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Hangin Out

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Everything posted by Hangin Out

  1. I didn’t know too much about John, but if you read his bio, you might find it interesting. The way things are with Dorinda now, she’s not all that much. She’s a drunk, and worst of all, a bully that hits below the belt. That’s not classy. Some of these girls were average until they married rich. Just sayin.
  2. I think it’s called “Madame Paulette’s or something like that? I just googled John and his store. Very interesting. He doesn’t get the credit he deserves when you read all about him. His family, his education, everything. You all would be surprised. He’s gotten a very bad rap on the show.
  3. No, I guess not. We ride thru the Hamptons on the one road going out. Most roads going into the rich neighborhoods are blocked off and gated .. big bushes so you can’t really see the houses. I doubt the real stars mingle with the housewives. They have their own click and stick together. Not everyone is rich out there. There are regular houses with white, black & Spanish people too. There’s a mixture, like every other place.
  4. No kidding. The place must be famous. Ask the Mother if she likes Dorinda. I was born in Queens. 😀
  5. Looks like Ramoaner has a hip problem. When she’s walks, she waddles from side to side, unless her age is catching up to her. Cuntessa is in good shape. Maybe it’s the yoga and good genes. She’s very agile.
  6. So she’s using him for companionship, cleaning clothes, taking her to restaurants and functions. That’s not nice. She’s stringing him along until someone better comes along, which I doubt. She doesn’t even want him to sleep over. User.
  7. Snoop Dog lives next door to Martha Stewart on Dune Road in the Hamptons I believe. He’s not white. If I’m wrong, please correct me.
  8. Yuk. Just the thought of having to do things with an old geezer makes me want to puke. I’d rather be poor. Don’t kid yourselves either. LuAnn May sleep with a pirate, Gardner or window washer, but when it comes to marriage La Contessa will marry rich.
  9. I saw that too. Puffs of what? I did see that she was drinking water tho. Did she finally admit she was an alcoholic? Although, at a restaurant, I saw her drinking a martini?
  10. She may think she’s one of them in her head, but I think they only tolerate her. Never mind the Hamptons. Go on the North Shore of Long Island where J.lo lives. Mansions galore and rich like you’ve never seen. Another world entirely.
  11. Yes, Bethenny was all that, but you have to admit, she had everyone down pat. Her thinking heads were spot on and hilarious as anything. Dorinda cannot compete with Bethennys whit. No one can. She is a sharp cookie, you have to admit. Sorry, I meant wit. Don’t know how to fix it.
  12. Yep, old guys with the tan, botoxed and very white teeth. Their pants, one purple, looked out of place for an older guy. So out of place and trying too hard to look young. Can’t beat Father Time. Sooo pretentious. And, the women .. so botoxed and fake. Ramona goes from one type of group to another, trying to go up the ladder. What is she noted for? Selling jewelry? Living in Southampton? North of the highway, there are average working people living there.
  13. I’ll bet she is sleeping with Mario in Ft. Lauderdale during the crisis.
  14. Luanne was all over the massage guy. I was embarrassed when she had him to massage her neck. He was probably laughing inside and couldn’t wait to get home to his wife & kids. Why do they think they could go with younger guys? Dorinda should not wear those type pants. Black is your friend, not a wild print like that.
  15. I swear, I had a nightmare last nite that Luanne came and lured my husband to go with her to the casino. She blatently took him away from me. He returned quite soon back to me. Then I jumped up in my bed heart pounding. True story, lol. She’s quite the sex fiend. Guess I won’t be seeing her in the cabaret, hahaha.
  16. I’m sure the Hamptons had enough of them too. Cameras, noise, paps, equipment. That’s half of their life tho, especially now during the crisis.
  17. I thought they would start a fire in the bushes. They would probably flirt with the firemen, lol.
  18. My mother- in- law at 85 was looking for a guy in the senior center while her husband was dying of cancer upstairs in the bed. My husband was mortified! Good thing he doesn’t read this. After his Father died, she brought the new guy into her house. It’s a known fact that in a certain development in Florida, the old seniors are having lots of sex .. more than younger people. Plenty of STD’s too.
  19. Geeze, LuAnn isn’t too horny. Embarrassing. The guy shot her down. Not thrilled with this episode, not funny. Bring Bethenny back for the “Thinking Heads”. Dorinda can’t cut it. Ramoaner, if you’re going to complain about serving your guests, don’t invite them. Swimming naked in the pool is getting stale. Yuk! I thought they were all better than this.
  20. I think she wears a lot of those Diane VonFurstenberg clothes which have that print, if I’m not mistaken. Or whoever.
  21. Katy looked like the little girl ( that she is) wearing her mothers dress and high heels. Acts like one too. She’s supposidely a therapist in waiting ? She needs one herself. Never happen, as he’s too classy. A filthy mouth is a requirement.
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