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Everything posted by amarante

  1. There was a one season reality show that revolved around some upper class women who lived in An upscale suburb in Alabama. I think it had Mountain in its name. That was a fun show
  2. I liked the Alabama woman's hair. I thought she just wan't dying her white hair. My mother who was NOT a woman of color also let her hair go white and had a similar pixie type of hair do because she didn't want to fuss with her hair so it was basically wash and just let it dry I didn't get the impression that the woman was childlike - after all she had been a military wife and so at some point had to deal with deployments I would imagine. I just got the sense that she had always lived in military housing which was functional and so for her very own home, she wanted something that gave her pleasure and wasn't solely functional. They appeared to have a great relationship and I think both of them took care of the other in different ways. My understanding is that a military pension isn't taxed in Alabama which is why so many HH episodes have retired military people moving to Alabama.
  3. This wasn't comparable to Jackie's analogy because drug use in a college student and a husband having an affair are more or less equal. In some ways, drug use is actually less of a horrible "rumor" because most college kids use some type of drug so unless the kid is an addict, it is much less life altering to get high occasionally than have the stability of your family threatened by spousal infidelity. When I heard the accusation/analogy, I understood it as an analogy and I also shrugged and thought who the fuck would care? I think Adriana is obviously very off - which makes for great television. She seems to be an excellent grifter as I don't think Leah Black is naive so she had Leah convinced that she needed help. Comparing falling down on sand and twisting your ankle to a life altering accident in which a child is essentially rendered unable to function normally is not anything that anyone would have thought of as an appropriate comparison. And I despise Alexia - but she was absolutely right on this one however wrong most of her feuds are. On a shallow note, I saw pictures of Alexia when she met her first husband and she had such a beautiful face. I don't understand how these woman can look in the mirror and think they are more attractive with the awful work they have done. I am not a fan of Larsa and her face looks very plastic in the current style but at least the end result is "pretty" in a very instagram kind of way in the same way that Kim K's face is plastic but not freakish versus Alexia's face with those lips that look freakish.
  4. He was racing out of the room with the scissors in a very agitated state. He could have harmed someone which is why she ran after him and alerted security. That would have been a normal response - he didn't just leave the room as he was clearly having some kind of psychotic break. If it hadn't been for the conveniently (or inconveniently) placed MRI security would have subdued him easily and he would have been medicated and put on some kind of hold to determine that he wasn't a threat to himself or others. I don't know how often it happens in real life but on hospital shows there is often a scene where someone goes crazy and someone subdues them with some kind of quick acting sedative. It is a cliche of hospital shows - this one twisted it a bit by having him trapped by the MRI
  5. Prefacing by saying living two blocks away from her daughter and grand daughter is obviously a different experience than living even a relatively short car ride away. I grew up in a two family house with my grandmother living in one of the apartments and our relationship was super special and unlike the ones she had with her other grandchildren who lived further away. And she was super respectful of boundaries so there were no clashes with my parents as she stayed in her own apartment unless she was invited. Like @rhofmovalley the grandmother's gait completely confused me since she said she had ALREADY had hip surgery. Either the surgery was a failure or there was something else going on because her gait was that of someone who was either in pain or had other issues going on with her mobility. I noticed that she would reach for the door casings as soon as she got to the wall. All that said, I really don't understand how she thought moving into a single family home made any kind of sense. I live in a high rise with services including staff and there is a lot more that makes a condo much more suitable for a senior - especially one who is moving. Yes there is no snow but you also don't have to keep on top of all the other issues of a single family home. You are only responsible for what is in your unit - and even with those types of issues, things are simpler. Most recently I needed the batteries changed in my smoke detector. My favorite doorman came up on his lunch - changed them - and I tipped him $20. They take packages - they assist when I come home with packages As usual the realtor completely underestimated the cost of a bathroom renovation. I remodeled relatively recently with specific thinking about aging in place safely. I took out the bath/shower combination and installed a shower that followed the footprint. So nice and large and includes a very nice bench on one end with grab bars. And it cost well over $4000 to do it so that it was both functional and aesthetic. A tile shower - properly waterproofed and constructed is probably at least $7000 - more if you have costlier fixtures and finishes. And that is just the shower itself. A master bath remodel on a middle level would cost between $30,000 to $40,000 correctly done.
  6. Most people who aren't married do pay *rent* if they are living in a home that is owned by their partner. Why would someone let another person live for free? The only issue is what a fair amount for the rent would be since typically a home has more expenses out of pocket than a rental because there are taxes and maintenance expenses. And if the boyfriend does some upgrade projects, does he get any financial benefit if they break up? The interesting wrinkle in this episode was that it appeared that the boyfriend didn't have as much money as the buyer did and so that was influencing the purchase. Of course it is also true that without his contribution, she would be able to afford far less mortgage but I don't think his income (and rental contribution) wouldn't be counted by lenders in terms of approving the amount she can borrow.
