs/writes/produces, I recognized him from his role in Ski Patrol when I rewatched it on netflix a months ago.
  17. At least Jenny will probably get some lines. Jim Beckett hasn't spoken a word since s5 with a cameo for the wedding. I don't think he's even gotten any mention this season.
  18. This ep should've been called Everybody's Disappointed in Brian. No wonder Brian feels alone when everyone doesn't trust him. I did like the Mike and Ike's subplot of Ike's texts to Rachel and Ike's awkwardness to the Finches. I wonder if we'll ever see that detective again. He seemed to appreciate Brian and Brian could probably use a friend in the NYPD too. Was the shop where Rebecca found Brian on the corner Abe's Antiques from Forever? The outside looked really familiar.
  19. LOL, so Molly rather look like she's wandered off the set of Suits than look like a typical college age student with a "part time office job". Even Haley's outfits looks more younger and casual than Alexis most of the time. Probably the one thing I can like about Haley is that she dresses comfortably and useful for her job. Both Kendell and Haley wore appropriate outfits all ep long whether it was everyday casual or undercover since they suppose to blend in with their surroundings on a case. Alexis just sticks out everywhere wearing her middle age executive outfit and should dress more like Rory Gilmore or Paris Geller undergrad years. Ikr? She got that ESL job and she's already took off across the US. According to Columbia, midterm was on the 7th and spring break isn't until the following week. Just more fails from TPTB with what to do with Alexis. While all 3 of them are in LA, no one is at the PI office. Guessing any calls to the office goes straight to Alexis or Castle's phone? If TPTB really didn't want to incorporate Alexis's undergrad, they would've been better off having a couple years time jump from s7 finale to the s8.
  20. Nice to see Summer and Doug but this was like a super bad redux of TLADILA with the addition of Haley and Alexis. It felt like a backdoor pilot for a spinoff of either GDS or a Beckettless Castle PI season. Really weird that Castle mentions Ryan and Espo but Beckett doesn't get a mention until the last GDS scene. Lanie finally gets a subplot of her own and the execution of it was so stupid. She would've gone to Beckett instead of Ryan if she really wanted an honest background check. Not really feeling Haley as Castle's current bff. Now that we know she's a bit shady and the whole LokSat nonsense is connected to Castle's disappearance, the whole resolution is probably gonna be a mess. If the show gets and a Beckettless s9 with Haley still sticking around, I wouldn't be surprised if a widow!Castle moves on with Haley after a couple yrs time jump. It's like Hawley is seriously trying to destroy the Caskett love story. I hope he doesn't have another solo written ep cause 2 Beckettless ones and a minimal premier ep are enough from him. Sad thing is the Slaughter ep is the best of the 4 eps he has done this season. Nathan seems so excited to do a live tweet like almost every ep now. IA with Nathan that Alfred does amazing sets since that's usually the best part of an ep lately. Too bad Seamus couldn't make it cause his tweets ends up being the best.
  21. Ikr? about those TV Line comments. I totally forgot that Jonathan Silverman is married to Jennifer Finnegan until I saw a pic probably from one of Nathan's live tweets at his house months ago. I connected Jonathan to being closer to the Devers than Krista/Nathan since Jennifer was doing sight seeing and Eurovision with the Devers in the summer. Murderless ep sounds interesting. Had no idea of the actor's name so seeing his pic, I was like it's Sonny. With the announcements of casting for a few ABC pilots, it'll be curious to see which ones goes to series and as possible replacements for shows not getting renewed this season.
  22. TV Line has what ABC is currently renewing and so far Castle is one of 8 shows are in limbo. I'm more rooting for Agent Carter to be renewed of the ones in limbo. Yeah that suite reminded me of TLADILA and I guess it isn't the same hotel cause it would've been nice to see Maurice again. So Castle brings Alexis on, but puts his foot down on not having her go with him and Haley cause it's dangerous. That'll probably change halfway thru the ep lol.
  23. I wonder if Tamala misses having a Creaseys' ep now. At least those 2 gave her a subplot. It was a dumb subplot, but she got more lines than usual. Since that ADA was interested in Lanie, they could've had her have a subplot of them dating without actually showing the dates over several eps. Instead of Beckett gossiping to Castle about Lanie, we have super!Alexis and why is Haley there in random PI office scenes.
  24. So Lanie get to do something other than talk about lividity. Probably medical related since that looks like a hospital set.
  25. Nathan thinks Jon fell asleep so he didn't live tweet, but Tamala chimed in with something about Caskett. Toks ended up at Nathan's house to do the live tweet. Maybe Summer will live tweet next week with Nathan. Tweet of the night comes from Seamus. According to this site, it's a minimum of a bachelor's degree to be able to teach esl. It also says you need a teacher's license which I don't know when Alexis had time to study and take the exam cause it seems like she spends most of her time at the PI office. She suppose to be in her senior year, so she hasn't even gotten her bachelors. Unless she majoring in Education which Columbia actually has, it really doesn't make any sense why she's randomly teaching esl. They just don't know what to do with undergrad Alexis and instead are trying to write a mid 20s to late 20s Alexis.
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