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Everything posted by allyw

  1. The last time I checked this thread was a generalized unpopular opinion thread and while I used the Walking Dead as an example my opinion was for all aired shows. Also someone usually dies especially during the midseason's finales. I don't think it's a FU to fans either, I just think that tptb are uncreative hacks especially since the reason given for the death was to justify keeping Negan alive.
  2. Seeing some people complaining about being spoiled of the Walking Dead "death" today reminded me that I consider everything fair game once a show has been aired on both coasts. If you haven't watch the episode as of yet, then maybe you should consider not visiting sites where the show is being discussed.
  3. I forgot how much I disliked him him as well and an even more unpopular opinion is that I actually liked Dan.
  4. The first 4 seasons were my favorite as well. I lost interest somewhere around season 5 and because there was too much damn Cole. I hated his character and felt that he was the worst thing to happen Phoebe.
  5. I really enjoyed the first season and I understood why fans were complaining that the latter seasons were "too dark" but I would take them over this season which is just borderline juvenile. Also there's nothing funny about a sexist pig and I know that if it was Wally or any other non-white male behaving like Ralph, people wouldn't be so quick to overlook his skeevyness or "can't wait" for the tptb to tone it down. Instead they would be calling him all kinds of names and asking for the actor to be fired.
  6. The tptb aren't forcing anyone to watch "insert show". If you don't want to watch "insert show" change the channel or turn the tv off. Nobody is stopping you.
  7. I enjoyed this episode for the most part. The actress playing Becky/Hazard did a really great job and so did Grant and Candace. However, I hated that Wally has left and wells is back. I know I'm in the minority but I 'm not a fan of TC and don't understand why there needs to be a version of his character every season.
  8. This episode was better than last season's premiere but I was still underwhelmed and I'm probably going to continue to feel this way as long as Negan is still illogically on the show. Kirkman & co needs to realize that television and graphic novels are two different mediums and what works on one may not work on the other.
  9. Thanks, I've never seen The Expanse so I'll check that out. However, I watched the first few episodes of both Z Nation and LOT but didn't like either one; The acting was terrible for the former and I disliked most of the characters in the latter.
  10. Been home sick for the past few days and decided to binge watch this. The show is okay but I was underwhelmed by most of the characters/actors especially McLaren/ Will McCormick. That guy is as dull as a dishrag so I hope there's less of him on season 2 and more of Grace and Ellis. BTW isn't it unethical for him to be having sex with his "wife"?
  11. I'm going to check it out and I hope it's good as it's so freaking hard to find a sci-fi/genre show with a prominent black character much less as the lead.
  12. I just watched the premiere and this episode back to back and I am glad that I did because I wasn't feeling the former. However, this episode was much better and a lot fun. And like another said up thread "no Tom Cavanagh".
  13. Lee Daniels is not misunderstood. He's just a misogynistic POS who is filled with self-hate.
  14. I think I might be slow because I've seen the trailer a bunch of times and yet I still don't know what the show is about.
  15. I don't see how AMC is forcing anyone to watch Into The Badlands. People can easily change the channel If they don't want to watch whatever is on. I know I certainly do it as soon as TWD is over as I have no interest in TD. Also TWD is not going to be around forever and AMC is pretty much a sinking ship without it so they're going to continue to try to find another show so if it's not ITB it's just going to be something else.
  16. You're definitively right about the pacing. I don't know if it's because tptb just can't do a better job or it's because they want to drag everything out but either way it's the viewers who suffer. ETA: I don't think Lauren Cohan pissed anyone off. I'm not a comic reader but from what I gathered from some of them was that Maggie disappeared from several issues of the comic after Glenn died only to reappear as the new leader of Hilltop. So I guess they're just following the comic instead of actually adapting it to fit th e TV medium.
  17. I'm not really sure what to think of this episode. I liked Sasha and Rosita's talk and I'm going to miss the former. However, I hated Sasha sacrificing herself and the "you're needed" speil especially to a character I've never really cared for. Another thing I disliked was the Maggie/Daryl scenes. I'm tired of Daryl being coddled and his dumbass not showing any growth. His lack of self-control got Glenn killed and there he was yet again getting ready to make another impulsive decision. Something that I did enjoy however was Gregory and Simon. The former is a straight up coward but the actor does a really great job. And the latter actor probably would've made a much better Negan. He's scary and an asshole without being over the top
  18. allyw

    S07.E12: Say Yes

    I enjoyed the Rick and Michonne moments but this episode did not feel cohesive. And Rosita can go fuck off somewhere with her no-responsibility-taking ass.
  19. Well maybe we're watching different things but yeah I don't see that many BW/BM relationships especially healthy ones represented on tv and I would like to see more of that. As for Rick and Michonne, while I'm a fan of them and can't really see either one of them with anyone else at this point, I do believe some people could objectively not like them. I've seen some people who dislike Rick and thinks that Michonne is too good for him and while I disagree, that's their prerogative.
  20. Seeing this thread title, the first name that came to me was Jennifer Aniston. I've only ever seen a a few episodes of Friends in their entirety but every time I see her, I see Rachel Green. Tom Felton who is now on the Flash is Draco Malfoy to me.
  21. I think I was a bit unclear but what I meant was were there any characters that were Black Latino/a who specifically who look more like Gina Torres/ Christina Milian and Tatiyana Ali than the Jennifer Lopez/ Gina Rodriguez/ Sophia Vergara types who are usally the go to types when hollywood thinks "diversity" ? I'm sure there are some people who dislike Rick and Michonne for legitimate reasons but I've seen some of what you're talking about. Many people like Michonne as the badass warrior but don't/won't see her as anything else. For them she's supposed to be just a killing machine and "friend" to White characters but should have no life of her own. There's also been some colorism with her as well because a dark skin woman can't possibly be attractive to anyone. As for Black & White interracial couples I kinda thinks it's a cycle. My memories maybe off but for some reason I remember noticing more BM/WW than BW/WM couples as a kid in the 90s. However what I would like to see more of are BW/BM pairings as they do exist despite what the media tries to feed us. And I have to be honest but the first time I saw the news for the Bachelorette, my first thought was "why is this show still on?" But after digesting the fact that it really took them 33 seasons to have a Black lead in this franchise and no other POC throughout its run, I was reminded that a lot of "diversity" talk are just talk. And some of those very liberal people who loves to scream that they have Black friends and voted for Obama just don't get it nor do they try to.
  22. I see many go to shows for Latino's diversity are the White ones. Are there any shows that features Black Latinos and explicitly states that that's what they are?
  23. This seem like something I would watch but I hate Fox.
  24. I'm one of those people who blame Daryl because Negan told them they could cry or whatever other bullshit but that if anyone moved then he was going to cut out Carl's other eye and feed it to Rick. He's too freaking old to be lacking self-control. So yeah Daryl acted impulsively after hearing Negan's threat to Carl and he's just as responsible for Glenn's death as Rosita is for Olivia's.
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