  7. You can be an introvert and a homebody and still not want to rattle around a four bedroom house. Hard to maintain. Hard to heat and cool. Hard to clean. Also there is a lot on interesting stuff for a single person to do even if they are an introvert. There is a difference between enjoying a balanced life and being solitary especially when one works from home. Most people have friends who are more or less in their same life situation and most people don’t want to drive to the suburbs to see a friend. So you wind up having to spend a lot of time driving to a central location and then back home at night.
  8. Regarding Phoenix to Washington HH I don't understand why a single person wants such a large home to rattle around in.There is something between a 600 foot apartment and a four bedroom home in the boonies. Maybe it's me but I also don't understand why someone who is single and without children would want to live in that kind of out of the way suburb. Putting aside distance from boyfriend, don't most single people want to socialize with friends as well as have proximity to places or experiences that only exist in a relatively urban area. The townhouse was not appealing but with her price point, there would have been nice choices that were better suited to a single person's lifestyle. I realize that the home has already been selected so the decoys are not really the only choices or even the choices available when she was actually looking. I have the same opinion when a HH is shown the large penthouse in a lovely building in the perfect location but it is too much money. So move down a few floors and get something affordable that would still have the same benefits.
  9. I didn't find his referring to dresses as "she" annoying. I don't know if it is a male thing but there is a male shtick of referring to cars and boats as she so I just thought it was an extension of that. It is not uncommon for people to anthropomorphize inanimate objects. It is not as widely done as is done for ships as ships are universally referred to as she rather than it in boating circles but I have heard it done with other inanimate stuff the speaker is fond of.
  10. Do they ask whether one is comfortable with a male sales assistant? The sales assistant in a bridal store gets much more up close and personal than a sales assistant in other clothing stores where people generally dress themselves.
  11. They don’t. Why they used this completely fake storyline is bizarre. They could have said they are getting graduate degrees and moving closer to family.
  12. My DVR caught an episode that it thought was new. However the back story was so strange I wanted to see what was really the back story so I googled. It evidently was a repeat from a year ago but I don't remember it - Fresh Start in Tampa. Their son Elijah had "decided to make an unexpected departure from this world" - their words and after two years they were ready to buy a new house in Tampa. She mentioned the name of the foundation she set up in the segment so my mentioning it isn't doxxing - She said it was called Eli's Treasure Foundation and was intended to help people have fun. They were an odd couple. She wanted a fireplace and a pool because Eli liked to swim. Didn't wind up with a pool but they did get a fireplace. Extremely odd couple - he said he was in cyber security. She said she had two jobs and then mentioned her surviving kid's names so I guess that is now a thing instead of being a SAH parent.
  13. They have a caterpillar fetish? But seriously I don't understand a lot of the extreme unnatural beauty trends. For some reason, distorted features have become normalized. It is fascinating to look at the faces of beauties in the past - even the recent past before extreme plastic surgery became the norm. While their faces might have been tweaked a bit - Rita Hayworth had electrolysis to raise her hairline but as a whole their faces were much more distinctive and many of them had slight flaws that would have been corrected in today's world To quote Norma Desmond in Sunset Boulevard - [We didn't need dialogue] We had faces.
  14. I have to roll my eyes when this show (and other medical shows) have doctors spending significant amounts of time with patients providing them moral support or as a death watch. I have never known ONE doctor - let alone several doctors - spend any time with a patient that isn't medically necessary. I don't find that to be a bad thing as it really would be a stupid allocation of resources. If people don't have family, perhaps one of the nursing staff - not the RN's who are busy generally as the charge nurses would provide some amount of emotional support. To me the whole scenario of doctors with this amount of time to waste with patients is ridiculous. I wonder if some people actually think that they are going to receive this level of service from doctors when they are in the hospital. Even your PCP who does a drop in visit for their patients at the hospital doesn't spend more than five minutes or so evaluating your medical condition so coordinate with the hospital doctors.
  15. I didn’t have issues with his getting extra money for the mole ingredients. I think a lot of the expense was because he needed relatively small amounts of spices so it was equivalent to stocking your spice pantry in one week. unfair wouid be if he had used extra money to purchase a very rare and expensive protein or truffles which wouid have elevated the dish. Mole is a peasant dish in the best sense and doesn’t rely on expensive ingredients Having the necessary spices didn’t negate the difficulty of actually creating a great mole in a limited amount of time.
