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Everything posted by amarante

  1. This is an interesting comment. Let me be clear that I find it very strange when people have such strong opinions about which builder tract non-authentic faux architectural style they want. Like yourself, I am much more concerned with location and other objective aspects of a home. By and large, I don't even care that much about the much *discussed* curb appeal. Unless a home is at some extreme, I don't care - I am much more concerned about the interior of a home because I see the front of my home for about five seconds while walking in or driving up. However, I grew up on the East Coast - Brooklyn - then Manhattan for a bit with relatives in the suburbs of NJ in the typical nondescript comfortable tract homes - what style were they - they HAD no discernible style - some were two story and some were the kind of homes that had half stairs - not really a split level.
  2. I don't think they even mentioned Orange County until the third house. And yet another completely obvious choice - as soon as I saw that the second home was in the process of being renovated, I knew that was the one. In real life I would imagine almost no homes are literally abandoned in mid renovation. Maybe I was feeling petulant but I am coming to despise HH who want a home that isn't "cookie cutter" and is "quirky". There are very few architectural masterpieces that any of these HH are looking at in terms of exterior. And then to claim that the interior which consists of wood floors and walls is "boring" and "sterile" is beyond ridiculous. That is why god created furniture; artwork; tchotchkes; rugs, paint and other elements which *normal* people use to decorate their homes - personalize them - make them "warmer" etc.
  3. I agree as I didn't think the daughter was literally buying a house with the mother but just that the plan was for her to live in the place after graduation and so they wanted her to have a separate living area as opposed to a bedroom next to her mother. I would imagine the daughter would be paying some amount of rent once she started working and so I thought that they were both looking at the daughter's living area as being more than just a room but a place that would enable her to live somewhat independently for at least a few years.
  4. Emotional support animals are much more limited in terms of where you can take them versus a service dog. An emotional support animal can be barred from most public spaces - i.e. restaurants, stores. The chief right at this point is regarding housing - I think the airlines have tightened up regarding emotional support animals on flights.
  5. I think the column fetish is as @40Love writes, it is about someone who is fairly naive thinking that columns somehow represent a grand scale of old wealth. I could be wrong but in the episodes in which it is a stated preference, the HH seem to be of very humble origins in which they are the first generation to own a home - or go to college or presumably have anything other than a minimum wage type of job. Other HH who fall into this type of "just made it" seem to be overly represented among the HH who need their home to make a "statement" from the exterior and "wow" people. Not the same thing but I also find it very odd when a HH wants a home in a particular style because that is what they grew up in. I couldn't give a rat's patootie about duplicating the nondescript style of my childhood home.
  6. There was an episode where they brought back take out breakfast in styrofoam containers. It seems infinitely more trouble to get takeout breakfast than to make breakfast.
  7. It was complete security fraud to continue the IPO without disclosing critical information. That would have been the logical step to force putting the brakes on 2.0 . Jack is facing serious civil and potentially criminal liability for withholding the information
  8. She definitely chose the least livable home in Rhode Island. Not having a bathroom on the same floor as the bedrooms would be an absolute dealbreaker. I have lived with one bathroom but it was on the second floor with the bedrooms. I can’t imagine going downstairs to oee in the middle of the night or having to take a shower downstairs When I was young it wasn’t a big deal to scoot upstairs to pee but I wouldn’t want to do it if I had a kid or now that I am older. The third house was the only one that actually was comfortable. Renovations on the others would be more expensive than the third house cost.
  9. Dick Wolf historically had a deliberate policy to have shows in which no single cast member was critical. Law & Order (the mother ship) was famous for its revolving cast members. The Chicago trifecta is a bit different because they have more human interest back stories than Law & Order historically did - although that is evolving. Almost none of the characters on the Dick Wolf shows are irreplaceable - maybe Hank Voigt and Mariska Hagirty on LAWSVU. Even Law & Order Criminal Intent which was built completely around Vincent D'Onofrio's character went on for several seasons with a revolving set of lead detectives.
  10. I had no idea Boise real estate was that expensive - couldn't believe the price of what was essentially a 2 bedroom bungalow. Does Boise actually have enough traffic so that living close to what passes for a downtown is a significant factor?
  11. Recycle is a kind way of stating as it has become a cliche that a female first responder will rescue a child or be involved with a child and then wind up adopting - recent storylines on Blue Bloods - not to mention Chicago PD which is a sister show for god's sake. And Chicago PD just sent one of the husbands off on some away from Chicago job and the wife was not kept in the loop. They are really recycling stories on this trifecta of shows. Obviously single parents raise children but generally they have some kind of support system in terms of family. I am not sure how having friends who all work the same shift are a viable option. And really good child care for an infant or even a toddler is incredibly expensive and hard to find because there is such a shortage FWIW the scary range for an EMT in Chicago is between $35,000 and $44,000 which doesn't provide much in terms of being able to pay for quality child care.
