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Hangin Out

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Everything posted by Hangin Out

  1. Why bother in the first place if animals are a bother? Did she think they would keep her company.? She probably told Boof “ here, take them someplace”. I think she’s had it with everything. She should pack up and move to Florida near her relatives. She’s done the radio thing, marriage thing, has little Kev. Go sit in the sun with a martini already. It’s time. Who wants to hear about rappers we don’t even know? Plus, she’s burned a lot of bridges. Who’s left? She’s not a City girl either. It’s too much for her, and she’s not a Carrie. If Norman ever decided to leave, who’s gonna coach her? There comes a time when things are over.
  2. Maybe .. sounds about right. I just asked the hubs what’s the male version of Putana. He said something I can’t even spell .. something like coornuth, lol. Something like that, anyway.
  3. Oh, o.k. Putana, Butana, Apples, Oranges. What do I know? I’m only married to an Italian.
  4. OMG, my tears are flowing. I’m praying for 100 per cent recovery for your dear Son. Xoxo to him.
  5. My husband is still watching in the living room .. I caved and went in the bedroom to watch a movie. I can’t take that one cooking in the wok .. she is sooo LOUD. Although, I do like what she’s cooking on there, especially the ribs, and rice, and veggies, everything, lol. How dumb can one be? David, there is no Lana.
  6. OMG .. Hours of watching this, and they give you hardly nothing. Rose: When Rose gets mad or doesn’t like something, she gets this weird look on her face .. not good either. I know he’s a creepy guy, but i think Rose and her Sister are in kahoots.
  7. We all are bitchy with this virus goin on. It’s too much already. My state is the worst. Still wearing masks and gloves. Today was the first day we could sit on the patio and get some fresh air. The only good thing that came out of this is I finally cleaned out my walk in closet. Lol. Now, the Vets won’t even come to pick the bags up until who knows when.
  8. Probably old news, but I just read Anderson Cooper is the Father of a bouncing baby boy. Guess he saw how happy Andy was with Benjamin.
  9. Oh, you are right. I forgot about that. She was in the audience taping what was goin on. Yes.
  10. I was just thinking of Jill Zarin and posted about her the other day. I still can’t get over the time Beth was down and low and went to Ramona’s apartment to make peace with Jill. She was at a very low point in her life. Jill refused to talk with her, and the Countless dragged Jill away and said the car was waiting and they had to go. That was the end for Bethenny, as she stood in the street crying. I’m just happy Bethenny never forgot that. Jill knew she was wrong and tried to make amends, but it never happened. We all know Andy and Beth are tight, and maybe that’s the reason he didn’t take Jill back. Just my thoughts anyhow. I believe in forgive and forget, but in that instance, I wouldn’t forget either. There are times when you just can’t. Bethenny was a nobody then .. didn’t know where her rent was coming from. She came out of it by herself and became successful, finally. Actually, I think the only thing that makes her happy is Bryn and her charity work. Yes, she does announce what she donates, but so does Oprah and many others.
  11. Yes she does, but then when the time comes, she’ll throw it up in your face. Who needs that? She’s not the type to take favors from.
  12. BTW, who exactly has the kid? Leah, the Ex boyfriend or the grandparents, or do they pass her around? I’m wondering what kind of guy interests her. Someone who thinks like her? Someone said Bethenny recommended her for the show.
  13. I’ll buy that. She had a lot of things going on. Court, her business, her charities, all her apartments, all her helpers, boyfriends, etc. I miss seeing all of that. She got a little nuts in the last couple of seasons,but don’t they all? You have to admit, there’s nothing nice about Dorinda lately. Excep going to Bluestone Manor. I really enjoyed that. Maybe the Countessa will bring something interesting on the stage, I hope. I like seeing her house upstate too. The screaming has to stop.
  14. I agree with you. Did anyone here, including Leah and the child’s Father realize how hard it is for these grandparents to grow up that child, or even keep an eye on her? It’s fine that Leah has a job, but filming all over N.Y. and vacations is another matter. Out of love, Grandparents get stuck raising children again when they deserve for once to live a life of leisure. These grandparents have to pay because their daughter chose to fuck up?
  15. I’m going to say it. I miss Bethenny. She brought laughter, you have to admit. Her different apartments, her cooking in her pajamas, her marital troubles, everything. She was colorful, love her or hate her. A natural comedian. The new girl may be nice, but she’s not funny. We need funny. Bethenny balanced the show.
  16. I hope that’s the last we see of this crap... running around naked and screaming. It’s not funny.
  17. I once ordered a blouse from one of those pop ups. It took two months to get here. Slow boat from China. The material was crap .. never again. I must of been tired.
  18. What about “Reality Police”? Last I spoke with her, she was getting better in the hospital. Nothing since, even on the PM.
  19. Salami thrown on a plate. Was it left from someone’s antipasto on Italian night?
  20. I love hoops. All sizes. Especially the little ones with diamonds.
  21. Yeah well,she seems to have a shoulder problem every time she goes on vacation, lol. Conveniently.
  22. I love Garo! I was so happy he was on, and so annoyed by how the Housewives treated him. When he and Tinsley walked over to the ladies after the show, they acted like he wasn't even standing there. Dorinda did say something to him, but they didn't say "congratualtions" to him, they said it to Tinsley Just because they are on t.v. and are housewives, doesn’t mean they are smart. Some have no manners at all, and think who they are. Lots of people think Leah is the greatest. I’m from the older generation, so really don’t “get” her and her ways. I don’t even understand the faces on the dresses thing. All I can say is it seems very inappropriate. Just because Dorinda was married to a rich, smart, important person, doesn’t make her one. From what I’ve seen, she is a vile, mean, nasty person, who preys on the weak. John is too good for her. Then, Bravo rewards her by giving her the “ talking head”. Apparently, they think she’s the smartest of the group. .
  23. She thought it was an honor for him to do her hair, Countess n all.
  24. I agree. Who else can replace her? Bethenny was the funniest. Dorinda is trying to be funny, but is NOT.
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