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Hangin Out

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Everything posted by Hangin Out

  1. You said it ! A very wealthy man who adores you, is wealthy and gives you everything your heart desires, and a younger lover, who you may love also. WOW. The perfect setup. Best of both worlds. Then, throw in a little career that you like. Perfect.
  2. Google it. It tells the story of him and her and their life all over the world. Interesting. Big difference than her life now. Just type in Richard and Dorinda Medley. All pictures come up.
  3. A toaster oven cookbook. That’s rich. How the hell are you going to make a full dinner in a toaster oven? All these schemes amaze me.
  4. There is too much of Dorinda this season. Too much. And they talked about Bethenny? At least Bethenny was funny. Dorinda is not. Somebody please tell me why this woman is so important?
  5. So true. One minute Dorinda can be compassionate, loving and helpful .. then she does a 180 and turns into a maniac. She has to go to a doctor and get Prozac or something to that affect. She has a sharp tongue even if she’s not drinking. Doesn’t anyone advise her? Her Mother, Sister or John? Is everyone afraid of her? After she did that to LuAnn when they were away somewhere, I wouldn’t have spoken to her ever again.
  6. Oh nuts! I love when they go up there, especially in the winter with the snow .
  7. Does anyone think she has lovers on the side? She’s only in her forties. Maybe he even gave her permission. I wouldn’t doubt it.
  8. My husband is actually jealous of my I pad. I’m on it quite a bit. He asks “what’s so funny” ? There’s no sports to watch, so all of a sudden, he wants conversation and wants to know me, hahahaha.
  9. Oh absolutely. I have the extra large super duper size !🤪
  10. Now we’re getting somewhere. They gave my husband the little yellow pill after his triple by pass surgery and heart attack. He thinks he will die if he takes it. So, that’s that. 😪 And don’t tell me to get what Sonja has .. I’m not mechanical, lol.
  11. I don’t know about this stuff. I’m a nice Catholic girl. Ha hahahahahahahahaha.
  12. With a little help from their friendly blue (is it blue?) friend? Plus, Erika is very agile.
  13. I don’t know if I’m repeating as I just got a phone call. Anyhow, I love Lisa and Erika only. They seem real. Lisa is funny and doesn’t care what people say or do. It looks like her and Harry were very good parents. I don’t think Erika was or is a gold digger. She just appreciates Tom and grew to love him. Of course the money helped, but Tom seems like a great guy. Good for her. The rest, you can have. Too much competition in their circle.
  14. I’m beginning to wonder who left who. Did Denise leave Charlie, or the opposite. From what I’ve see of her, I can’t decide. They say “ those who talk about all the good sex” are full of shit. Could be Erika and her lawyer husband are having plenty, but don’t talk about it. You never know, lol.
  15. That is true, but now, we have Dorinda who is a mean drunk quite frequently, and she’s not even funny. They brought in Leah, who is very nice and all, but her story line is weak. She talks about her Mother, but doesn’t go to see her. A mother doesn’t want phone calls and texts, they want to see your face. I thought Bravo would bring in another ball of fire, but they didn’t. Lately, the show is boring. Same ole. Nothing going on, and hardly any laughter. Drunken women aren’t funny. Bring in a smart ass comedian for the laughs. I try to watch BH, but all they care about is who has the best clothes, jewelry, makeup, party, etc. Boring.
  16. Mario: What really bothers me is when there were scenes where Ramona would put on a sexy nite gown, give him champagne and act all sexy ready for sexy time. Meanwhile, he was screwing a seventeen year old from the toy store in the Hamptons. Well, can’t say she didn’t try to keep the flame alive. A knife in her heart, and she’s still nice to him. Humiliating.
  17. Oh gosh .. so sorry. Xo. Meaning to Supremediva1.
  18. Bless all of you that have been in AA and have recovered, and to all who are now attending. It’s wonderful to hear. 👏 💕😍
  19. Their children must be mortified the way they act, especially Sonja and Dorinda when she’s drunk. They all must tell the kids they only act like that for the camera, but I don’t think so. I think LuAnn says the least to be ashamed of, but she’s had her days also. What man in New York will marry these women, much less have a relationship with them. Time is running out, and they have exhausted all the available men. Their names are mud at this point. They’ll have to resort to Match.com in another state where nobody knows them. Lol. At least Dorinda has a Mother and Sister to talk with. I don’t know if Sonja has any close relatives besides her daughter. It always helps. Seems like all the kids are hunkered down with their Mothers, which is good during this crazy crisis.
  20. Another Howard Stern. I heard him once, and once was enough. Filthy and stupid talk. What is so funny about him?
  21. Look who’s talking. Dorinda is using John for free cleaning, gowns, an escort, and a free meal. Ifshedoesnt love him by now, set him free. I’m sure there are lots of women who would go for him. She’s not being fair. That is selfish ... she doesn’t want him, and doesn’t want anyone else to have him.
  22. Weight Watchers. You eat, you lose weight. Who would believe alcohol Is a lot of calories? A lot of these housewives rather drink than eat.
  23. I wouldn’t last five minutes with the likes of Dorinda. I would tell her ass to go fuck herself. She’s a know it all, nasty, pain in the ass. They all are afraid of her when she gets loaded. She’ll get you where it hurts the most. That’s a BULLY.
  24. I hope she froze her eggs. I think she might have.. where’s Scott? Last I heard they were engaged. Is that correct? I really hope so.
  25. Oh yes. Besides all that, she is judgemental, a know- it-all, tells them all what to do, and thinks she’s so worldly. She hits below the belt, and is a preacher. There is too much of Dorinda on this show since Bethenny left. She cannot fill her shoes. Now, she’s picking on little Tinsley. Go pick on someone your own size 6. Yeah, right.
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