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Hangin Out

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Everything posted by Hangin Out

  1. What a shit episode. So forced. Dorinda, sit down and shut up. Who are you to preach? Get off the show.
  2. Too much Dorinda. She does bad and Bravo rewards her. WTF?
  3. Tinsley is gone, so Ramona is the new target. Halloween fillers as they are running out of new ideas. I just can’t look at Dorinda anymore, nor will I no matter how much she cries. Done with her. Something is missing as it’s hard to watch this episode. It’s all over the place. Jill Zarin? What a lousy episode.
  4. I don’t get Pillow Talk at all. It’s just a repeat of what we already saw a hundred times before. The phamtom in the black leather coat was waiting for Lana at least 100 times on my t.v. TLC is really running with this show by repeating and repeating the same stuff over and over. The thing that interests me the most is watching the guy on the bed’s hair growing more and more each week.
  5. True, and I know that, but to make a statement like “raised by wolves” is a very bold statement. There’s two sides to the story, which we don’t know. Same goes for Jason and his parents, but I won’t go there as it can go around and around, so I’ll just end it here.
  6. I don’t know about that “raised by wolves” comment. Truthfully, I don’t believe her childhood story. The many pictures of her childhood, she looked happy. She lived in a beautiful town on Long Island, had beautiful clothes, hair, makeup, and always smiling. She was at the racetrack with her Father and knew a lot of people. I think a lot of what she said in her book was exaggeration for attention. Just because she said “ raised by wolves” doesn’t mean it was true. Who knows? In her books, she was married once before, then divorced before Jason. I’d like to know what that husband had to say. I like Bethenny, but I have a feeling she couldn’t be with a guy forever. She loses interest fast. She’s not a one man woman. Did her Mother ever write a book? I’d love to read it. Life is short. Too bad Bryn doesn’t know her maternal grandmother. I’ll admit. My mother and father worked hard. My mother was very strict. When she came home from work, those dishes had to be washed and the other chores had to be done by me, or else I got the belt, hanger or whatever was around across my legs or on my back. I got punished for every little thing and cries in the cellar. I still loved my mother because I knew she was working for us kids, and I took care of her when she was sick. I didn’t abandon her because of what she did. It was the best she knew in those days. I don’t know Bethennys story why she hates her mother. I’m sure many of us have stories of our childhood. Some very good,some not so rosy. That’s life. .
  7. I haven’t watched in a few weeks .. came back and don’t know what the heck is going on. Too much Ed in his robe, Darcy with and without big lips, and why is Tom still on? MONEY? I thought they were through? I hate pillow talk. The one cooking in the wok is too loud, and Roberts wife has a lot to say, but that’s just my opinion, and Avery was on too much this week. I’m just ranting, but I still will watch. I’m very interested in Angela and Varna and the dopey guy who spent $100,000 on the blonde in Russia. That’s all, lol.
  8. OMG, Lerners, Goodwins, Mays, Gertz .. bring back memories. We used to take the bus in Queens N.Y.
  9. As far as I know, the big house where Darcy’s 2 girls are, is owned by her Father. This little house might be a rental for skiers or vacationers who have a kitchen in a bedroom, as there could be many people in it at one time. Darcy lives in Connecticut.
  10. Just wondering how Robert supports 5 kids, and 1 on the way on an Uber salary, and money from the show. Seems like it wouldn’t be enough.
  11. How about the dog groomer and tennis guy maybe married or engaged to other women? Or maybe, they just wouldn’t care knowing them. LuAnn always on the prowl.
  12. This virus situation is killing me. As a result, I have two new friends .. HSN and QVC. I’ve bought three pairs of shoes in the last two weeks. Good thing I do the bills, hahaha. How do I get rid of this typo on the I pad?
  13. I have all Thin Man on my DVR, plus “Alice Adams” with Katherine Hepburn & Fred McMurry. There’s something about black n white. In the old movies, the gowns, suits and the way they dressed was amazing, and the hats, lol. Thank God for Turner Classics. My kids laugh.
  14. I’m repeating myself AGAIN, but for anyone who loves black n white old movies, watch “Saratoga Trunk” starring Ingrid Bergman and Gary Cooper. I’ve watched about five times in 2 weeks. It’s got love, laughs and New Orleans and Saratoga, N.Y., plus 2 gorgeous funny stars in it. It’s really delightful. Maybe your library has it. I taped it from TCM. I’m picking up trashy “Pretty Mess” by Erika Jane from the library. Have to hear how she hooked Tom, lol., plus I’m desperate.
  15. IMO, she looks decent enough, but came on too strong the first season. One side of her is nice, the other side crazy lunatic.
  16. A man’s hands are only so big. If she wants to look like a streetwalker or stripper, I guess that size is ok. They sure bring attention, but not in a good way.
  17. I would die for a house like that in the mountains. I’m surprised she’s selling, being she’s a skier. She probably bought it for her sobriety. The Hamptons is nice too, but not much to do in the winter. She does have the N.Y. Apt. tho, but a house on the Hudson River is spectacular. Too bad.
  18. Would anyone believe my husband, who is a sports nut, LOVES this show? He knows everyone’s name and where they are from. Lol.
  19. Where am I ? I’m confused as there are so many titles to this 90 day show. It’s Friday, June 19, 2020. Just watched Marisa put in a turkey in the oven and wanted to know how it came out, lol. She stuffed it with grapes, raw celery and who knows what. WTF, haha. She’s a mess. Too many couples, too many titles. Andre, the big mouth boss wants her whole family to go to Mulvania? He’s nuts. Someone has to put him in his place. How many kids does Angela’s daughter have? Six? Where the fathers?
  20. Regarding Kelly, Scary Island proved it. OMG, that whole episode was gold. That was the best t.v. ever. Bring them all back. Only then, will there be a show .. not this Dorinda crap.
  21. I think you are right. I like Bethenny too because of her ambition and humor, but Jason got a raw deal. She’s not marriage material for anyone .. too hyper. She’s the type that just needs a partner for a sounding board and a little company, and sex of course. She’s very flighty.
  22. What the heck. I just looked in the newspaper and “Top Chef” is on tonight instead of the housewives. Is this the norm or what?
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