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Hangin Out

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Everything posted by Hangin Out

  1. Many CEO’s in this world were orphans and made it big by determination. Not every one has parents to help them through.
  2. Like my dear Mother always said “Everyone can’t be a Chief, there has to be some Indians too”, meaning the world needs blue collar workers besides executives.
  3. Well, UPS and Amazon are hiring for the holidays. Why doesn’t Ryan get off his ass and put in an application? It just might lead to a permanent position, if he had any desire to work instead of mooching off his Mother and Eddie. BYW, how is he supporting his child? He doesn’t need therapy, he needs to work like everyone else. Maybe he should ask the President for a job in the White House.
  4. A hundred likes. Look who’s calling the kettle. Better patriotic than a SLUT.
  5. Hot damn ! Finally someone else noticed. If my husband who woke up at 3 am to go and build roads, come home at 3 p.m. and had to eat chips and not a HOT meal, he’d divorce me too. He had to wait until 6 pm to eat a “ healthy meal” that probably equaled 200 calories because she cooked healthy. Food and sex is what he needed. It’s not that she was busy with a job and needed time to prepare. IMO.
  6. I re wound, but didn’t see it happen as they were in a crowd. I don’t think he would be that stupid. She just wanted attention.
  7. Shannon may be on uppers. She’s talking very fast and loud lately. Maybe the divorce is getting to her even tho she claims she’s so happy.
  8. Is Ryan a cast member now? What’s with all these kids on the show? Going down hill?
  9. Two nice young teens being ruined by their overbearing Mothers. When they graduate high school, they better go to a college across the country and save themselves.
  10. Im sorry, but why does Shannon new lips think her daughter could be a model? And why are we viewing Ryan with the politics. And why does Brownstone have that phony laugh? I can’t wait for this season to be over.
  11. I’ve always asked what the ratings are, but nobody knows. You are right about who was there .. nobody I know or would want to know. I can’t believe they couldn’t find a replacement. I guess everyone is busy, and Jerry O was too much. Btw, I saw him on a commercial for “ Bob Evans” restaurant. Poor thing. Whatever, but she still thinks she’s still here because she’s the greatest.
  12. Good. Now I don’t have to watch this afternoon. Lol. Now that she has the star, she will become more obnoxious and rude. No wonder why she gets guests hardly nobody knows such as rappers, etc. She has something bad to say about people every day and won’t come on the show again. She must have low self esteem if she has to knock everyone. My husband asked what number she was on the walk, and I told him 2,747 or something. He laughed and said “ that’s about everybody” in Hollywood. You would think she would be more humble and nicer, but she’s worse now and more confident that she’s back for good. If people love her so much, is it because she makes us believe she’s one of us and drinks tea and burps like she’s in our living room and comfortable? No .. she would slam a door in our face . She is a phony. I hate hot topics too. Who the hell are these people? I would love to watch “the Talk” as they all are nice, informative and put on a great show, but they are so loud and all talk at once. I’m asking too much, I know.
  13. She’s such a little twit. 19 years old and she knows everything. The Mother follows suit. She quits her job, puts on the foreign garb and wants to go to a war zone for love. They should throw her in the car and take her to a Mental Health Facility
  14. Oh, is that all? I thought it was something sleezy. She has her own way of talking that I sometimes don’t know what she means. Her own lingo I don’t understand. Maybe from the club which I don’t frequent. Thank you for filling me in.
  15. I watched the whole show today as I wanted to hear about her Star in Hollywood. From the looks of it, looks like she is on her way back for sure. Extended contract for 2 more years. Lots of people came for the ceremony, although I didn’t know most of them. She brought Lil Kev and the nephew. She ranked on Big Kev. She went to the club and brought the boys to a strip joint as she loves those places. I don’t know exactly what it takes to get a star, but I guess partly it’s because she was on the radio awhile and got her own show. I read awhile back that she was not friendly with Suzanne, but now, Suzanne can’t praise Wendy enough as they are best buds it seems. She now looks pretty sure of herself and she probably deserves the Star and all the hoopla she’s getting. She’s baaaack. (with the help of Norman mostly). He should of been the first one she thanked imo. Maybe she did, but I don’t remember that little important tidbit.
  16. I’m stupid. I don’t even know what the hell that is.
  17. This thread brings me more laughs than the whole bunch of shows. lMAO.
  18. She walks around with no pep, like she needs a B-12 shot. That cake was so fancy, like it was made in the U.S.A. Probably was from Production.
  19. I watch 16 Candles every time it’s on, like every week. The Grandparents are so authentic. Haha. Like mine.
  20. Yeah, and she will be locked up in her house with no money and no credit card and for his convenience. That baby face of his doesn’t fool me.
  21. YES. He was always mad at something and had zero patience. But then again, Darcy is no prize either. They argued about every little thing.
  22. She’s probably the town slut in Georgia and everyone knows her, OR,she’s out to be an actress, lol. I can’t wait for Ceasar to find out there is no Maria. I don’t feel sorry for him anymore.
  23. I know, I know. I keep forgetting this is not real and only a show, lol. Darcy, especially is a tv fame whore, actually they all are. I don’t know why I watch, but I do. Maybe not next season .. it’s too drawn out, but then I probably will. I have to see about that dummy Ceasar.
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