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Everything posted by pagooey

  1. ...could he ever hit the broad side of a barn? Scully was always the consummate crack shot; Butterfingers!Mulder was forever dropping his gun. :) I also think that Scully would want to curtail Mulder's running-around-by-himself time as much as possible. That's always how the trouble starts! Hey all, BTW, good to see ya! I was Lurkey at TWoP and have continued to lurk around the periphery. waves
  2. Someone--Charlie? someone else?--had been run over by a golf cart piloted by yet another resident of Patriot Town Trailer Acres, not the defendant. And was injured and thus in distress...? Or so I gathered...I felt like there were some gaps in the saga, and mine wasn't even interrupted by fugitive mayhem. Nonetheless, trailer park/WTC tie/flag disrespectin'/golf carts/Caress made this FIVE STARS in my book. Whoa nelly! Also, nothing says RESPECT like purchasing a tie with the twin towers on it. Who wants to bet that General 'Murrica there wouldn't set foot in NYC, that den of iniquity, if you paid him?
  3. I repeatedly checked a book about ESP out of the middle-school library, in part because it had a "test" you could self-administer at the end. This was: a set of photos and accompanying questions re. what you could glean...extrasensorily, about them--like "The girl is holding two soda cans. Which one is full?" There was also an answer key. I think I believed I was training myself...? because my mad ESP powerz did indeed increase dramatically across successive checkouts of this book. Oy, that poor librarian. Loving this marathon diary so much, if'n it's not obvious!
  4. Good point. I got to attend a taping last December--bucket list!--and we were seated in the balcony, which was steeply pitched, had no real sightlines, and was a pretty tight fit for the ever-expanding American ass, mine included. I was still in heaven, but the old Ed Sullivan was getting precarious. Of course had I been in New York yesterday I'd have been fighting someone in the street over a chunk of plywood skyline, heh.
  5. So, is "Amateur Sex Coach" Canadian for virgin?
  6. Ye gods, the killer bees. So much childhood sleep lost to the friggin' killer bees! Also fire ants.
  7. I loved this show as a wee one, AND it scared the living hell out of me on a regular basis. Granted, it's dawned on me in the intervening decades that I was a very wimpy, whingey child. I look forward to your assesment of whether any of it is remotely unsettling now, or...well, further confirmation that I was insufferably timid. Heh.
  8. I don't understand why more of the survivalists--especially those with Luke's "invention-a-day" persona--don't, like, invent themselves some SHOES. We've seen people weave some basic flip-flops before! Not that I'd ever volunteer for this show because it's my worst nightmare, but I'm a huge baby tenderfoot. The very first pointy thing I trod upon, I'd be DONE--clinging to the tailgate of the jeep or whatever, pants still around ankles probably.
  9. Heh. I'm an Old--a couple years younger than Paige--and one of my first dates, still comfortably within the 80s, was to a Laser Floyd show at the local IMAX...so I have a bit of a soft spot. It seemed pretty sex-ay at the time! Also my date was far more age-appropriate, so there was a lot of hot, hot hand-holding.
  10. Pogojoco, that's the best thing I've read all day.
  11. Very well put, mightysparrow! (Though I have to admit, as touched as I was to see that Daryl had grabbed that book, I giggled wondering when exactly he plans to fit in some time for therapeutic research.)
  12. Oh, Patti, that made me laugh so hard. (What kind of a god would give a man a PICKLE for an ARM?) Happy Halloween, all y'all. I've been sick all week, or I'd have busted out my JJ costume again. :)
  13. Interesting points. I'm coming from the opposite position--the beyond-screwed-up Linden and Holder are apparently right in my shameless shipping wheelhouse--but I find it telling that Linden has...succumbed, a few times, to relationships with men who have a certain professional authority over her, and who aren't above using that to manipulate her. I don't want to plaster a generic Daddy Issues label on it, but hell yes, her shrink planning to marry her, after she'd been clapped in the loony bin after a breakdown, IS unethical. Skinner was similar--she never completely trusted his resolution to the Seward case, and she was right...but he was the lead investigator, with whom she was having an affair, and her doubts about that were what pushed her into the hospital the first time. (I've gone back through S1 and S2, and am amazed by how much the Seward case is hovering around the edges and making Linden bonkers from the get-go.) All through S3 we can see Skinner toying with her again: casting doubt on her work, sending her off on a couple wild goose chases, turning seductive when he's at his most desperate...and she wants so badly to believe in him--or to believe that he's not the monster her gut's telling her he is--that she bends to it. Whereas Holder really is her BFF. With him she's been vulnerable, mean, kind, crazy. Hell, she's drawn her weapon on him. And still he does not leave her, or manipulate her. He lets her run, again, as far as she can until she literally exhausts herself...and when she comes back ashamed and apologetic, he still asks her to stay. (And then she runs again, just a little more, literally around Seattle in a circle before she turns back to him.) I am a total sucker for the epic, disastrous love story, granted, but that is sexay. (Also, mmmm, Holder, I would totally stay wherever you put me, yo.)
