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Everything posted by amarante

  1. Brian Moylan does the recaps at Vulture for BH as well as RHONY. I didn't read her book but did read his recent book on the housewives. It was a good fast read - essentially an expanded magazine article with lots of filler that could be skipped but the chapter on behind the scenes stuff is must reading for any real fan. I recommend reading his recaps because the comments are fantastic and he is being excoriated for his obvious lack of objectivity in his recaps. The guy takes every opportunity to give her a pass and the benefit of the doubt. He has always rated the episodes on a scale of 1 to 5 and he has the chutzpah to only give these Erika episodes a 3 star rating. I mean in the pantheon of Real Housewives episodes, these are among the most fascinating. At this point his actual recaps are worthless but the comments are gold.
  2. Ronald Richards posted this excerpt from Erika's book - pointing out that everything she has said or written can be used against her. Any claim by her that she knew *nothing* is certainly negated by her admission that she knew all about "our" money because she signed the tax returns. Bragging about her full partnership and knowledge of the money is definitely going to come back to haunt her. πŸ™„ So sad πŸ˜‚
  3. In fairness, the shade are quotes from the actual motion. Ronald Richards posted the entire document on his Twitter account and I read through it.
  4. Given how dysfunctional their childhood was, it is astounding that two out of three managed to make it to adulthood. I think Kyle is actually doing quite well considering what might have been. Whatever speculation there might be about their marriage, at this point she appears to have a long term marriage and raised four children who seem to be doing quite well - no scandals; no overt bad behavior. The children all went to college and seem to have actual careers - albeit in real estate - unlike the other housewives' spawn. Kathy Hilton was raised to be a courtesan and snare a rich guy and she did that successfully. At least one of her spawn (Nikki) seems to lead an exemplary life. The son is a really piece of work but that happens even in the best of families. Kim is complicated because I think she was damaged the way most child actors are damaged especially when their earnings are used to pay for family expenses.
  5. I think the smarter housewives manage to navigate it pretty well. On this franchise, I think Garcelle is doing fine.
  6. Not just extra counter space but extra storage space in the vanity. When I remodeled I went from two sinks to one sink because the extra sink literally just collected dust. I didn't give a rat's patootie about how it would affect resale value because I wanted to live in a house that was designed for how I functioned and not for some imaginary buyer years from now.
  7. That is true. But Dorit has an individual lien as well as the joint lien and Pique has an individual lien. https://pagesix.com/2021/07/22/dorit-and-pk-kemsley-owe-1-3-million-in-unpaid-taxes-report/ You don’t get to the lien phase quickly as you have to ignore a lot of official notifications before they actually do a formal lien. They send you a series of notifications and give you every opportunity to discuss and negotiate. You also can set up a payment plan with interest of course. So these jokers ignored the IRS for a period of time.
  8. I think accents are determined more by one's parents who you would be hearing intensively rather than school. Not that it's quite the same thing but I grew up in Brooklyn but my parents didn't have strong Brooklyn accents and I have just a faint one with certain words like horror. But people often express shock when they hear where I am from because there is no accent. Of course with the gentrification of Brooklyn, the stereotype is almost forgotten but I grew up in pre-gentrified Brooklyn which still had memories of Dem Bums - the "Trolley Dodgers". 🀣
  9. My DVR records the re-edited version because they seem to be "marked' as "new" for the purpose of my DVR settings which are set to only record new episodes They are aired just before the new episode if you want to manually set to record. The "never before seen" scenes have a chyron on the upper left corner so that you can tell it is a new scene. I fast forward through the episodes and only watch the actual new scenes so it only takes about five minutes or so.
  10. Especially since Sutton offered to lend money to Erika when she found out she was getting a divorce because Sutton had cash flow problems. It was in a previously unaired scene that was broadcast last night as part of the re-edited episode. It was when the ladies met at Dorit's house before Kyle's dinner party. It also explains why Sutton was so concerned about the implications of being associated with Erika and why her sensors were up as all of Erika's convoluted contradictory explanations and rationalizations and lies kept coming. From November 3, 2020 when Erika announced her divorce when Sutton would have made the offer through all of Erika's duplicitous behavior until December 20, 2020 when the LA Times article was published and Sutton was able to definitively put the pieces together - although stuff kept coming out after that date of course but once the LA Times article came out, anyone with a brain would know that Erika was AT BEST a narcissistic greedy liar.
