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Everything posted by SandyToes

  1. Y'all are in fine form today! Hoping today's eps are worth the time to watch. Thanks for the giggles!
  2. Holy moley! Wow. I hope he did take the tape back to court! Man. I think there are 8 (or 9) people who are lucky they weren't hauled off to jail. Poor Ellie May.
  3. Another instance where I would need paper and pencil to make a flow chart/score card. Today's cases - yawn.... Argh. This site and my computer are NOT happily coexisting today!
  4. I would bet dollars to donuts they applied to be on the show. Free trip! Free money! Woo hoo!
  5. Yeah, and while I agree that "Why should I give him the title until it is completely paid for?" is a valid point, the plaintiff had asked for PROOF of title. Which did not exist. Yet another example of, "I believe it, therefore it must be true." Baby daddy got his deposit and his furniture back. I'm hoping bm still had it.
  6. I was watching the not-Russian dance duo, and think a lot of their act was them lying on the floor. The judges were obviously looking "down" rather than up at a performing duo. So that may be part of their mystique. I would have been neat to see it from the audience point of view. I like the technology that is being used - drones, lights, projection. At least there is a little ingenuity from singers and large dance troupes. Very much agree about Rubik's cube magician - great act.
  7. Greetings! Heard about this thread and am happy to be here! Catching 48 hours ep today with Mark Castellano - the guy who went on Dr. Phil's show. Oh my! What a horrible, horrible human being! Some are evil, some are really weird, but this guy is just batshit nuts. In a completely delusional way. Love the comments on the music - I've seen most of the shows in bits and pieces and have never noticed any of the songs. But the whispered "Investigate" just about does me in.
  8. The reruns today were pretty good! I was about to ignore them, but then Ms. Tsao!! Wowee! In the new case, I thought the baby momma and baby daddy both looked a little long in the tooth to not have any ideas how "these things" happen. I did like her bouncin' and behavin' hair!
  9. Oddly, no, it wasn't the chicken one! Just one of the run-of-the-mill cases. This was the "did they pay first and last month, or just first month" case, I THINK! Gad, there was a boatload of 'em today! We have in our leases (imagine!) that we can make periodic visits to the property, but they have to be announced, and can't be frivolous. We can't just pop in for grins. But the neighbors and the HOAs keep pretty good tabs on them for us! Pretty much, if the money comes in, we don't bother them. Chickens would be awful! And I think there should have been compensation for cleaning it up. We do a lot of the maintenance (well, he, not so much we), and of course there would not be a bill for that. Besides - JJ has just as often told landlords that they can't go on the property because it belongs to the tenants if they are paying rent. Must all depend on whether she hears cases before or after sushi. Rant, rave, rant, rave.
  10. So this afternoon, Landlord was collecting from goofy couple (yes, I know there were several of those today) for two months rent, plus damages against the deposit. Judy states the deposit will cover one month's rent, assuming there aren't damages. Well, yes, there were damages, totaling pretty close to the $1200. So by my count, that's $1200 for one month, $1200 for second month, and $1200 for damages. Apply the deposit, and according to my math, they are still entitled to $2400. But she only gives them $1200. "Because the deposit covers the second month!" she screeches at the protesting landlord. So what did I miss?! I kept waiting for Byrd to straighten things out for her. Sadly, we've been to court and had the judge pull this on us, too. Get himself all tangled up in the numbers, and if we try to explain, get hollered at for not listening. Sometimes he wants all the minute details, and sometimes just the overview. So we've learned to bring both sets of documents. And how sad is it that I got home from work, tried to check in here, and found the forums were down. And all I could think was, "What am I going to do now?" Life? Where? What? Who, me?
  11. Maybe he lost it in the divorce. PsychoKlown, I don't recollect you hangin' around these parts until fairly recently, but dang, if you don't fit right in! I caught you over in the Investigation Channel forum and was snortin' all over the place. Well done!
