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Hangin Out

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Everything posted by Hangin Out

  1. For the Green Room, I figured she’d order 10 lbs of crabs, shrimp cocktail for 4, Mac n cheese and 10 bottles of hot sauce, and a dozen cases of Heineken. Also thought her star would be down the alley where the bathrooms are. I’m sure she’ll be talking about that star everyday. I’m surprised about Jerry O. He tried too hard and was still too loud. He must be feeling terrible. I feel sorry for him. I think I’ll watch later. Thanks for the update.
  2. Haha .. what’s his face didn’t even help her down the stairs with it. Some gentleman. Underneath he probably can’t stand her .. just wanted to be on t.v.
  3. Speaking of luggage, it’s designer too. Where’s all the money coming From? Certainly not all from this show.
  4. If it wasn’t for Norman, she would not have a show. Not gonna watch today, will just read the posts. She hit my last nerve.
  5. Lea was standing and yelling “ it’s not fair”, haha. Is she nuts? Omar was terrible, and although we were all cheering for him, I’m surprised he lasted this long. I’m happy Len put her in her place. She was over the top, and those lips, yikes ! What does she know about dancing? Where were the Kartrashians?
  6. If she’s back again after this season that just started with Capt. Lee, I’m NOT watching at all. I read somewhere on the internet, that Capt. Lee’s Son died last Saturday. I think they said drugs. Did anyone else hear or read anything?
  7. I was yelling at the t.v. “Shut up and sit down”.
  8. Was this the Lea Remini Show? It sure seemed like. Boy, was she thirsty.
  9. I read somewhere he was a model in the UK. Maybe he wants to continue here too. Without Darcy of course. She is a burden. Men absolutely hate crying women. If I cry about something, which is rare, my husband of many, many years literally runs in the other direction. He can’t stand it. Darcy is over doing it with the crying. It’s going against her. She should show him she’s strong, not a wimp. Did these twins not have a Mother to teach them things?
  10. Monday : o.k. Watching the show and really, really, really, NOT liking her or the show anymore. Besides being boring, I just can’t believe her anymore about ANYTHING. Heard all about the cats (overload). I just can’t believe this sudden love between her and NeNe. They went to Tao, the Club and home by 11. Yawn. She’s talking about people I’m not interested in, or do not know. Boring. This show needs something new or cancelled. I’ll admit I watched the train wreck 90 Day Fiancé last night for two hours and was not bored for one minute. Wendy has to get those cheek implants out of her face as they are falling down into her teeth. She’s beginning to look like a Halloween mask. P.s. I think she wanted the pretty lady in the third row to give her the sweater she was wearing. She’s nervy like that. PPSS. I’m changing my mind about Big Kev. I think he had a point, and in a way don’t blame him? She must have been difficult. That’s it.
  11. I wish Ziad would just wash that hair or get a haircut. And, Ziad, Rebecca and Angela are getting fatter by the minute. What are they eating there?
  12. I just don’t get why Ben loves her. There’s nothing there. She is just blank. No personality. They are sitting in front of a house where rocks are all around them. The place is in shambles. Maybe she blew him away on the internet? Is it true she’s been around the block and the family wants to get her off their hands?
  13. Yes, thank you too. Jennifer is not all that. I see better on my street. She thinks she will be discovered for modeling or something. Pfitt.
  14. Just wondering, NytoNcaro? I was Nytofla, but came back to ny. Lol.
  15. Both the twins don’t look all that great. Their faces are bloated. To much fillers? Their clothes don’t go with their ages. Too short, to much boobs showing and those black hats. Yikes! What are they, 18 ?
  16. You would think Zied would learn how to speak a little English better by now. He says all his words backwards. Rebecca has been looking older lately. What’s with all of them calling the women baby? zied and Michael can’t wait to get to the states fast enough.
  17. I love “ Pillow Talk”. I like the one who’s cooking in the wok on the side of the bed. She’s got a whole set/ up going on there. At least she cooks for him. This show cracks me up. It can’t be real, can it?
  18. I think both Tim and Jennifer are waiting to be discovered. I can’t stand Jennifer. She thinks she’s the cats meow, and she’s not that gorgeous. She’s picking all these high rides to go on and I don’t blame him for not wanting to go on. She’s got some hell of an attitude.
  19. I doubt she wants or knows how to figure things out. She probably has her sister, the lawyer or someone else helping her like a divorce attorney. She has wigs to comb, lotions to lather herself up, haha. I’ll bet Lil Kev is thrilled to be in Miami away from this mess, and he probably visits Grandma and Papa here and there to have some normalcy.
  20. Talk shows like Kelly & Ryan are on all over the country, no? I don’t know if she is. Maybe just in the N.Y. area? I’m sure Rachel Ray & The View are on all over too. What happened with Jerry O? He should take her place and follow with Nick Cannon. I loved Sherry Shepherd also. Too bad she has other commitments. She was talented. Wendy is not. Everyone is tired of hearing about her phoney celebrity life. Looks like the show is gonna wear on her. Hi Harvey ... that is so funny. He probably had enough of her. Now she’s kissing everyone’s ass to get them on. I never cared for Christie Brinkley, but what she did to her is unforgivable. She’s going on every show to tell her story. Good.
  21. Who knows. Everyone is hating on Big Kev, but maybe he as the one who made her a BIG STAR on t.v. as he was co/producer and probably did all the heavy work it takes to make a show. It’s a stretch to say, but maybe he’s a nice guy and just got tired of her diva and overbearing ways? There are 2 sides to a story and I’ll bet she’ll try to pay him off handsomely to not write the book. I still say, she must be a handful to be around. Her poor parents come to the show and watch her humiliate them with her stories of growing up, but she is still their child and they take it with a smile as parents do. Just look at her guests in the audience. She’s fresh and snippy with them and she shouldn’t be. I actually liked her in the beginning, but now not so much.
  22. I’m shocked that Tamballs was shocked. Out of all of them, you would think she would be the first to have a threesome. BTW, since Eddy hadall those heart procedures, I’m wondering if he’s still active in the sex dept. Between all the heart pills he has to take, sometimes things don’t work the same.
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