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Everything posted by AKA...CJ86

  1. ...Love the lunacy of the case but part of me wishes it was on JJ. You know she would have tried handling that stuff quick and yelled "This isn't an audition."...and followed by JJ's glare of DOOM! Both litigants were turned up, but it always bugged me, and was obvious the plaintiff...with the outfit/costume and behavior...thought this was her audition... As awful as it is in retrospect, loved the defendant's hallterview..."This is why they always crack her against her head..." or whatever, I'm sure I mangled it.
  2. September 30th - "Bob Zombie"...I take it my initial thoughts for "One of Us" will come to fruition here...
  3. Dorinda won...for being an ASS! Ramona, if thinking Mario couldn't deal with you being awesome and successful and that gets you through your day, you keep on being the Donald to his Ivana, baby...
  4. To apply reality to reality TV, as I see it at least, then Lu should be upset with Adam, again as I see it. To me, technically, he would be the one with disregard to the niece...
  5. But was that metallic monstrosity a custom for the reunion...awful...
  6. So the world wasn't flocking to get some Peter's Brew, I'm shocked.
  7. Or not even vote, why not just a discussion like Favorite quotes across the series...IDK, I'm partial to "Al Sharpton!" or what I've recently started dropping in convo's "We're an international lifestyle brand"...hate the reactions, only a few people get what I'm talking about...that's why I spend most of my non work time on here.
  8. I loved Sheree and then I transferred that love to Twirl...I think my love might be going back to Sheree... ...Me thinks Boo gon' check Twirl...
  9. Caught "One of Us". Okay episode with some good moments, and good to see S-1 again, I was hoping she wasn't forgotten. Reading the premise had a virus, I thought maybe they'd do a "zombie" type story...glad it wasn't.
  10. Yes, I remember this as well. And in hindsight, some of the other HW's behavior towards Aviva could have been a bit better explained...in perspective.
  11. Carole is number one this season! ...Then Dorito...minus a few drunken escapades and breakdowns, I've enjoyed her... ...okay stone me, but I love me some Ramonja... ...Like I mentioned in the Least Favorite thread, I love all the ladies...but the above rose above the rest... So, between this thread and the Least Favorite thread, that leaves Heather and Lu the odd girls out...
  12. I remember a lot of the Aviva/Reid stuff hitting the web after the Season/Reunion ended...don't recall specifics but I remember there was some "insider" sources...as usual...and I think Carol had an interview hinting at issues from Reid/Aviva.
  13. Brief reunion clip...most of the gals look tacky, and is Sonja's look right out of her TH's?
  14. Caught up with "Space Elevator" and "Bionic Action Hero". "Space..." was the typical and had it's moments but I enjoyed "Bionic Action Hero". I think an episode finally took the spot of "Bionic Showdown". Great Villain and motive, AWESOME STINGER! and a great set-up for where the series will be going...Can't add too much to what you already mentioned 88...but it looks like the series will be heading, and ending on a high note. Quick episode note: August 12th - "One of Us"
  15. I voted for Beth...me, me, me personal life doesn't do a thing for me... and... ...Kristen of the eBoost of Color o-face Taekman's... ...Actually, I love the entire cast, but these two are the most expendable for me...
  16. Caught up to "Spike VS Spikette" and "Lab Rats VS Mighty Med". Wow...they really enjoy making Chase the lynchpin for the issues that arise lately...and for "Lab Rats VS Mighty Med"...not only is he the cause...but he's out of action a good chunk. Overall, I thought the crossover worked, I wondered how they'd explain the groups meeting, and the "Rats" existence, or lets say the superheroes existence and vice-versa...although the character's initial introduction to each other was definitely convenient. Thought Skyler and Bree's "resolution" was a bit tacked on though...I didn't feel there was really any build up to that. ...and Donald's absence the second half. Not even a quick line about what he's up to...or even Douglas to tag along? ATM, I enjoy both series, but might give MM the edge.
  17. Didn't catch last nights episode but read the premise, doesn't sound too interesting, especially for an extended episode...still a few weeks behind, hopefully I'll catch up this weekend.
  18. IDK, I think Vicki Jeans, Vicki Vodka, and Vicki Diamonds would have me beg to differ.
  19. And I'd offer $148.99. And now I'm off to ebay for JJ DVDs...
  20. I wish JJ would do a "Where are they now?" or do an update episode like some of the other court shows do...with the number of scammers and crazies, and the number of times she says the episode will be sent to the proper department/authorities... ...Although the update format works better for the Divorce/Paternity Court format...
  21. The hallterview will always be a thing of nightmares. *Shudder*
  22. Haven't seen "Spike vs Spikette" or the Mighty Med crossover but so far Spider Island is my favorite just for the fact it focused on the Davenport's--no Bob, Spin, or students--just the gang on a mission, which they created but that's typically the usual.
  23. I noticed two(?) seasons ago for ATL, and the others followed the format, that they started pairing WWHL with the Housewives shows but still labeled the timeframe as an episode of HW's. It wasn't until I started paying attention here that I realized the mystery extra 30 minutes was really WWHL tacked onto the HW's episodes... ETA: Ubiquitous beat me to it!
  24. So, minus this thread, I think I'll be taking a break from the NY section. I love the snark, but i hate seeing my fellow posters go at each other. It's part of the reason I stayed out of the BH thread for a wee bit. Walnutqueen, again, I hope all is going well!
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