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Everything posted by funnygirl

  1. The last 30 seconds were the best thing to happen on Grey's in years! I am speechless. Seeing McDreamy again was a great surprise.
  2. IMO, BSB weren't that great with the dancing. I mean they held their own with the little choreography they did, but NSYNC had them beat when it came to boy band choreography. I think AJ may have been too in his head overthinking the choreography instead of trusting himself that he knows it and allowing himself to let go. What he did during the dance-off was great, he looked comfortable and confident and was having fun. However, I do think the judges were being unfair to him. They are being noticeably more critical on some dancers over others. It's clear who they are bias towards and who their favorites are.
  3. Unpopular opinion: I rather have Nelly in the finals than Nev. I find Nelly far more sincere and you can see him making an effort and progressing every week, and I find that more entertaining than a professionally trained ringer *cough* I mean dancer who gives off douche vibes. Sad to see AJ go. Cheryl's always been one of my favorite pros. Justina should've had multiple 10s by now. I would've picked a different Madonna song for her Rumba, and I don't always love Sasha's choreography, but the actor/performer in Justina really embodies the "character" of her dances and she's a joy to watch.
  4. I don't think Amy even considered the kids and their proximity to Adam when she decided to take the job. Did she? It was like "shiny, new, mo' money opportunity... I'm taking it!" I don't fault her for her career aspirations, but there are also a lot of holes in the decision. I don't understand why she couldn't have gotten another job somewhere in the city, if not the general geographical area, and we just never see her again. It could've even been outside of the Cloud 9 hierarchy - which might've been better in the long run, unless the show still plans on mentioning her from time-to-time?
  5. I really hope that by the time the series ends, whenever that may be, America will agree to come back to reprise Amy so that Amy and Jonah (and those of us who were invested in the couple) can get a better ending. I just feel like the break-up felt rushed but also didn't make much sense in that the move to California was pushed back months due to the pandemic, and you'd think that at some point during that time Amy and Jonah could've had some realizations. Obviously, the original intent didn't include having to work in real-time pandemic and therefore things would've happened with less time to ruminate, but at the very least the break-up could've occurred in Part 1. Sandra is a big mood! lol My favorite part was Mateo singing both parts to "For Good".
  6. So Nev is excused from the dance-off? (I'm fine seeing less of him, so not that I'm complaining.)
  7. Jeannie should get an automatic slot for next season - should she be available and want it - because of her unexpected medical emergency and forced exit. Wishing her a speedy recovery!
  8. I really enjoyed her energy and spirit and hate to see her go, especially like this. I wish her well and a speedy recovery. I suppose that means no double-elimination and only one person is going home tonight?
  9. It's such bull💩. The more they overhype him, they more I want him to go home. Sorry not sorry!
  10. Now now, Meredith didn't win the Harper Avery. She won the great, distinguished, first-of-its-kind (because retcon!) CATHERINE FOX award! /sarcasm I know Meredith is the sun, but it's still the biggest load of bs that she won the award before Cristina Yang. That the rules suddenly changed and not only could someone from Grey Sloan win the CFA, it's totally okay that the candidate works side-by-side at the same hospital as Dr. Catherine Fox every day. Then again, I'm still salty at the ripped-from-the-headlines retcon turning Harper Avery into a sexual predator that also conveniently was in service of elevating Catherine's character and reputation. 🙄
  11. I think part of what feels "off" about the season is the lack of audience, in that there's a sort of energy in the room when there's an audience that the dancers/stars can feed and thrive off of when performing. Without it, we see more of the effort - extra effort at that - they have to put in to fill the room so-to-speak with energy. Nev is bullsh*tting that he hasn't danced in 20 years. I wouldn't be upset to see him go home soon as the first "shocking" good-dancer elimination. "Power of Love" wasn't a good song pick for jazz. IMO the tempo of that song would be better suited for a cha cha. I think that's what threw Skai's dance off.
  12. Ditto! Once again, Justina was underscored. Especially in comparison to Monica, who I think got a bit coddled to make up for last week's embarrassing fiasco. Now that I know no-name Nev came in with a background in dance, I'm less impressed and more annoyed. I thoroughly enjoy Nelly. This is so out of his element but I like seeing him take this on and improve week-to-week.
  13. If Bravo is smart, they will absolutely include this footage/incident on the show.
  14. I really wish the show would stick to ballroom dances (with the exception of the occasional Salsa). This isn't So You Think You Can Dance.
  15. Tyra is partly at fault. Because when they were down to the bottom three, she outright made the assumption that the bottom two were Ann and Vernon while completely ignoring Chrishell/Gleb standing there. That's on Tyra. Why would she have cards that say Vernon was in the bottom (she didn't)? And why would she have a card that says Monica/Val are safe? She is an executive producer, after all, so blaming it on production is basically blaming herself. It'd make things easier and less-rushed if she STFU every once in awhile so the most important parts (judges scores/comments/eliminations) aren't rushed. There was clearly more than enough time because after the elimination she had like 30 seconds to talk about next week. Do the judges typically know who the bottom two are before announced? When the camera panned to CAI during the kerfuffle, she seemed to know that the wrong couple was down there.
  16. DWTS is much cheaper to produce than a scripted series. And because of the ongoing pandemic and the networks being picky with what they're picking up and choosing to keep, I don't see ABC canceling DWTS anytime soon. If nothing else, it's ready-made to fill a two hour block of airtime each week. If anything were to cause cancelation, I think it'd be the lack of booking talent. I feel like they've done pretty well this season, considering (although I would rather there be less contestants competing than having random "who are they?" ringers like Nev or controversial figures like Carol or Sean Spicer thrown into the mix.). And I wonder with the current stress of society, and possibly the lack of work because of the pandemic, if more B/C level stars will decide to put themselves out there and do something positive and have a little fun...? However, that doesn't mean that they won't consider bringing Tom back. But I suppose that depends on the deal they have with Executive Producer Tyra - she could still EP without having to host... she could even fill Erin's role if it's necessary for her to be on camera.
  17. They underscored Jeannie and over-scored Kaitlyn. The obvious bias DWTS has toward their network darling contestants, i.e. the Bachelor/ette franchise, is annoying. Wow, Tyra. Just wow.
  18. I am not at all a fighter, but unpopular opinion: I understand that sometimes some people deserve to get their ass beat. You run your mouth and push buttons enough thinking you can go unchecked, eventually you will step to the wrong one and some form of karma will come back at you. It's why I was never mad at RHOA's Porsha for going at Kenya.
  19. Oop! Vile Kyle can't be happy about losing her henchman.
  20. Thank you for posting the video! Loved her first performance and I really hope she makes it far in the competition (aka finals/wins).
  21. NeNe Leakes Is Not Returning To Real Housewives of Atlanta Say what you will about Linnethia, but I'm going to miss her. She served some of the best one-liners and she kept Ken in check. Now that heifer is going to have free reign over the show with her bs. 🙄
  22. Kyle, Rinna, Teddi and Erika are henceforth The Real Ragamuffins of Beverly Hills. Garcelle, run for your life. Kudos, Dorit. You're much more enjoyable when you're not up tHe gRoUps booty hole. Godspeed Denise.
  23. "The caveat in her taking over the family business was that she marry her late grandmother's second husband." 😳 The things people will do for money/power/"status"...
  24. Denise Richards Leaving 'The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills' (EXCLUSIVE) Not at all surprising, but good for her. F*ck 'em!
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