  11. I have often wondered at that life style myself. You don't even need a separate sink to brush your teeth. I truly am not one of those people who criticize these young whippersnappers who complain if there isn't an indoor plumbing πŸ˜€ as I couldn't imagine living with less than two bathrooms as I want to keep guests out of my personal space. However I grew up in a home with one bathroom - two parents and two kids and everyone seemed to make it out the door washed with teeth brushed. For years I did hair and makeup sitting at a vanity in my bedroom anyway probably because that was how we did it when I was growing up. It was more comfortable anyway to sit in my room and certainly better for the makeup.
  12. It also explains why Sutton was so concerned in terms of how she could be sucked into the "pretty mess". It would also have made her more aware of how much Erika had lied to them throughout the weeks when she filed the divorce which was November 3 and when the LA Times article was published on December 20. All during that period Erika was continuing to offer ridiculous explanations and kept changing even the basic narrative. That footage should really have been in the original episode as it contextualized everything.
  13. Wow Bravo left out a scene from the initial meeting of the group before Kyle’s Christmas dinner. Sutton said she offered assistance to Erika including a loan when she first found out about the divorce https://www.instagram.com/bravobybetches/?hl=en Inquiring minds want to know why Bravo did not air this footage since it sheds a lot of light on why Sutton was so concerned since there would definitely have been a deposition and very unfavorable press if she had actually provided money. Not to mention feeling completely screwed after subsequently learning about the money to the LLC and the embezzlement and the various lies and spins by Erika. Can you imagine extending this kind of assistance to someone who you thought was just getting a divorce and then realizing that the person was continuing to lie. And why did Bravo not air. They typically do a tweaked episode which airs the next week which contains additional footage and one would assume this would be exactly the kind of footage that would be aired.
  14. An interview with Ron Richards, the attorney for the Bankruptcy Trustee, in which he stated that Erika has spent more than $500,000 in legal fees fighting attempts to get her to turn over financial documents. And so far she has lost but succeeded in delaying the inevitable and costing the other side money in their legal fees. πŸ•΅πŸ»πŸ•΅πŸ»πŸ•΅πŸ»πŸ•΅πŸ» https://www.the-sun.com/entertainment/3538497/rhobh-erika-jayne-refuses-quit-wealthy-lifestyle/?utm_source=twitter&utm_medium=social&utm_campaign=sharebarweb Evidently he also did an interview which is available on YouTube but I don’t have the patience to listen to YouTube or podcasts because I can read faster for information and video or audio stuff take 30 minutes for what wouid take me two minutes to read. I wish they had transcripts. πŸ˜ƒ His Twitter feed is interesting to follow though.
  15. Well in fairness Erika sojourned in the very sophisticated upscale world of the Bada Bing strip joints just off the Jersey turnpike. And then had a very classy position which called on all her erudition as the hostess in a bar on the outskirts of Beverly Hills where she snagged her old rich husband. Sutton, bless her heart, married her childhood sweetheart and raised what appears to be three lovely children - which she didn't park with her mother because they were inconvenient. Although they are now divorced, Sutton did actually marry for love since her husband was not rich when they married.
  16. People compare Tre to Erika but Tre was NOT convicted for what her husband did or didn't do. Tre was convicted for the bankruptcy petition that she signed under penalty of perjury when she was represented by a lawyer. It really is not the same thing as a wife signing business papers without knowing exactly what they are about. Some of the lies on the bankruptcy petition included bank accounts Tre had set up HERSELF for some of the side hustles she started doing after housewives fame. Please don't misunderstand me because the Giudices are grifters who deserved to go to jail but they are in a lesser circle of hell than stealing money from your clients to whom you owe a fiduciary responsibility. Most of the Giudice crimes were taking money from corporate or financial institutions which has an impact on everyone ultimately of course but it takes a particularly psychopathic mind to do what Girardi did. Whether Erika knew all the details or not, there absolutely was a time when she knew where the money for all opulent life style car from and she did nothing and continues to use every tool to prevent any of that money being returned to the victims.
