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T Summer

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Everything posted by T Summer

  1. I thought that to myself as soon as Laurance voiced the idea and did her sketch. It's been years since I read the fashion magazines and kept up, but I anticipated the Mugler comment on Bishme's as soon as I saw it. Brittany's made me think of the 1st PR winner, Jay McCarrol...was that his last name? Rami's seams appeared messy (probably due to poor fabric choices), so it really wouldn't have looked right if they kept him over Brittany who didn't send down anything messy... quite the opposite. That said, no one made fashion history tonight.
  2. AGREED! I guess you don't have to be stylish to be "a top stylist". Just have a lot of attitude.🙄
  3. Rami for sure is a lovely guy, and there's nothing wrong with the fact he does really artful things with draping and that when he veers away it gets very hit and miss. It might not get him to the very end of a design competition, but I'm sure he has plenty of clients and makes a good living selling his looks.
  4. Yay! I'm so happy for Brittany! Such a class act. Always big-upping and supporting her competitors and never making snarky remarks about them. I often hear her tell the guest(s) that it was nice to meet them. Tonight's wasn't my favorite, though it was better than Rami's. It was good enough. I didn't love any of them tbh. There were two or three times this season (I felt) she should have gotten the win.
  5. Brittany's been referential the last few challenges? Last time she wasn't going to add an oversized bow tie until Christian encouraged her to! He even said something like if the judges say anything just tell them I told you to do the bowtie. Bishme wins with something reminiscent of Mugler? OK Please send Rami home!
  6. Oh yes! I had heard he had a bit of hearing impairment, so before I popped off with my opinion I went and listened to recent You Tube videos of David Eigenberg speaking in his own voice and in character on Chicago Fire and he does not sound like Buddy Hackett. I posted YT videos twice. I'm very glad to learn he questioned it. I wish he'd been able to overcome their stupidity :(
  7. Steve! Remember Steve when Miranda met him, he knew his wines and read Hemingway and begged her to stay around where he was bartending lest he be subjected to the tedious conversation of the college kids who came in? He spoke with a slight New York accent. In this BS they have him sounding like his tongue is taped to the roof of his mouth! in S1 they had him appearing so mentally confused at an outdoor market it was as though Miranda was minding a child or a charge of hers. Doesn't it seem like E11... (IDK if you've gotten there yet, so I'll continue under spoiler)
  8. @Scarlett45Watching, I looked for other showings and none came up... and it's not available On Demand through my cable company. :( Sorry I Googled "The Women of Sex and the City" but of course, all that came up was tons of places to watch SATC. I wouldn't say I learned much of anything I haven't heard other places except for them showing the four of them in earlier roles. They also very briefly touched on other actresses who were either considered for roles on SATC or who passed on them. If I see it coming on again, I'll message you.
  9. Any nightowls or very early risers watching The Women of Sex and the City on E at 4:00 am. Wed morning?
  10. Any nightowls or very early risers watching The Women of Sex and the City on E at 4:00 am. Wed morning?
  11. Ahhh, thank you! I'm not in the know, haven't seen Sabrina the Teenage Witch.
  12. Is that what next week's challenge is?🤸‍♂️yay! @Salacious Kitty , why is that kitty in your avatar filing her nails? 😊
  13. Just as an aside, I'm not being argumentative and saying Laurence knows what The Triple Crown means. She may not. Though I have no idea why she would get terse about it? I'm on a very small forum where I'm the only person living in the USA. Brits, French, Polish, Dutch, Israeli etc. I'm amazed they understand all our lingo! Probably due to movies, You Tube, and our major news events going global and such. I also get the impression their educational system does far more than ours. It's quite common for them to speak two or more languages. I think one time in the last 25 years a person called someone a tool and they were amused with that having not heard it. That's it. I'm continually amazed!
  14. Last week Brittany's modest / sexy look came down the runway and Nina's reaction indicated she was pretty blown away. Judges remarks were that they never would have known it was hers and that it would make a great Met Gala look etc. So one would wonder why it wasn't the winning look? Personally, I believe if the designers of each look were not known to the judges, they'd have given Brittany the win.
