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Everything posted by vanillagum

  1. that was kleine's bf lol
  2. They really just HAD to give it to Queen Rachel twice 🙄
  3. Same. We've barely even seen her do or say anything so idk why everyone's suddenly so obsessed, let alone wanting her for point...like...what
  4. nothing, just odd since she's like 22 and didn't she just graduate college?
  5. wow, just looked at her post...can't believe she (or her parents) bought a house there. i wonder if she has a job
  6. Haha this. I somewhat like to think it's because during the rehearsals we see, they're legit fighting for a spot on the team and giving it 10000% Also I'm sure the boots make it harder/less pretty
  7. Same. She hasn’t impressed me at all. Not that you need a lifetime of dance and technique to be a good DCC, but it seems like she doesn’t have the former and hasn’t really stood out as the latter? Like, with lots of other girls, it’s “omg her technique! amazing! she’s so strong!” but I don’t remember seeing her do literally anything impressive dance wise this season, or else they would’ve highlighted it. I don’t remember her dance being highlighted ever. And no technique comments. Does anyone know about her dance background? Her solo looked bad and “stompy” like they said, and of course I could be wrong but tbh I suspect she was hiding a lack of ~classical~ training by going the hip-hop route I really can’t stand the over the top blonde type like you described, but at least Marissa can turn it out
  8. I honestly wish they would just up the age requirement. 19 is so young. Barely out of high school. You’re a kid and probably going to act like one. Now you have this permanent stain of nationally televised rejection and scolding. I guess it might not affect everyone the same way, but I know I’d hate for how I acted as a teen to follow me around like that I feel bad that they waited until the last possible second to cut her, minutes before the team was announced. Felt nasty
  9. You really think they've soured on her that much? Idk how I feel yet
  10. Perhaps she wasn't there long enough to feel comfortable? LOL I'm almost playing devil's advocate for some reason. I get you, though. Persconality-wise, she seemed similar to Pressley—kinda awkward and quiet, but likable. I would love to see her back—K and J seemed to REALLY like her, and it was so sweet to see. I loved when they said, "She's special." Like? Adorable. She herself also seemed sweet, as well-liked by all the vets and TCCs. She'll definitely have to put in work, though, I agree. She's tall and gangly. I love Cailey. I think she'd be an amazing ambassador, but it seems like her back injury is just preventing her from dancing with the power needed, period, and I can't see that changing in a year. I really hope I'm wrong, but...I'm sure she's going to re-audition either way. I don't want her to get her heart broken and, like, not even make it into TC again :(
  11. You think she was particularly out of her depth, compared to people like Ashley or the other early cuts? She was good enough to get into TC. Maybe I need to watch again to know what you mean Kya would be a stunner on the team, and I would love to see her on it, but I really don't think she has it or can have it. But who knows—Erin came back a year after being a total mess seemingly a shoo-in. But Kya's past dance experience or lack thereof is unclear so I can't even really speculate. Does anyone know if she's been on a team or is a lifelong dancer or anything? I didn't get that impression OK LOL it took me five seconds to find out she danced for the Utah Jazz for three seasons. Lmaooo Ok, girl, get it together and come back!! LOVE her look
  12. I hope she comes back, and I think she will. She's freaking adorable
  13. Why do you think Erin specifically won’t?
  14. She was. She got a cut, which is cute, but the color is so blah. It's dishwater-y and doesn't do much for her imo Also, I can't stand Kleine's hair. It's butter yellow and all one length. And they really didn't think she needed ANY kind of makeover? Ok She also annoys me in general so maybe I'm biased
  15. Is anyone else surprised at how...non melodramatic the Alora Rose talk was? In a good way? The cliffhanger ending from last week was goofy, but this was ok. The lack of music during the actual talk was SO welcome. I can't stand the dramatic music they set scenes to usually lmao. It was jarring and refreshing. I'm also surprised they let Alora Rose say her piece after she left. What I don't get is her saying she was 'invited.' You were invited to...audition? Like everyone else on the planet? Lol. Clearly she wasn't invited to rejoin. Also, is anyone else weirded out by how flat they keep styling Ava's hair now? It's not flattering, it looked better before, and before was way more DCC-like. So bizarre. Kelee makes me smile. She seems so genuinely sweet. You don't see, like, any DCC with this kind of lowkey, almost timid personality. Her growing confidence is lovely to watch. So darling!
  16. I was a big fan back in the day (lol) but now I'm meh. Now that the season's mostly over, I can say that I don't really think she's improved, and she'll definitely be a blender. No pop whatsoever. I think she has a BEAUTIFUL face, so I'm mad that only a few rookies got makeovers. TF? I agree, her hair is pure yellow and doing her no justice. It drives me mad tbh
  17. Wow, you weren’t lying. Madeline’s video sucks omg it’s barely even dancing??? Loved Kylie’s, surprisingly
  18. Imagine thinking TPTB would ever be rude to their precious queen Rachel lol
  19. I loved Brennan, but wow Jensen is like a prettier Brennan? Kelee's new wig is AMAZING. She's such a doll. Her last one was a crime
  20. This and her blown-up lips...I can't. And she's one of my faves. It pains me Just watched the ep Kleine's solo was a whole lot of nothing. It's interesting to see who gets away without having precious technique Ashley's cut was kind of dramatic, but I love how she seemingly didn't grovel and didn't fall apart. She was very mature. And I think it's so sweet how much Kelli and Judy like her. She definitely wasn't ready, but I hope she comes back stronger. I'd love to see her on the team. Seems like a lot of people were pulling for her, it's cute Tyra loves her some crocodile tears WHY DID THEY SHOW ALL THE EXACT SAME SOLOS I find KayDianna insanely annoying. And her name drives me crazy, it's so clunky Weird how Presley has gotten so far while getting so little positive attention? She kind of looks like a less pretty Hannah, with a bigger forehead. People endlessly talk about how Lea doesn't have the look, but weirdly I haven't really seen anyone say that about Presley
  21. Finally catching up on this season lol I gave up after ep 2 As much as I liked Madeline S. before, she's really not impressing me. I'm surprised she made the squad. She's so meh. I think there were just bigger fish to fry. I just started ep 6; maybe my opinion will change. She's stunning but gangly and an ok dancer. Better than the first go, sure. Why not throw a pretty, blonde legacy on the squad, since the other one's gone, I guess Kind of shocked at how little attention vets are getting The constant new choreographer every ep thing is getting old. It was fun at first, but they're learning all these dances in different styles for literally no reason...other than TV I'm surprised Jordann made it as far as she did Don't like Christina...I lost it when Kelli was about to cut her but decided not to just because her family is Air Force. What a joke. Future TCC, take note I feel so bad for Cailey. What a well-spoken, beautiful woman! She would've been such a great ambassador :(
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