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Everything posted by amarante

  1. The economics of scale don't work for Chris to be providing private cooking classes. Cooking vlogs work because they users aren't paying for content but the content providers rely on revenue streams based on viewership. He could also do an onlyfans type of cooking channel in which he supplies all kinds of food related content for a monthly subscription fee. I am not sure why he doesn't want to monetize and attempt to build his food brand. It is not like a chef in a restaurant is a particularly lucrative job and it is grueling work as well. Chefs would kill to have the potential social media presence of Chris as a way to promote their cookbooks and social media sites.
  2. I agree that this business model is weird for a chef like Chris who is hardly a Bobby Flay or even one of the participants on Top Chef who lost. I didn't follow him closely but I assumed by lessons he was taking the route of vlogging like many people do. It has launched many of them to relatively fame in the food world with cookbook deals and appearances. Also monetizing social media is a real income stream and Chris and Candiace would have a built in way to get eyes on his lessons or showcases. What a missed opportunity. Why would I pay any amount of money for a cooking lesson from Chris - I mean he is obviously a competent chef but the only thing that sets him apart is his relationship with Candiace and thus his being featured on the show.
  3. It would be inconceivable that any bride in real life actually had not studied bridal magazines. The only scenario I could imagine is that a bride actually could get an f about the dress but just needed something to wear. But they wouldn't wind up at Kleinfelds. I had a friend who went to Davids and got a nice off the rack dress for under $500 and another who got married in a pretty non-bridal dress at a restaurant where they had booked a private room.
  4. I have Netflix and Hulu. Also amazon prime because it comes with my subscription and HBO Max/Showtime because they are part of my building's package so I pay about $50 for cable plus the premiums and high speed cable internet. I held off on Hulu because I thought I didn't need it but it has some good stuff. I am watching the newest original Only Murders In The Building. Mrs. America was also quite good. And they also have a lot of great old series - besides MTM, Will & Grace, I have also rewatched ER and NYPD Blue - both of which really held up quite well. I have dipped into some other series like Golden Girls. Hulu also runs a lot of programming the next day so if you don't have basic cable or a DVR you can watch the stuff without ads.
  5. From watching too many Datelines, one thing I have learned is that if you tell the truth, you won't slip up because you don't have to remember what you made up. 🤣
  6. This tread essentially exists to pass judgment on people who appear on HH. We snark on the all kinds of different ways people do idiotic things. There have been prior episodes of HH in which HH were snarked on because the couple - typically the decision of the wife FWIW - had chosen to defer buying a home in favor of a large wedding. Why suddenly is this sacrosanct as a topic to snark on?
  7. If the choice is to spend money for a one night party or use the money for something that will benefit your long term economic stability, I would say they are economic morons to opt for a wedding in lieu of a down payment. That kind of thinking is why most Americans are one paycheck away from economic disaster and a $500 unexpected bill would be an issue.
  8. He Gok dresses were underwhelming this week. And HELEN the bride would have been better off spending her money on a better wig and some dental work. It wasn’t just the front gap but it appeared she might be missing teeth in the back. And if her budget was unlimited, why was she being shown the sake relatively inexpensive dresses that everyone else is shown. At Kleinfelds they are shown some truly fabulous stuff when the budget is high. Yes you can find a lovely dress on a more modest budget and money doesn’t necessarily mean the dress is beautiful, but a high budget does enable one to pick from the higher end designers who use more beautiful materials and often have better designs.
  9. Seems to be the same route her cheerleader Rinna takes - some of her choice insults on social media: "I'm convinced that the haters/trolls are all fat hoarders with 50 cats." "With no teeth, and they couldn't find their vagina if they tried." "Well all you nasty people need to go." "So get the f**k off my page. Now." "Meow." "I'm going for it. I got nothing to lose you sick f**ks."
  10. Hulu has all of the housewives. I subscribe to the ad free version and there is some other good programs that I have discovered - not to mention being able to dip into vintage sitcoms like Mary Tyler Moore and Will & Grace.