  12. Amazing the odd stuff one forgets and what one remembers. Following your links (thank you) I found the comments when it was originally aired and I actually commented on it so I saw it. I only remembered the awful Eichler but nothing else about the episode. She was so memorably awful that it is interesting that I had no memory of her and the couple's terrible dynamics yet such a clear memory of the horrendous Eichler remodel with room for only a small sofa facing a slider in the living room. Does this mean that my memory for bad flips is better than for awful people?
  13. I think they either have an arrangement with the owners of the mutilated Eichler home or some other idiot decided having a kitchen that would be over-sized in a McMansion would make functional and aesthetic sense in a small space since who needs any kind of actual living area with couches and comfortable seating? 🤷🏼‍♀️🤣 The reason I think this is a "new" set of HH as the wife was so memorably awful and stupid that most people would have remember her even without the Eichler And there have indeed been a few householders who exhibit their incredible stupidity by asking whether flooring is wood - after stating they *must* have wood or asking if a counter was marble or granite or quartz - after stating they absolutely needed a certain surface. Trending in the past year has been idiots (including realtors) calling a single bowl under-mounted sink a farmhouse sink. 🤷🏼‍♀️ There seems to be less emphasis on insisting on stainless steel with no differentiation between cheap appliances that are stainless and higher quality appliances. Who in their right mind would reject a Miele, Bosch, Thermador or equivalent versus a Whirlpool? They wound up with the flip which was memorable because it was truly one of the ugliest flips I have ever seen. Generally flippers attempt to make the home aesthetically attractive in terms of finishes but whoever did this flip seemed to deliberately make the ugliest choices possible - gray plastic floors when the rest of the house had wood - sheet vinyl kitchen floors. Hideous bathrooms
  14. The San Francisco episode was odd because the episode itself was new but I thought they used the EIchler house in a previous episode. There was a previous episode in which an Eichler house was remodeled in the same terrible way so that they expanded the kitchen to a monstrous size and so there was only a tiny "living" area. I don't recall the other Eichler having the weird disproportionate addition so perhaps there is a serial mutilator of Eichler homes who somehow thinks there is a market for ridiculously renovated homes. There wasn't even a second living area as I recall so it would have been an instant rejection from me. Also I understand that Eichler is a big name for some reason but I thought that the realtor saying he was exclusive because he only built 11,000 homes seemed to completely negate his exclusivity. He was a tract home mass builder who built relatively modest homes in a certain area and at a certain time - essentially he was the Levitt of Walnut Creek and environs and not a damn Frank Lloyd Wright :-) I live in an expensive real estate market (Los Angeles) but damn all of the houses were objectively terrible. The flip was ugly as hell with the plastic gray laminate flooring in the living room and that awful ugly kitchen. The flipper had really done the cheapest flip I have seen - at the very least put some damn hardwood in the living room of a million dollar home. The finishes in the bathroom were so ugly and cliched as well. And the woman was horrible. It has been a while since there has been as clueless a HH. She wanted "high end" and she didn't even know what high end was - asking which was better - quartz or marble and asking if obviously plastic floors are wood. I understand theoretically how coming from a poor background and climbing to the top can make one a bit nouveau riche in terms of wanting to exhibit your wealth. But she didn't even know how to exhibit it since her standards for display were so off. Why the husband is putting up with this kind of idiotic keeping up with the Jones is a mystery - she is going to waste money for the rest of their marriage
  15. He said they wouldn't have to SELL. Implication was that they would keep as an investment property and not have to sell. Presumably there was a small mortgage or paid off mortgage so they could purchase an additional home up to $450,000 without needing to sell. I didn't get the sense they were planning to have a huge number of animals requiring a lot of equipment beyond basic riding lawnmower or whatever. Since his schedule has him at home for extended days, it is probably easier for him to do maintenance than someone who has a more typical M-F type of job. The wife would presumably be living there full time to handle any odd stuff
  16. You didn't miss anything relevant. It could be inferred that they wanted to keep the Chino Hills house as an investment and rent it out. The reason for the move - or at least as stated - was because they wanted a more rural location. He would have a 150 mile commute but since his shift at the firehouse was for several days, it wasn't a factor. She worked from home but periodically visited firehouses in Orange and LA County for sales so again I would imagine commuting would be less of a factor than a standard job in one place since she would have long commutes wherever her home was.
  17. It would be dangerous because you wouldn’t be able to see the pool unkess you were inside the enclosure. Typically safety fences for pools just enclose the actual pool with a relatively small amount of space to walk around. If you enclose a larger area then you aren’t really making the pool safe. in the episode in which no fences except those for pools were allowed, I think it was because they wanted to preserve the views for people in that area by the lake. Also, I doubt whether most people in that location had pools because they were right by the lake and Minnesota is not a climate in which you get a lot of use from a pool. It didn’t look as if anyone had a pool 🤷‍♀️ People with dogs sometimes use electronic barriers which are invisible
  18. The Tehachapi couple were delusional if they thought they could renovate that monstrosity - especially in Southern California - for $100,000. A master bathroom REMODEL (i.e. plumbing already in place) costs $45,000 if done with upgraded fixtures. Just an addition would easily cost more than $100,000. An upgraded kitchen WITHOUT removing walls would cost $50,000. And given the age of the house, any homeowner is going to have to upgrade non-cosmetic stuff like electrical and pipes and possibly roof and foundation.
