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Hangin Out

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Everything posted by Hangin Out

  1. The only nice thing about this episode was seeing the town, roads and grounds of the house. That’s it.
  2. She must frequent estate sales. You go in her house and you don’t know where to look first. Too much of everything.
  3. OMG .. you stay with Dorinda and she owns you for the rest of your life.
  4. Just watched the new and renewed Dorinda Show at Bluestone Mansion. It still looks like some kind of old museum. I guess everyone forgot how mean she was all season as they all are kissing her every minute. Too much ass kissing, especially Sonja and Leah. They should be kissing men instead of each other, especially Ramona. Somebody yells at her and they all go over and kiss her to death. It’s getting sickening. Same ole stuff. Dorinda still butting in everyone’s business, especially telling LuAnn how much she should pay Sonja for just lifting her dress. For the first time, LuAnn looked old when screaming at Sonja and telling her she doesn’t want her in the show. Ramona looked her age too. I hate the fact that they all let Dorinda off the hook after she treated Tinsley like shit. They repaid Dorinda’s bad behavior with more air time. Not right. Lousy show. They all are reaching. Elise has no personality and Leah does not belong with these women as she has zero in common with the rest IMO. My favorite show down the drain.
  5. This is why I can’t understand why she of all people, was asked to do Chicago on Broadway no less. Why her? The back- up dancers are much better. Watching her on any stage, I noticed she’s not very steady on her feet at times. I thought she did very well on Dancing with the Stars, but I don’t think the judges thought so.
  6. I was uncomfortable and disgusted watching Kyle do that split for some reason.
  7. It must be hard to be two different people. Then again, money helps.
  8. No wonder Harry doesn’t live with her most of the time. She’s very loud and hyper. Maybe it’s the vitamins? I don’t know where she gets her strength as she eats very little.
  9. O.K. Kyle. We know you can still do your splits. We get it.
  10. I’m wondering why Denise went on this show in the first place.
  11. Two hundred bucks to show her pantyless crotch ain’t too bad. She’ll probably wear that red dress that flies open in the front, then falls off.
  12. Yeah, I wouldn’t mind a house in the Bezerkshires and the money to fix it up. Cry me a River. She cries like she did the work herself. So she called some contractors and wrote some checks.
  13. Just read her book out of curiosity and boredom. Seems as if she set the record straight to her advantage about all bad things said about her. Except not having a father figure, her life wasn’t that bad. She strived for what she wanted, a Broadway dancer, but wound up with something not so appealing IMO. Plus, many women have been in Cabaret over the years, even Wendy Williams.
  14. @CHALBY .. Sorry I messed up there. I agree. Hope she’s o.k. I don’t know either. It’s been a long time.
  15. I like it myself, but it’s probably about $500. Lol. Or more.
  16. A city full of men and none of them have a love interest. All except Jill Zarin and Bethenny. Ramona has 80 girlfriends. None of them have a guy for her?
  17. I loved Hanna’s blouse also. I think Erika Jane on BH wore the same at lunch with someone.
  18. Seems like they don’t have a life, except going to lunch and dinner and agitating each other. A lot of good Dorinda’s pep talk with her daughter did. She’s back to her same Schtick starting trouble and insulting the others at the Halloween party. She couldn’t take the party was better than hers. She is/was the Queen of entertaining you know. My roast chicken is better than hers too. Hahaha. You stuff it, season it, and throw it in the oven. Very complicated to make. Lol. The everyone has to say twice how wonderful it was and how you made it nice.
  19. Thanks @IKnowRight and you. I have Hulu and will look. I’m paying $1.99 a month on a special I got last Black Friday thanks to @walnutqueen. Good.
  20. Me too. The old cast was the best. Jill, Alex, Simon, Mario, Bobby, Bethenny, all their boyfriends, etc. I’d love to watch all the reruns again. Where can I see them? Anyone know? I can’t watch BH either. They are so pretentious. All in competition with one another. Dorinda and Leah are ruining the show. They are hard to watch.
  21. He was getting nowhere, so split. She was using him for things and to take her out, then take her home as she was probably always intoxicated, IMO. A savior so to speak.
  22. These women only go for the rich men .. ugly, fat, bald .. old. They don’t care. What’s wrong with a guy who works as a plumber, the electric company, water works, etc. That’s why John isn’t good enough for Dorinda. He only has a cleaners, and she’s embarrassed. Meanwhile he went to a good college and comes from a nice family. Why do they think they deserve better? Who are they? I agree with Ramona. It’s her party. Let the others make their own and shut up. Geeze. Really now. Who the hell wants Dorinda? She’s a drunk and men don’t go for that kind of woman. Rob doesn’t want Leah also. Look at her. She’s a mess too.
  23. Go there. She’s jealous of everyone who has what she doesn’t have. Where are all the big shot friends she and Richard had? They probably didn’t like her too. She even thought the Halloween table setting was better than hers, and was jealous of that too. She has to be the Queen of all nice things so everyone adores her. Not happening anymore.
  24. I thought the same thing. That hat was ridiculous on her. She’s overdoing it. I guess she now thinks she’s Madonna or Fergie. BTW, what happened to Cabaret before the virus? That guy who promotes her has got to be kidding. Her songs stink, but I still like her. The three songs are enough already. Put them to bed.
  25. WOW .. just saw her website. I couldn’t put my finger on why I didn’t take to her. Now I know why.
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