  12. I'm guessing JJ tried to spare her any additional embarrassment, in case her disability was the obvious one. Interesting about not actually being divorced. I hadn't thought about that, but can see it. Another example, possibly, of "this is how things are done." I DID like how Judy started off with a line of questioning (as she often does) that seems rather off-topic, but then is really just feeding the parties enough rope to hang themselves. She also revealed that she does do some investigation of the cases before she waltzes in to the bench. She often seems to know little details that wouldn't have been in the complaint and response. And I'm always amazed at how people with zero cash think they can afford animals. I thought it telling that Mr. B said "She got 'em for me 'cuz she knows I like 'em." Another pretty telling piece of data. Roommate buddies always seems weird, too. But I do know in my predominately white-collar area, there are NO apartments available for young (or any aged) professionals. Most apartments have gone to low-income housing, and require proof to rent. These folks may not want the hassle or expense of a house to purchase, or be able to, and don't want a 40-minute drive just to live in an apartment. Good friends of ours rented a room for about a year - some young professional who was never there, just needed a place to sleep and shower. But they were worried how we'd react. We were all young and broke, and it helped them pay the bills on an inherited house. But we were all young. Not 40. I dunno. Too much time to think. My, aren't I full of excuses for everyone today! Did I mention I was a mind-reader in my former life? Pup and I back from our hot, hot walk. Enjoying the air conditioning, and using the cool-down to ponder the lives of JJ litigants.
  13. Re: The Boggs case: I kind of think that maybe they weren't deliberately scamming the system, but, instead, seem to think this is how they system actually works. We see so many scammers on this show, but every now and then someone who just really seems to think this is all normal. Le sigh. Really, really, wonder what kind of lawsuit settlement. Must not have been for much, if she's back to being destitute.
  14. And a highlight of the JJ drinking game!
  15. ZING! There it goes!!!! And people scoff when I say I watch this show with a jug of wine! ha! Haven't seen these beauties today yet, but I'm looking forward to it! Got my beverage ready, for darn sure.
  16. Ha! I was just coming here to comment on the battle of the bathrooms! Tarek's was indeed seizure-inducing, and all I could think of with Christina's chandeliers was - gad - how awful to have to clean those!! I enjoy them - I think what they are doing is more real than some of the other shows, and while some of the drama is still scripted and predictable (the drinking game! Too funny!), I still like seeing the before and afters. I always laugh when Christina claims adding grey or white trim will add a "pop of color." Huh? Red or orange or blue would be a pop of color. White, not so much. I hated the chalkboard wall in the dining room. Just what I need in my dinner - chalk dust! I did like the navy and white exterior. The only complaint I really have with the show is they tend to create the priciest home in the neighborhood, and from a buyer's standpoint, that's not always the best way to go. But if it looks great, and all you need to do to move in is bring your toothbrush, I can appreciate that as well.
  17. Ah, yes, the yep-ing Ms. Lemme. Gad. Definitely a two-shoe irritant! Wavin' those papers around! No, you don't get money back if you never paid money. But the lease says I did! But when every real live person says you didn't, it's a little harder to get the cash. Yep. Yep. Yep. Another one who obviously knows how to work the system. Kinda wish Byrd had let her try and power her way through the other "doors." Good luck, new landlords! Me thinks you all deserve each other. People like her, and the liver-transplant-disability-doing heavy yard construction neighbor, make me sad for the people who really, truly need the assistance. It's so much harder for them to get the help they need. Well, if wishes were fishes...
  18. Ah. I see now, upon closer inspection, that these people are your son-in-law's sorry relations. Humble apologies!! Whew!
  19. Shoes a'flyin'!!! OMG, Barbara Mitchell!! I kept waiting for Judy to hold her in contempt and throw her in jail. Man, oh, man. I hope the "landlords" bring a copy of the tape, with all BM's (ha!) threatening vibes as she stomped out of the courtroom. Oh, for this to have been real court! And now goofy, drunk baby momma Polly. "What is wrong with you?!?!" shouts Judy. Grab the flyswatter! Whack! ETA: And today's afternoon repeat gives us Stephanie Sias. She gets a shoe!! Woo hoo! Banner day! Bratinella, I do love you. But I had to get out paper and pencil to create a flow chart for your sorry relations. Blood pressure shooting sky high! (Probably not the best time to be creating a final exam... Poor students. Oh well!)
  20. Agree 100%. I had thought about hormones, too,, and that may be part of it, but based on grandma's input, I think the apple didn't fall far from the tree. Which may explain a lot. But doesn't make it any easier to wrap my brain around. Still boggled about wanting $10K for a mortgage. Never mind how she would pay for insurance, electricity, garden hoses... I hope some other family member saw this and steps in. And I also agree with bringing on more crazy loons. My TV hasn't had a shoe thrown at it (or dice!) in a while now and it misses the action.