  11. Given the constraints of budget and location it seemed to be the best of a bad lot. When all of the choices are so terrible I often wonder if those are really all that were available. I would assume that it can always be rented to students as it looked about the same as a lot of my college and grad rentals were. Of course I went to school in the dark ages where students had pretty low expectations of what kind of places we would be living in. 🤷🏼‍♀️
  12. I wouldn't be surprised if Robb had no issues with working with sexual predators because he himself was one - albeit not on Weinstein levels. I worked in the industry and it was rampant because the reality is that even the behind the scenes jobs are sought after so people - woman and also gay men - will have to put up with it because if they don't like it, 100 other people will be in line to take the job. There is no way that a 38 year old men who doesn't have issues has a *normal* relationship with a 17 year old. My best friend was a guy who was an incredible playboy and I remember his telling me that he dated an 18 year old when he was in his 30's and he felt like he was dealing with Bambi. That was a bridge too far for him. I think the whole issue of power and control is really what drives it since you can have arm candy with a 25 year old and by that age, the woman might still be younger but they have formed into a more or less adult brain. It's the same reason why a lot of powerful and rich men hire escorts because it simplifies the relationship - the escort is paid her $2000 per night or whatever and she is subservient.
  13. At least in the Los Angeles neighborhoods I am familiar with, they haven't aged all that well as the ones that are currently on the market have had to reduce prices versus ones that are more traditionally styled. I think the more traditional/modern farmhouse/Arts & Crafts will age well because they are the equivalent of the little black dress. A bit boring but it can be worn for years versus a polyester leisure suit in earth tones. I don't think anyone is ever going to revive Tuscan kitchens There are obviously going to be exceptions which are designed by talented architects but as a whole a banal "traditional" home is going to age better than one of the ultra modern homes that were put up by a spec developer.
  14. Does Erika seriously think she can actually maneuver and lie her way out of this. She must have known at this point that she was well and fully screwed. What is her end game because it is not as if she actually wants these women as emotional support. They only exist insofar as she can use the show as a way to defend herself or so she thought. Her stance is so utterly ridiculous when examined. All of the posturing and protestations of innocence are not going to prevent the Trustee from clawing back the $28 million Girardi paid into the LLC. It doesn’t matter legally whether she knew what was going on in the firm because it was stolen money and she can’t hide behind the legal fiction of it being a corporate liability and nit her personal liability. Nor can she claim any of these gifts are not part of the community property and therefore subject to the claims of creditors which includes all of the victims of his scams. Someone posted a question to Andy to ask Kyle at the reunion. What if Tom had broken into her house and stolen all the handbags and jewelry and given them to Erika. Would Kyie be okay if Erika kept them because the stolen stuff was a gift from Tom? 🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️😂
  15. My brain is a bit frazzled - was it the Pittsburg house that had the super modern looking house that looked like galvanized tin? I don't have anything against modern construction so long as it is well done but that house wasn't particularly well designed - at least in my opinion. My friend and I discuss this quite a bit because we live in a part of Los Angeles where the land is quite valuable and the original houses were fairly modest homes so all of the homes sold are essentially tear downs - the only exceptions being Spanish Colonial homes because people really love those big old homes. About a decade ago they started putting up those ultra modern homes and they haven't really aged well in terms of desirability - not to mention really clashing with the other homes in the area. Several years ago the trend shifted to what I call Leave It To Beaver style homes on steroid. Some are very elegant "modern farmhouse" in style. The interiors are very much in line with what an affluent family would like but - no shade - they are much more livable and comfortable than the starkly modern homes. Again, the really well designed mid century modern homes are quite comfortable to live in as they took into account how people actually live in their homes. The very ultra modern stuff - not so much - at least in terms of the not very well designed spec homes.