  15. When they excused everyone to talk about the placing of the looks they started w/top 3. Nina sad it is a bit referential and they very briefly showed Brittany's look on the left and a puffy shirt and red bow tie paired with with high waisted full black pants on the right. They said Harry Stiles wore it.🙄 I didn't get it. Oh thank you dleiggh! They also made mention of those closures down the front of the pant that they instantly recognize as Brittany's Nevermind that the guest who actually wears atypical looks for men on red carpets had a hugely enthusiastic reaction and said he wanted to wear it now and other named stars would all be clamouring to be the one to wear it and that would elevate Brittany's name to where it would be on everyone's mind. Also nevermind that the judges noted Brittany hitting her stride and getting better and better taking on all the suggestions the judges give her. It's my contention that last week the judges kept saying how surprising it was that the modest/sexy look was Brittany's (Once they found out). You know, the one that made Nina Garcia curl her lip and exclaim Shit! like she was blown away. I thought it was the best look and would have gotten winning look if it wasn't made by Brittany. Laurance is their darling and you will see her show a collection, so she got the win for her pink leather suit. Nevermind that one of the judges said Brittany's would make a great Met Gala look AS IS. You can bank on it! F' ing haters!
  16. Yep! I said on page one SJP does nude scenes now?👀 ...because her no nudity clause gets mentioned a fair bit in articles about her and earlier in the season when she was having Franklyn over on Thursdays scenes of them hanging out in bed showed Carrie wearing long caftans.
  17. You know what else I don't get, why invite Che and Jackie and his wife and not Franklyn, the podcast producer? He and Carrie didn't leave off on bad terms when they ended their Thursday thing. He was just looking for a heavier involvement than Carrie was at the time. She doesn't know Guiseppi, hardly knows Nya or LTW + Herbert. She had friends over the SATC years. It's strange she'd have to resort to these brand new "friends" who are hardly more than acquaintances yet, but yeah... she invited a bunch of beautiful people and a couple of the people from the podcast. 🙄
  18. It's a desire not to glorify them by referring to them as writers. I think @RedHawk used it first and some of the rest us thought it was pretty funny and carried on using it.
  19. Yes, we've written about MPK and his typists' checklist designed to correct past sins of omission many, many times. It was Lily who answered and hung up Carrie's phone when Big was urgently trying to call her right before their N.Y. Public Library nuptials in shitty movie #1. I think she then tucked Carrie's phone into her fancy little cupcake shaped flower girl purse. She was little, like 4 or 5. Lili had a piano recital that coincided with a trip Carrie + Big had planned. Under pressure from Charlotte to attend, Carrie postponed it and went to the recital, leaving Big at home with the dreaded Peloton. Also, when Carrie moved back to her apartment after Big died in S1 she had Lily come over and help her sort through her clothes and she ended up sleeping over due to some teen drama with her mum. She may have given her some things. So yes, Lili is an Asian person who has been in Carrie's life. Don't Charlotte's girls call her aunt Carrie? I'm sure it's a much closer relationship than she has with Jackie the podcast guy. Why not have her and Rock at the last supper over virtual strangers?
  20. So Aiden just walked right in with Lisette downstairs having let him in.... He said nothing in response when Carrie said "You're in the apartment, you said you'd never set foot in the apartment." After having her schlep back and forth to hotels for months, and shopping for and trying to conceal the whole Airbnbing Che's apartment thing... Makes a speech about how he has to be there in Va. for his kids without Carrie as a distraction... until Wyatt is 20. FIVE YEARS! Snaps his fingers and says 5 years will go by just like that. ...and she has him stay over one last night? Couldn't be me.
  21. I guess there was an idea there for a very different take on a tuxedo. That said, I thought I heard Brandon or somebody pointing out fit issues? They just don't want to give Brittany a win. I know she's had one. I really wish they judged the looks without knowing who the designer behind each one was. They clearly play favorites and consider other designs they've done in the past when deciding who wins and who goes home. So many weeks their faces and their remarks convey they're quite impressed with Brittany's look. The guest judge enthusiastically stated how much he'd love to wear it... then nothing. Just like last week. Me too. Hated the color...and so much of it! Looking at the vest I thought he can really sew though! Prajje's was horrendous. At last he's gone. Go patent your incredibly original cross over neckline.
  22. Damn, that's cold! Thank you for filling me in.
  23. Ooh, the room's open! As usual I missed the first 17 minutes. There was drama, already?
  24. Much as I'm not in the loathing Carrie Bradshaw camp, we all know she'll be on to the next shiny new thing! They'll be yet another tall attractive rich man in her future. She'll get 2... 3 or more rich men and Nya had a musician husband who either went back on not wanting children or didn't want to stay married if children didn't come with trying naturally AND medical intervention (IVF). shit still irks me.
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