  21. Oh, poor Britni. That girl has waaaay more problems than a dog. That she called her "daughter." Even though she has a real, live, two-week old human daughter. And was that the roommate or the grandma? Either way, Britni does not need a dog in her life right now. Especially a big one, that would be sharing attention with a newborn. Just dumb all the way around. In my neck of the woods, you have to have a license to catch a damn fish. Shouldn't there be something before babies come poppin' out?! Some verification that you at least have the sense God gave a grapefruit? Second case. Wow. Talk about two people who deserve each other. She was just bizarr-o. The way she stood, and her dress, presented quite an odd picture. New cases, but I'm likin' the older ones better. ETA: A GoFundMe page? Huh?! OMG. What has happened to us, that people think the way to pay bills is to just ask to be a charity case and have other people fork over the money? Am I that old? She wants $10,000 for a mortgage! Just because! And how does she plan on making the monthly payments? Oh good heavens. Maybe, some day, somewhere, someone will discover what causes babies to spontaneously appear, and these poor, unemployed, surprised young women won't be forced to ask others (or JJ or Byrd) to fund them. Pardon me, as I step off my soapbox now. I have "adoptive mom syndrome." Ooh, maybe I can start a fund... (No disrespect intended - there are absolutely valid reasons for such funding. Just not sure this is one.) ETA again: How cool was it that the festival those people attended was for "Goonies." Would not have been such a fun case if it had been, say, a "Roman Holiday" or "Gone with the Wind" festival. hee.
  22. To be honest, I didn't even know they were showing new episodes until I saw the promos for the "season finale." I just have the show on when I need something innocuous in the background. Agree that the new guy vs Randy was manufactured drama. As are the goofy meetings when they talk about girls and cowboy boots. I don't think this show needs a storyline. Just show the dresses and the brides. I do like seeing how different styles can be surprisingly beautiful on certain brides. And thank you for sleeves/straps/necklines. Brings in a little variety from the years of strapless/sweetheart dresses. Ready for Shay to fade into the background, or be gone. Better yet, if they are going for storylines, how about one where $2000 brides comes in and he only pulls $5000 dresses and loses sales. And I agree, the dress he put the surprise proposal girl in was not very flattering. Goofy and over done, but I thought it was still sweet. Her reaction when the family popped out was great.
  23. Yeah, dogs are dogs, and unpredictable, which is why I leash her when we see others on the path. And she's always leashed around the neighborhood. Pup isn't always perfectly well-behaved, and has been known to give as good as she gets But I try to be good to her, and my neighbors. And I watch Judge Judy. Speac, I do the same thing before I let her out at night - mainly to give the raccoons and armadillos a chance to run!!
  24. So I'm back from the morning constitutional with my dog, and had a perfect example of how being on a leash does not necessarily mean "in control." We walk along a wooded lake/bayou, complete with alligators, coyotes, snakes and wild hogs. It is relatively wild - complete with "beware of predatory animals" signs - not a neighborhood or a park, but has a mowed path I walk on while my dog romps and scampers and chases squirrels. Mix of off-leash and on-leash dogs, and usually not more than one or two on the entire path. Mine is usually off leash to chase squirrels. When I see others approach, especially those with dogs on leashes, I call her over and leash her up. She completely ignores dogs, even her best friends, but I try and be a good neighbor. So today, coming from around a hidden curve, comes a young woman with two leashed dogs. One is a lab-ish, the other a bit smaller. They see me, and commence barking and carrying on. My dog, who is about 50 feet beyond them on the other side of the path, (having obviously ignored them) hears the barking and turns to check on me. She comes over and barks back. I call her over, grab her, leash her up. The young woman is being pulled in a tug of war while her two dogs strain and pull, snapping and snarling, trying to get at my dog who is sitting at my feet, (at "heel"), leashed. She finally drags them off, yelling, "That's why your dog should be on a leash!" In fairness, yes, my dog was off leash and "not in my control." But I would argue that her dogs weren't necessarily in her control, either, and the argument of "I can't control my dogs, therefore you must control yours" is a bit irritating. So had there been injuries, yes, I would have assumed responsibility since we were off-leash. But I would argue with you (not JJ!) that I was more in control than the other party. Anyway. Thanks for letting me vent. YMMV, of course. Kind of like the case I watched off the DVR of the young driver who was hit by the idiot who couldn't wait 10 more seconds at a stop sign to see if the coast was clear. "She should have been looking to see if I was going to pull out from the stop sign in front of her!" I also caught the case of the teen who claimed she was deliberately hit by a driver, and an unknown man (named Uncle Cornelius in the police report) beat up the driver. Daddy's in for a long haul with that one, I fear. Hey, AngelaHunter, did you ever watch the cat case? Am I the only one who saw Richard Simmons? I don't have many saved on my DVR (mainly because the descriptions never match the episode), but this one was a keeper for me. Off to calm down with my Gatorade. Looking forward to air conditioned JJ-ing today. Even ready for boring repeats. Exactly!!
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