  19. In terms of priority, a HOA would have to follow statutes and most places do require that pools have fences as do insurance companies and simple prudence. I didn't watch the show but the allowed fences for pools might be the kind of wrought iron fences that people use for pool safety rather than privacy fences around the yard. No one uses high privacy fence around a pool because it would be dangerous as well as unsightly.
  20. I think OLG is a success and could theoretically be around for awhile. For all the reasons mentioned above, it has been extremely popular since it opened and apparently is still popular - at least based on Yelp reviews which indicate that there are still lines to get in. It is a soul food/traditional Southern food restaurant and is going to attract business from locals as well as tourists - both Housewives' fans as well as just Atlanta visitors. Based on the menu, the food is relatively inexpensive as well. I think Blaze has a lot of issues because it just isn't that unique - no particular distinct selling point - it's a steak and fish type of restaurant - YAWN If I happened to be in Atlanta, I might go to OLG because I am going to want to eat at a Southern restaurant probably so why not there. I can't imagine why I would go to Blaze over any other typical boring restaurant. I don't typically eat at these kinds of boring restaurants so I wouldn't go out of my way to go to a mediocre one one. https://blazesteakandseafood.com/dinner/ Also I don't know where it is located in terms of Atlanta geography but it seemed like Kandi said it was in an "urban" area. I thought perhaps she was implying it was in a more crime ridden area than OLG. If so, it might not have the demographics to support that kind of rather boring steak house?
  21. In fairness, the trope that only fools are happy is not limited to Jews although in the popular culture as promulgated by the many Jewish writers and film/television personnel, Jews are portrayed as more neurotic than the average WASP In The Great Gatsby, Daisy Buchan said about her new born daughter
  22. Is it me or did most of the characters go from being somewhat funny/eccentric characters to veering off into the completely obnoxious pathological territory. Abe Weissman's child rearing advice was literally abusive - not charming or eccentric Shirley and Moishe have gone from being a bit boorish as a counterpoint to the Weissman's UWS pretensions to being obliviously annoying - heckling and being completely oblivious to Midge working at the show. I mean even if they don't realize she has a somewhat high level position, no one is stupid enough not to realize that even a receptionist is able to get tickets to watch a show with an audience
  23. FTR Barbra Streisand was born in 1942 which means that she was in high school in Brooklyn in the mid 1950's and graduated in 1959 from Erasmus which was a large public high school in Brooklyn. I grew up in Brooklyn but went to school in Manhattan but would have gone to Midwood which is another breeder of famous people - eg Woody Allen. She wasn't famous or a star when she was friends with the twins - she was just another high school student. And by singing at the twin's home, I assumed she meant singing in the same way that many high school kids "sing" with their friends and not as a "performance". There would have been no thought that this was something to be "recorded" as part of a famous person's archives 🤷🏼‍♀️ Neil Diamond and Anthony Fauci were classmates of Streisand at Erasmus.
  24. The usual way As stated, if this is a second home, then there will generally be significant equity Many of the people are two income with relatively high paying careers People often get help with down payment for their first homes. Many middle class parents are able to assist because they would be providing it as part of an inheritance anyway OR they offer a choice of an expensive wedding or help with a down payment Some people on HH have indicated they lived with parents or scrimped for a period of time in order to get the down payment necessary for the first home Some people are house poor and pay a very high percentage of their income for house payments in the expectation that in a few years their income will rise. This is actually - or was - a pretty normal thing as many people stretched to get into their first home and just made do with minimal furniture. Not a bad economic strategy as many people who stay in their homes eventually have housing costs that are far less than what rent would be plus they have a significant asset for retirement. Of course, on HH there seems to be a level of entitlement where people expect their first starter home to be on the same level as the home a. middle aged person might be able to buy. If you grew up in a relatively nice home, your expectations for what you *deserve* are probably skewed. Not exactly the same thing but I have read it is true of college dorm accommodations as most kids are not willing to put up with the kind of spartan dorm rooms that older people just accepted as normal.
  25. I am not as old as the twins but still old enough to have been around before there were digital cameras - and even phone cameras. With a film camera you not only have to actually carry a relatively heavy object but it was relatively expensive to have film developed. At that time it was even more expensive than during the period when you could drop your film off at the drugstore because film processing was expensive. I had a digital camera early on and even though it solved the issue of development costs, you still have to lug it around and you didn't have it attached to you to capture every moment. There were relatively few moments recorded on film and this would be especially true of non-special occasions as generally film photography was for a special occasion - party; family gathering or the equivalent.
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