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Hangin Out

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Everything posted by Hangin Out

  1. The minute Haley walked down that aisle and saw Jake, she did not like him for her. It happens. Some people can learn to love, some can’t. Haley can’t. She’s not the type to marry someone unseen. I couldn’t. It’s a crap shoot.
  2. Who the heck would want a girls night on their honeymoon? Just because Haleywanted to get away from Jake, doesn’t mean she needs the others with her too. The purpose of this honeymoon was to get to know one another, not go out with the girls. That was stupid IMO. This wasn’t your typical honeymoon. If I were Jake, I’d get another room and stop the torture. She’s too hoity toity for him, wants what she wants and does what she wants, and she does not want him.
  3. None of these girls use protection on these shows. Then, they all act surprised when Aunt Flo doesn’t arrive. Dumbasses.
  4. March 15 .. I’m trying all week to get the J&J one dose shot. I might as well feel crappy for the one day, so they say .. I always feel crappy anyway. It’s not easy to get the shot. You have to look about 3 times a day for an appointment. I’m doing CVS. Then, you have to answer all the questions each time. I could have gotten Maderma in another town, but didn’t want two. So, I’ll keep trying. Just when I thought Spring was here, I see Denver is getting a huge snowstorm. How is everyone? Can’t wait for N.Y. to come back, but I think they stopped filming. I’m forced to watch Jersey. Too much fighting. See ya y’all. I hope soon. 😻
  5. They are hiding because they f..cked up. Besides I heard they have nothing to do with anything but being props. Production are the culprits. They thought Chris was a good idea. He was the WORST EVER. Paige too.
  6. My whole bedroom is Hunter green and pink. Hunter green velvet comforter with pink shams and throw pillows LOVE IT.
  7. It’s not you. All I saw was Salsa dancing, cupcakes and ceramics. Nothing new. Oh, and a new bike. Australia was much more interesting.
  8. Why did Miss 3 way tell everyone at the table about their sex life? Rightfully so, he told her and everyone else he just wasn’t feeling it with her. To this day, I have never talked about my sex life with my closest family members or friends. It’s between me and my husband only. Not saying it’s right or wrong either. Just our preference. A lot of people are not touchy and freely., especially in public. Now that she told him what exactly what she wants, I think he’s finished. That was between them only.
  9. Oh yeah .. Sam and Ines. Sexual tension is definitely there. Lizzie made the moves. Sam wasn’t interested.
  10. NO .. I just looked. Not natural. I just can’t get into this bunch for some reason. I do like the dinners tho. Lizzie was on last year, yes. Why again this year? I hate her makeup and clothes.
  11. WOW .. Matthew the ex Virgin’s wife threw the threesome thought into his head. Who would have thought? Kind of soon for that stuff .. or not at all. I wouldn’t eat any of that stuff the Phillapino girl made. No way. Theres not enough air time for the normal couples.
  12. Guess all that makeup on Sams wife (dont know names yet) doesn’t work. Ines’s technique is natural looking.
  13. It’s probably just a phase he’s going through to bulk up. I’m sure this won’t be a lifetime thing. I ate a small thin steak and a salad to lose the 13 lbs I gained when I had my second child. After I lost the extra weight, I went back to everything and was sick of steak. Your body craves carbs and Oreos dunked in milk. That was my thing when pregnant every night. Seven Oreos dunked in milk. Yum. My husband sneaked them up the hospital, and I ate them in the bathroom stall as we weren’t allowed milk. Gross I know, but where else could I hide? The Nuns were watching every move. Very strict .. no drugs during labor. Catholic hospital.
  14. I knew right then there. She would rather talk with Paige than work things out with Jake. It’s over and done.
  15. Me too. I crack up every show. Unique, everyone of them.
  16. Very simple. Jake has all their numbers, and they know it. He’s no fool. It bothers them. F um all. Obnoxious bitches. What happened to Vinny? Didn’t want to come to Jakes house? He’s a weirdo too.
  17. Is Erik blind or what? Does he not see that his wife has to have a drink in her hand morning, noon and night? She probably doesn’t even remember having sex when they do, as by then she’s probably bombed. She can’t have a baby. She doesn’t want a baby. She’d have to stop the alcohol. Why is he so crazy about her? Plus, he talks too much to change the subject. He’s a wimp.
  18. She’s making up for going to see Paige all night the night before instead of working things out with her husband. She’s very cunning, always having to have the last word and putting him in his place. She’s always right, she thinks. If he comes back at her, she gets very defensive.
  19. He went along with it. He has manners. That’s what I like about him. He’s respectful, kind and soft spoken. But no fool. She makes fun of his house, his clothes, the 80’s and just about everything. Who exactly does she think she is? Why didn’t someone snatch her up by now?
  20. That was a chop on him. He was a gentleman about it too. He should buy her a flask for her pocketbook.
  21. What a shit show last night. Salsa lessons, ceramics, all kinds of fillers. The best was Jake getting new clothes. How nice. A slight hint that you dress crappy and i hate being with you because you dress crappy. She’s very thoughtful, then talks to him like she’s better than him. This is a girl that always has to be right, and has all the answers. I wish he would date one of her girlfriends and call it a day.
  22. Well, the poor girl isn’t having SEX, so she has to have something satisfying. What’s wrong with him already?
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