  16. The Pittsburgh row houses were built for a "better" class of people than the row houses viewed in some of the earlier episodes. These had the width of normal houses but just were either attached or built very close to each other as is true of many urban neighborhoods. The same is true in Washington D.C. for example. There are the neighborhoods with very narrow row homes that were built for the poor and working classes originally. My friends bought their starter home in Adams Morgan when it was starting to gentrify and it was a narrow town house. But Washington also has extremely beautiful but attached town homes just like London and New York has elegant attached town houses.
  17. Haley Page lost her wedding dress company as she licensed her name. I am not sure she is even doing wedding dresses at the moment. Pnina hasn't been around for several seasons nor do I remember her dresses. Or at least there haven't been any super memorable episodes like the early seasons when women were paying $25,000 for some of her dresses. I don't know whether she used to be exclusive to Kleinfelds but now if you go to her website, her dresses are available in a lot of different stores across the country. Perhaps Randy's line will be the new go-to line. I think there have been one-offs in the past season or two where a designer like Lazaro was doing a trunk show and a bride just happened to want a Lazaro dress.
  18. I didn't think that the Dallas loft was terrible for this guy's lifestyle. Lofts were originally one large space and so not having a walled bedroom is actually a compromise so that his bed isn't actually in the living space. Many people live in studio apartments or have open lofts and don't have issues with cooking smells permeating their clothing. A good cooking vented hood generally solves the issue to the extent that anyone is actually frying in their kitchen. Even the layout made sense since he is sleeping in the bedrooms so he doesn't need a window. Maybe it's my NY background but generally in an apartment you only have windows at one end of a unit anyway. Many apartments have windows but they are just there to fulfill codes requiring a window for ventilation but there is no view and generally no natural light streaming out.
  19. That frilly dress was fugly as well as being astoundingly unflattering. The girl had a kind of barrel chest so the ruching was tight and then it just flared out into that mess so she looked enormous. And the bodice itself seemed ill fitting because even at her wedding where it theoretically had been altered, the material was sticking away from her breasts. I don't think I would have been a fan of the dress unmodified but I think the original design with the tight ruching below the hips would have been at least more theoretically flattering. I say theoretically because the style would only flatter someone who was thinner on top because of the silhouette. So on a slimmer woman you would have had more of a shape showing before it poufed out. As modified you just saw a stocky ruched chest and then a vomit of tulle.
  20. My point is that now that she is no longer producing her "signature" style, other designers are doing the same type of dress as well if not better. I am sure there are nice dresses in her line. Even before this she was doing some lovely dresses but those weren't the styles that were being showcased and that were completely distinctive.
  21. After reading your comment I maneuvered over to Pnina Tornei's website and even she is no longer making the stripper fairy princess style gowns. There are a few overtly corseted styles and a few in which I imagine any skin that is showing would probably be lined when the actual dress is ordered. Not that I was ever a particular fan of her dresses even when she was being heavily promoted in her heyday, but I think that her current styles are less appealing in the even that they are pretty generic and I think other brands are doing the current trends better. I can't imagine someone making a trek to Kleinfelds to get one of her gowns the way it was in the old days - of course that was somewhat hype but I do think that for better or worse her gowns were quite memorable. I didn't like them but I remember some of them versus all the ones that fade into the same. The other standout was a Lazlo which was fairly simple except for a really beautiful belt. As I recall that style was very popular in real life as well.
  22. Of course she has a cleaning lady who comes in at least once a week. What she doesn’t have is a full time housekeeper. I appreciate having my house cleaned each week but I also fantasize about having someone full time to brew me my latte and bring it to me or make the bed each morning. 🤩🤩
  23. I think she is still capable of having an octogenarian sugar daddy They were amounts payable to the Girardi firm from an action involving the lottery. The issue is that those payments were owed to the firm and shouldn’t have been directed to Erika. They managed to stop one payment which is being held pending adjudication of liability of the LLC. There is also about $200,000 in future payments which will also be held pending final settlement of all the claims against Girardi and Erika.
  24. That is what Richards on behalf of the Trustee is trying to do by subpoenaing her business manager as well as her current lawyer. Word on the street 🤫🤫😉😉 is that she has a new old rich fart who is bankrolling her.
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