  17. How does this tie into any of her narratives? Is she claiming that she and Tom had a "hot" sex life until she left him and that she misses it. The whole idea is so ludicrous since no one stays married to an 80 year old because of the great sex. Also he was emotionally abusive but they had great sex for all those years. Or he was demented and despite that she was having hot sex with him. Not that I think Erika is particularly sexual as well. I think the Erika Jayne over the top veneer of sexuality is just an act. Not that I have even the sympathy of the Eagles but I certainly do think gold diggers earn their money but I don't think Erika has a heart that is capable of breaking. Late at night a big old house gets lonely I guess every form of refuge has its price And it breaks her heart to think her love is only Given to a man with hands as cold as ice And her ridiculous explanation of why she didn't leave Tom until she had the means to earn her own living. So it made more sense that Tom would waste $25,000,000 on her "career" rather than settle on a reasonable amount. There is not any court in Los Angeles - despite Tom's connections - that wouldn't award a good settlement to a wife after 20 years. This would be especially true since Tom's Ponzi scheme would have been revealed by any half decent accountant since they would have to find out the extent of the marital assets. Tom would have every incentive to give her a nice amount to prevent that. I think she knew and realized that there was no pot of gold and that the facade had to be maintained and that divorce would send the financial house of cards toppling.
  18. BRAVO supplies the stylists for the confessionals and the reunion but not for the normal shooting days. They also supply food and accommodations so all of that stuff about hosting is ridiculous.
  19. While she might not have the original glam squad on retainer, she is still paying for the services of expensive hair and makeup people to come to her house. There is no any way that her hair was not done by a fairly talented stylist just as Dorit's was professionally styled. The makeup and hair people are supplied by BRAVO for the confessionals
  20. I think stating that random comments on the internet are death threats is really ridiculous. The one I saw stated that she should be executed. My father would say that whenever he was cut off while driving and no one actually thought he was going to take any kind of action - he wasn't even particularly mad (e.g. no road rage) but just said it to express his annoyance and because he enjoyed hyperbole.
  21. I agree with your post except regarding Mia as she has gone over and looks awful from certain angles. Might be a combination of lighting and HD television. There was a really funny episode of 30 Rock where the show had just gone into HD and every time one of the characters passed the HD camera they turned into ghouls and zombies. πŸ§Ÿβ€β™€οΈπŸ§Ÿβ€β™€οΈπŸ§Ÿβ€β™€οΈπŸ§Ÿβ€β™€οΈπŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚
  22. Sure but it is chicken and egg because people seem to think that the purpose of plastic surgery is to have ridiculously fake bolt ones like Wendy has instead of a surgery that would actually enhance their beauty. In one of my posts, I wrote about my full set of caps which were deliberately selected to look natural and not bright white chiclets. And yet there is some much bad examples that people think that is the ideal. Same is true of nose jobs as the best nose jobs look completely natural but better snd might actually have a bit of imperfection where you don’t have to go to Michael Jackson extremes to be able to spot bas nose jobs that were deliberately selected and not just an unfortunate error.
  23. My friend had her eyes done about ten years ago and a face lift a few years ago. She interviewed a lot of plastic surgeons in Los Angeles/Beverly Hills because she didn't want to look as though she had plastic surgery - she just wanted to look "refreshed" as the euphemism goes. The plastic surgeon she ultimately chose said there was a difference in LA aesthetics and NY aesthetics to some extent because in LA (and I guess Atlanta) the look is to look very plasticized so that it is obvious. Of course there are people who have excellent subtle work like Jennifer Anniston or older women like Meryl Streep or Helen Mirren. Most of the women on RHONY (for example) have very good work done - I think all of them have had surgery as well as fillers etc. but they don't look freakish at all unlike Orange County housewives.
  24. I doubt whether someone who was thought the law would ever catch up to him and collapse his financial house of cards actually bought long term health insurance. It would be out of character.
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