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  1. Mariah hates her mother. I do feel badly for Meri in that I think she had a plan for her life and nothing went the way she planned. She only got to have 1 child, and I think to compensate she spoiled Mariah to her detriment. The spoiling ended up biting her in the butt because Mariah was so used to only caring about herself that when the time came for her to have empathy for her mother she couldn't muster any up. Meri had a breakdown and was struggling and had no one to turn to. Now granted, she didn't have Kody and her sister wives because of her own choices but even her own daughter had no time for her. Meri so desperately wants to throw her daughter a party, which is a very normal thing. Even if the sisters throw it usually the mom helps but all her sisters have different mom's so it's not as simple. Why can't Mariah throw her mom a bone and let her enjoy something, she only gets to do this once. Maybe she'll be nicer for her second wedding.
  2. I always figured it was Dayton because we saw so much of him. I can never remember one of her daughter's names and only know Aurora because she entered the family very "extra" and kept it up.
  3. Any links to that? I don't remember a whole lot from that time frame but curious about Kody actually saying no to Robyn!
  4. The fact that Aurora has panic attacks over the state of Kody and Robyn's marriage is very interesting to me. That to me sounds like Robyn uses her as a sounding board and tells her all her marriage woes and that is completely unfair to Aurora. I do think Aurora is drama and maybe lacked attention and then was brought into a massive family so dramatics were her surefire way of getting that attention. I will say seeing Kody with Robyn's kids is interesting. He is way more involved and caring with them than I've ever seen with any of the other kids. If I were one of his kids and watched the panic attack episode I think I would be pretty hurt to see that.
  5. I'm not a Kody fan by any means, however I do feel that this plan is probably the best one for a polygamist family. Most don't get anything even close to this good of a deal. I'm not sure what Christine's hang up is seeing as she is the royalty of the group. I think Robyn is turned off at the idea of all wives having an equal share and that they're all on an even playing field. I don't think that appeals to her at all. Her jealousy was on full display at Meri's house and then shocker, she got a $900,000 house. She also seemed to really not like Kody having his own house. She didn't seem to understand it was a mock up and everything didn't have to be white just because it was in the pictures. She also did not like him saying his house. I don't think she likes him putting out there that he would actually like his own space and that she isn't his safe place. If this house were to happen she would totally be in 'his' house and leaving little bits of her decor and marking her territory.
  6. What was Danielle doing with the contents of Marge's purse? Was she dumping them in a container? She was actively breaking things and one candle was $675 so the store owner could, and should have pressed charges. Danielle really has an issue with what others think about her. She cannot let it roll off her back and move on. She said she was a good person and I think she truly believes that. It was awesome to see Marge actually throws facts at Danielle about the abuse allegations and watch Danielle have nothing to say. Then she had to go low and bring up the affair. Again. Obviously Marge is aware that her actions were wrong and she still has guilt for it and is still dealing with the fall out because of it. She has always owned it and never pretended she didn't have an affair. Danielle on the other hand, bringing up her past is a sure fire way for her to snap.
  7. This is going to get so messy. https://www.intouchweekly.com/posts/jim-edmonds-called-the-cops-on-meghan-after-drunk-night-out/
  8. Anyone else think Jennifer's husband and her widow sister are having an affair? Something about their interaction struck me as odd and my husband who was "not watching" commented about it as well.
  9. It was kind of funny when Braunwynn was talking to Shannon and she said "do I talk about myself too much? Maybe." then silence while she waited for Shannon to chime in and say no, no not at all and there was just silence. 😂
  10. Braunwyn and her husband are so off to me. They seem to really want to sell this version of themselves, they're sexed up, super hot, all over each other all the time. Those family pictures and the dress Braunwyn wore definitely made it seem like she wanted all the spotlight on her, that dress was not appropriate for family photos. Weirdos. Kelly is truly off her rocker, she really needs help. Gina seems to want a reason to be upset at Emily because to not even let her speak on the situation seems a bit overkill. Emily looks good for being obese. I'm glad she's addressing it though because it only gets harder as you get older.
  11. I honestly don't believe Braunwynn and her husband have threesomes. Unless the third is a guy and Braunwynn is not involved.
  12. Tamra is absolutely abhorrent, there's no there word for her. My heart broke for Shannon (who up until very recently felt she was overweight and hated her body and had no self esteem) try on a pair of jeans, which were probably the smallest size she's worn in a long time and hear her very good friend tell her she looked like a stuffed sausage. Then to be the one to bring up the train, Kelly needs to be just as upset with her as she is Vicki for putting that out there. Gina, pretty sure she felt if she played along long enough Matt would tire of the new girl and would come home to her. When that didn't happen and their relationship continued, she decided playing the victim was her best bet. Bronwyn, she seems like she's coming in guns blazing and I really do get gay vibes from her husband.
  13. I love Rinna trying to coax Camille to say more and talk trash about Dorit. Rinna acts like a friend but the moment she hears an opening for tea she will throw anyone to the wolves.
  14. I don't feel like anyone really likes Teddi and Kyle likes her because she kisses up to Kyle constantly.
  15. I actually feel badly for Lu because she obviously had a very dark time in her life and leaned heavily on Beth during it. It seemed Beth was a good friend and was there for her however now Beth is just relishing telling the most embarrassing stories from that time. She always finds a way to tell some story or a detail, enough that I would make the person embarrassed. Talk about kicking a person while they're down and not having empathy. I really hope someone can knock her down a few pegs at some point.
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