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Hangin Out

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Everything posted by Hangin Out

  1. I agree, but I haven’t been in stores until I get the two Covid Shots. Dollar tree and Walmart are too crowded. So is the Dollar store 😃. Then, you have to wait on the line which is a block long.
  2. Does anyone else think Margaret’s dentist made her upper teeth too big for her mouth? They make her mouth look very wide.
  3. Mels singing career that he built that recording studio in the basement. That career? Thank goodness for Theresa or she would not be on the show.
  4. Yeah, enough of the blame game. They all are not suited to one another. Not Haley, not Clara, not Paige, not the Engineer, not the alcoholic. All issues. I’ll leave the aEngineer out of this. Vincent feels he doesn’t make enough money for her and keeps whining about it, and she doesn’t need a whining baby like Vincent. Plus, he’s moody. She could do better.
  5. I was wondering where all the other posters were. They all left. Onto other threads, and I can see why. Production picked wrong this time and it didn’t work. What were they thinking? I fast forwarded most of the time.
  6. OMG .. haven’t watched this show since Tre went to jail. All I saw these last two episodes were new faces carved from old faces and fat asses. They still dress like they did when they started, which is not a good look. Tre’s bathing suit with strings cover up was ridiculous. Her face even worse. Joe & Melissa still pretending to be so in love, and him still after her sexually is embarrassing. That little twerp is still coniving at being a big businessman and buying houses he can’t afford. What happened to Margaret’s face, the chin? Was that medical or botoxed to death? My Italian husband told me to get that shit off. He’s embarrassed for his culture with these people with pretend jobs and lavish lifestyle. All gimmicks .. not real jobs, except the doctor and the blondes husband, I think. The houses, the food, the clothes, the jewelry. I just can’t. Cathy W. Maybe coming back and maybe the other pain in the ass who makes the best meatballs, haha. My ass. Caroline, that’s her name. Andy loves her. Yuk. What a mess these people are. Being a New Yorker, I hope I don’t sound like them. Plus, we had real honest jobs with pensions. These people ..I still don’t know where the money comes from. The show?
  7. The Talk, the Real, the View. I hate all of them especially Joy Beyhar or however they spell her name. Who are these women to talk about anything including politics? What makes them experts to spew their opinions on t.v. Like they are so informed? They are very opinionated. One of them .. I think the Reel I will watch occasionally. They are pretty nice and don’t voice their opinions on everyone. Seems like a person can’t say anything anymore on t.v. Or they will get the axe like that Chris Harrison oh the Bachelor. I’m just sick of the news anyway. I want to enjoy things like all the Housewives, and Reality shows. In the first place, who eats crap like her before going on a talk show? She eats so much junk in the morning, I’m surprised she doesn’t explode on t.v. Stupid.
  8. That is so funny because I just ordered a pair of 8 inch scissors from Walmart. They are coming Monday. I’ve been using very small scissors for everything for years. I use a steak knife to open packages. Coincidence.
  9. Yeah, she probably had a few drinks also and said “what the hell.” You’re right about laughter too. It’s very important to a relationship. Sometimes, you just have to let things go and just laugh about it. She is extremely uptight and really didn’t belong on this show. Too much pressure. The cameras and all. Plus, you have producers telling you what to say and do for drama.
  10. I’ve heard. Now, after many years, my kid has a broken back. I don’t know how you all do it. Harder than it looks.
  11. That’s cute. We had the whole shebang. Mass at church, 130 people reception, blah, blah. Hardy remember anything except not eating. Drove to the Poconos, and look for a place to eat ravioli as we were starving. Next morning, Aunt Flo arrived; wouldn’t you know, haha. Still had fun and glad it was all over. Tell them “Happy Anniversary”. 🥰
  12. By this time, I think we are all friends and can share some things. Why not? I know I probably sound like an annoying know it all, but after all these years of marriage, I feel like I’ve learned a lot. Good and bad. Thanks. 😀
  13. They both should just agree to be friends.Then go out drinking and dinner until showdown comes.
  14. The Virgin guy reminds me of a Priest. He looks it and is very proper. Inez is annoying. I don’t think she’s that attractive, and if she licks and pouts those lips anymore, I will flip out. She probably was prettier with her natural lips. Btw, why is Lizzie on again this year? Once was enough with her. The husband with the chicken pox is gorgeous tho. Inez is a man eater. Between the two shows back to back, I can’t remember the names. I’m liking this show better. At least the experts are present.
  15. Thanks. Thought it was appropriate being this was a “ marriage” show. My circle of eight couples are still together the same amount of years. Guess it was the times when people really tried to stay together. It isn’t easy. 😍
  16. UPS ? My son almost had his leg chewed off. The dog got in the truck and son had to jump up onto shelf. Very grueling job.
  17. But then she could tell him. No? That could be fixed. I think it’s his face she doesn’t like. That can’t be fixed.
  18. I’m really tired of her saying it’s the 80’s and his neon and hobbies that bother her. That is not a reason. She just didn’t like his looks from the beginning. He repulsed her. There is nothing exciting about her either. So she travels and goes out with the girls to drink. What else makes her so special? She left him in the room about four times to go with the girls, which isn’t nice. Then when confronted, she cries. Just be honest and say he’s not for you and call it a day. Throwing her in the he bed with him is not the answer, Miss Sex Therapist. She probably left when the lights went out. You don’t have to have anything in common to make a marriage work either. You compromise. I just think you have to be in love to get married, or you miss out on something wonderful. I don’t see sleeping with someone when there’s no connection works either. I don’t know how Clara does it. How can you kiss a guy when you have no feelings for him? Yuk. When I met the husband, it was love at first sight. Went together for two years, then married .. hardly anything in common. There were days when we hated each other, but love prevails. Married 56 yrs this October. FYI, our wedding pic on my profile.
  19. Don’t feel awful. I’ve just about had it with all of them. This season has been the worst. Plus, the so called experts were useless. Maybe the show is concentrating on their new show of the rejects. How they picked this bunch, I have no idea. Chris and Paige talking so slowly and always looking down was the worst. All of them had issues that should have been noticed. How did they let them go through the vetting? To show something different? It didn’t work. Viewers have left.
  20. Oh nuts. Tinsley and Scott just broke up. He broke off with her. (N.Y. Housewives) He’s a yenta. Too much in women’s business.
  21. Maybe if she had just shut her mouth for five seconds about sex, he would have done the deed already. When it came to intimacy, I always let him make the first move .. not me. I would be devastated if I was refused. Now, if they have sex, the whole world will want to know and Ryan will feel like a jerk. I would be very surprised if they stay together. He’s embarrassed already. Shut up Clara and calm down. It’s only been three weeks. Have some donuts.
  22. My parents had an arranged marriage from the neighbors in Europe. It lasted over 50 years, but my Mother was always unhappy even tho my Father as a great man. She told me she had a boyfriend in Europe before the marriage and always thought about him through out the marriage. I felt very bad for them. It’s hard to learn to stay together. I made sure I married for love.
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