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Hangin Out

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Everything posted by Hangin Out

  1. Changing subject .. did anyone see the “2 Cellos” play Game of Thrones theme on PBS? Unbelievable. My husband and I watching while waiting for a big cricket to come out from under my t.v. and smash him. So far he came out like five times and went back in. Just called my son to come help, haha. I can’t go to sleep until it’s done.
  2. She’s probably been out once or twice so it would hit the papers and that’s it. To go out on the town one night, she’d have to call up the wig guy, the makeup artist, and someone to dress her., and what about shoes since her feet and legs are swollen and can’t wear 5 inch heels. It’s all too much trouble, and don’t forget, she doesn’t have a Big aKev to prep for the next morning show. So, I’m assuming she is at home every night eating and relaxing. I’d have more respect if she would come clean and just say the truth.
  3. She had plenty of things that just disappear. I did buy one thing tho that they were selling, a pillow that massages the back. It’s wonderful and really works great.
  4. I heard the place was beautiful and calming, which women need once in awhile, but that group of harpies gave it no justice. I couldn’t even concentrate what the place had to offer because of all the screaming and yelling. That establishment must be furious that the place was portrayed badly, as everyone was getting hurt and not appreciating anything. Then, the dummy was bringing burgers from a chain when the chef was putting out all that healthy food? Andy should be ashamed.
  5. Ah, yes. Big Kev must be missing those days of Wendy walking around in her bathrobe, sitting down to the table strewn with dozens of crabs while she chomps them down with hot sauce bald as a bat in her slippers. Missing those humongous boobs hanging to the floor. Yes, he misses that .. NOT. The cars and jewelry and cash flowing out of his pockets is what he misses. He drove around in his Bentley wearing his fur coat while canoodling with the side piece who became Mother of his baby girl. I think he had plenty stashed away, as he knew the day would come. WW is delusional thinking he misses HER for HER. Or, I could be wrong.. who knows. I doubt it. I don’t begrudge anyone happiness or peace of mind, but be honest about it and say the truth that you are hurting or having a hard time, or say nothing at all. I don’t believe she’s all out and about having a high ole time with all these friends that came out of the woodwork after all this time. Wendy likes the simple life, and she is no Carrie Bradshaw. Btw, Sarah J Parker and husband Mathew B are going to do Plaza Suite on Broadway, fyi.
  6. To add to your good comment, who wants to hear who she had dinner with .. which rapper I never heard of. I think it’s all bullshit. We all know she is in bed at nine o’clock.
  7. I’ve never taken an Uber. Isn’t it like a taxi? If so, she can’t afford to take it? She’ll just have to conserve on other things like her nails, getting fillers and who know what else. I’m sure we’ve all had to conserve at one time or another.
  8. Hahaha .. I love it. Someone who isn’t afraid to speak their mind. All true.
  9. That dancing was definitely not for her, mentally and physically. Was she trying to show that little twerp of hers that she’s still sexy? Dump the twerp and find someone who appreciates you. He’s not worth your time. You deserve better. While you’re at it, let the twerp take Gina with him.
  10. Right. I don’t understand some of them picking on Emily. She seems like a nice person. Doesn’t start trouble, isn’t a blabbermouth, and if I recall, isn’t a mean person. Besides she has her own troubles, has little kids and works. Gina is one big whining self centered pain in the ass, or should I say expects everyone to kiss her ass. Go back to N.Y. Just don’t come in my neighborhood, lol.
  11. If I was Emily, I wouldn’t even want Gina there for her. She showed her true colors and is not her friend. She’s a “ fair weather “ friend.
  12. Probably low thyroid condition. Swollen, weight gain, tiredness.
  13. Why am I tuning in ? I don’t know. Today, OMG, she came bouncing out with a tight, tight short skirt and a very tight v- neck sweater soooo tight and low cut. Very classy. Then her conversation about honey boo boo or whoever . The audience didn’t look thrilled with her conversation about people we do not know. This show, or whatever they call it, I think is doomed. I wish Nick Cannon had this spot. What is the station thinking?
  14. Nick Cannon and Wendy? No way. He was just pacifying her.
  15. Yep. That’s what I was trying to say before. Yelling and screaming does not make a show
  16. Maybe Emily is in debt between law school and Shanrs whatever, and can’t afford to treat Gina. That’s why Shane’s parents pay for their house and cars. Both Shannon and Tamra are established. If Gina could afford fillers on her face, she can afford a lunch here and there.
  17. So, why doesn’t Andy get rid of her already before something really drastic happens? The others are bad with their mouths, but Kelly is violent. Thank you. I didn’t know I could do that.
  18. Alcohol and Xanax. Where are they getting this stuff. Where I live, you have to be half dead or out of your mind to get this stuff. Why not light up some joints while they’re at it? Then you’ll see happy crazy.
  19. Can you just imagine what Michael went thru?.. I don’t know how he lasted with Kelly at all.
  20. I’ve had girlfriends for forty years and we never fought like that. Once in awhile, someone had their nose out of joint, but that’s it. I wish this was the last episode. This is not enjoyable t.v. Next season, no more OC or BH for me. I hope N.Y. doesn’t pull this shit. I want beautiful vacations, not pots on their heads. Those stupid pots made them all crazier. They should have put the biggest one on Vikie, and each one of them bang her head hard. This was their chance.
  21. Really. I thought he likes that sort of filthy stuff. The filthier and more crass, the better. He’s worse than anybody. He just salivates when they act wild on WWHL.
  22. Brownstone jumping and doing her cartwheels down the room. I thought she was going to go thru the window. Poor thing. She needs a break from that gorgeous house and all that help. O.k., we get it already. You have a great body for 7 kids. Enough already. Color me green with envy.
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