  16. I followed the link. There is no bnb. She is getting her graduate degree. Maybe they will do someth8jg in the future but definitely was a bogus story
  17. I know who Lee Daniels was but I didn't get the "joke" in terms of the full titles until I just read it. I had assumed that it was just a general reference to Hollywood production companies because movies generally have a slew of vanity cards in the beginning for every company that was involved in producing or developing or distribution.
  18. I guess the issue of whether an AC unit in the wall is a horrible eyesore really depends on what one is used to. I grew up in the Northeast and most homes do not have central air and installing central air would be very expensive because most of them don't have any kind of duct system. I also grew up with radiators and actually prefer that heat to hot air heat through my central HVAC system. With a radiator it is a nice constant source of heat. With hot air heat it tends to be not be as constant. I also don't find radiators to be that intrusive - but again it really is something that visually I am used to. We had wall units installed in our home - not window units and they were relatively innocuous as well because they don't protrude that much into the room and they don't particularly impact room set up either. Our units were always below the window where you wouldn't have furniture anyway and just kind of blended in. One major fan of the A/C units below the windows was my dog. He hated hot weather and when he would come in from a walk in the summer he would dash to the A/C unit and cool himself off. It was kind of the antithesis of the cat who basks in the sun. My father would jokingly ask him to move so that others could get some cool air
  19. Reading the LA Times, Washington Post and NY Times in the morning is still my ritual only now I do it digitally with subscriptions. It is wonderful to be able to have all of the articles accessible in ten seconds from the past as I no longer have to attempt to save article I don't have time to read fully. The NY Times has something called the Time Machine which enables you to see an article in the PDF form when it was first published. What is especially wonderful is that the entire page is printed along with ads that ran - it is essentially a PDF of the page. It is an incredible time sink but gives a great idea of social context
  20. People who bought the LA Times, Washington Post and The NY Times also believe in the value of a strong free press. The motto of The Washington Post - on the top of the front page and on the website it reads - Democracy Dies In Darkness - which is essentially the reason for a free press. Bezos could have used the money for far more lucrative enterprises if he didn't want to be part of an important and prestigious institution. I wasn't using the term "vanity project" pejoratively but rather in the sense that it could only operate by someone with enormous wealth who had money to spare and could afford to subsidize the undertaking. It is just like vanity projects in terms of film projects - generally they are much more interesting and worthwhile than standard block busters and they are the passion of the actor or director which is why they are willing to negotiate them in exchange for working on a silly movie. Who knows if the son can make it work - the reality is that most small newspapers can't and are folding or being sold to bland conglomerates. Which is the whole point because the small papers can't afford to pay for real investigative reporting for the most part.
  21. A vanity project or business is something that rich people indulge in because it makes them feel good in some way as opposed to a business that makes money. Purchasing a newspaper like Bezos (Washington Post) or the LA Times (Patrick Soon-Shiong) is an example. They are of course businesses but they aren't profitable ones but the prestige attached to owning this kind of prestigious business is high. There are other ways vanity projects can be used - for example, if a studio wants a star to make a big box office movie, they will often agree to fund the actor's "vanity project" which is not expected to make money. I don't know what the internet capabilities are in Alaska but the Alaska Daily on the show has a strong web presence as it has been a plot point in various episodes. It would certainly be easier for people to access internet versions than to deliver *real* newspapers every morning My reference to The NY Times was to illustrate that it is a bit sui generis as it is the closest thing we have in the USA to a true paper of national record although it is a bit of a hybrid because it is closely held by the Sulzberger family although I suspect it at least breaks even.
  22. But if she interacts with the women she is going to be forced to discuss it. I am not sure what you mean by Juan not filming. Husbands don't have to film because for the most part they aren't paid. Juan has actually be on camera including some not very flattering scenes in terms of how he treats Robyn. He just doesn't show up at the group events for the most part. She could theoretically film only with Gizelle but that would not provide much screen time and friends are only paid if they appear in an episode and I think generally their "day rate' is lower than a housewife.
  23. I believe that was the agreement. The head editor had been holding that as a bargaining chip so I guess no one feels that this petty level of corruption is a hill worth dying for at the moment. Live to rise up again. What I am wondering is how the son can possibly publish what is a money losing vanity paper without having the serious money of his family - i.e father. At this point both The Washington Post and Los Angeles Times are owned by billionaires who view them as a form of public service. The New York Times is chiefly owned by the Sulzberger Trust and if it doesn't actually make money, I would suspect that it at least breaks even since it is the closest thing to a national newspaper we have. When I moved to Los Angeles years ago, I was able to get it delivered to my door every morning. At this point I just subscribe digitally because who needs all that paper anyway.
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