  14. Whatever the ultimate Picnic Day fallout, I just have to admit that I was beyond excited when I saw the episode title on my DVR: "Stabbed in the Face!" I expected some JJ solid gold coming my way, and was kind of amazed that, even though BOTH LITIGANTS MANAGED TO GET THEMSELVES STABBED IN THE FACE, the case itself somehow came across as boring. Cow Eyes and her mommy were dreadful. "She's learned not to be so trusting, unfortunately. I, however, have learned nothing and will continue to enable my precious cow-eyed snowflake to be an entitled little shit."
  15. I just hope that when the boxer chomped the yappy little Idle-Richies' dog, she didn't damage one of its other outfits. That poor creature was wearing a 1950s poodle-skirt ensemble, which to me is a prime indicator of way more money than sense on behalf of the owners. Maybe yappy dog was just dressed up for court? (Maybe she thought she was going to a tea dance???)
  16. Not to mention, Linden and Holder might be the least incompetent members of an apparently terrible, horrible, Keystone Kops-level police force. She could've had a whole 20-round bandolier holster and a surface-to-air missile on the kitchen table go without notice. Is Kyle here? Hey, anybody seen Kyle? No? Okay, back to the boat, fellas. ;) (Not that I don't love them because I do, so much.) This paralleled Linden's story in a way, too: Skinner revealed himself to be the monster she was chasing, and she put him down--which, given that he was a spree-killing child molester, I don't feel too bad about--in some terrible combination of horror and rage and mercy and, surely, humiliation. She'd loved him, and hadn't seen him for what he was...and then she had to become monstrous herself to finish it.
  17. I don't want to spoil Tara too much either, so I'll just say that one of the things that made the course of Peter and Olivia's relationship quite palatable to me was Walter's perspective on and level of investment in it. Walter always makes for good teevee. :)
  18. HelloPatti, is it wrong if I hope that ol' Lucy Goosey there gets nothing but diarrhea emergencies, should her insane ass actually ever qualify as an EMT?
  19. I probably shouldn't laugh so hard at this, but it's like one of Glark's truthful title cards. This week on Terrible, Horrible Decisions... ETA that Holder's horrendous dinner with the fam was the only thing that rang a bit false to me. I could even accept things getting that ugly between him and his sister, wince and cringe though I did...but I just don't see him telling his beloved Davey to STFU, ever. (Bummer that the kid was recast with a total random, habibi.)
  20. I too loved that last scene, with the crane pulling up the car. I've been watching Season 1 to refresh my memory a little, and it's quite the callback to the end of the pilot episode: another car, another lake, Rosie Larsen in the trunk. The more things change... I confess, I laughed out loud--and hard--when Jack set up that dreadful mother-daughter reunion and then apparently shambled back to the car for a smoke. And laughed again when poor Linden came storming back enraged and wrecked and just this side of losing her mind entirely...and was so berserk over being set up, she didn't even notice the cigarette. Oy.
  21. Thanks, Neurochick, for the "gateway to cheating" reference, which summarizes the weird vibe I was getting from Tom better than I managed to. I think there are multiple layers of cultural expectation slathered onto this show, and that there are finer degrees of...well, cuddling and nakedness and sexuality, that aren't holding up to even our snarky scrutiny, and it puts us in a weird spot. The very title of the show front-loads this: t's NAKED and Afraid, so the titillation premise is built in: ooh, nekkid! This is the sexy survival show! In that light, I can kind of see where candidates might worry about this beforehand: not just that it's going to be awkward, but that nakedness with a member of the opposite sex means that you're expected to be physically, sexually attracted to them. And yeah, I suppose being chilly is the least of their worries in a survival scenario, so snuggle or don't, whatever... ...but Bryce, I think that this paragraph leaps over a lot of middle ground in the same way the show's premise does. There are many degrees between "sexy outfit," NO outfit, huddling for warmth, and sudden genitals-to-genitals action, Inevitable Erection or no. This is what unsettled me about Tom: he implied that both he and his wife assumed he could barely resist the temptation, that naked (even bug-bit, thirsty, and huddled on a bamboo mat in front of a camera crew) was a direct road to boinking. The title of the show, and possibly the producers' hope for a little tumble-in-the-jungle, makes us all complicit in it somehow...the context has been super-sexualized. Or am I just "diluting" myself? ;)
  22. Everyone's, like, already said, like, all the things there were to like, dislike about Carrie, so... I wondered about this too, in a slightly different way. Tom implied that his wife would be furious if he got physically close to his partner, to the point that I figured it was some kind of uber-conservative "naked equals sex equals FILTHY SINNING" thing. I mean, if my spouse was insane enough to attempt this kind of challenge, my first priority for them would be "DON'T DIE." Snuggle if you need to, for crying out loud! If neither Tom nor his wife believed that he could contain himself from Immediate Sexing, there's a lot more weird subtext going on, methinks. (Granted, Carrie's attitude quickly countered any conventional hotness she might have possessed. I don't understand the people who can even think about sex under these circumstances anyway. Hey there, you dehydrated, filthy, stinking to high heaven pitted moonscape of bug bites...how you doin'? )
  23. With the logo design case, I still long to know what the random "story about an elephant" was, that the plaintiff claimed she'd received in lieu of/as part of...whatever the heck she'd ordered.
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