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Hangin Out

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Everything posted by Hangin Out

  1. Get her off the show. She’s a user uninteresting person.
  2. If I was Paul’s wife, I would have him take me to Walmart, buy some disinfectant, curtains, Clorox and clean that place up ASAP. Did they have a crib? She just stands there. Man can’t clean like a woman. That refridge was not clean enough. I didn’t read all the posts yet, so don’t know what everyone is saying. I’m going to page 1 now.
  3. Angela was so funny last night. My husband was choking with laughter. She says it like it is. What does she expect? No wonder people want to come here. Yeah, he loves her, hahahaha. As soon as he can, he will split from Georgia and go hide somewhere.
  4. Mee too. Classy man. Too bad his son didn’t take after him. I just want to slap the hell out of him. The sex will wear off ..then divorce. Poor Libby.
  5. Anyone see recent picture of Martha Stewart in her pool with big lips? 78 yrs old still goin strong. I don’t know how to transfer pictures.
  6. I’m really surprised Leah isn’t having sex with the baby daddy, as she’s so horney. She would ina flash, but I don’t think he really likes her and her way of life.
  7. Hahaha .. so true. Ramoaner was sooo hyper at her party speaking very rapidly. Is she on uppers? She speaks to people while her eyes are roaming all over the place, then doesn’t even give the other person a chance to reply. It’s always about her and her bullshit. Then that laugh after every sentence. She’s exhausting. She probably drove Mario nuts.
  8. In my development, I’ve played cards with women .. I have had lunch with these women .. I’ve swam in the pool with these women .. I’ve gone to parties with these women. Does that mean I can invite all of them to my Birthday party? Total of about 50. Hell no! They are in the circle of people I see where I live .. not my real friends that I grew up with or in my wedding party or went to school with. Ramona is nuts. She is so not in their class, but is dying to be.
  9. I hate snobs. Ramona is a snob. A male relative of mine was a rich, powerful man in the vicinity where we live. Everyone knew of him. He was the sweetest man. His wife became a real snob. When my father died, he drove all the way to the funeral parlor by himself after work in the pouring rain to show respect, and it was far in another county. Not his wife. He died of cancer, poor guy. I’ll never forget that. It’s something that sticks with you. My mother always taught us to be kind to everyone. Ramona treats people very poorly. She goes on vacation and treats the staff like her personal slaves. She can’t even hang her clothes up. Dorinda has a helper, Sonja has helpers, LuAnn has helpers, etc. Do they all just drink, sleep, get dressed up, go out and primp themselves? I guess you have to look good for the mug shots and jail. Ramona must have been mortified with the train and Sonja. Good for her.
  10. Hahaha .. I know. I’m a Gemini. We like diversity. Plus, have two sides to us. Sane & nuts.
  11. Great. I’m going to look/see. Thank you. I’ve been watching the whole Downtown Abby series and need a change.
  12. I appreciate you trying. I tried, but can’t find it as there are so many headings. I’ll have to ask the grandkids. They know everything, lol. Thanks for taking the time.
  13. Oh, thank you. I would definitely pay. Do all cable company’s feature it? What do I look under .. series?
  14. I would love if Bravo would air the entire Housewives of N.Y. from the very beginning to now. I’d want to see everyone again.
  15. They all hit the road. Dorinda in Massachusetts, Luanne & Leah in the Hamptons, Ramona was in Florida and might be back in Hamptons, Sonja, I don’t know, Elise in Hamptons. I would love to join the political conversation about our City, but I have high blood pressure and don’t want to wind up with a stroke. I can’t even watch the news anymore, so this crap is what I watch, even tho Dorinda gets on my nerves tremendously.
  16. I could definitely see Leah, Sonja and Dorinda doing that stupid train thing, but not LuAnn. I’m very surprised at her. She’s supposed to be so classy, and walks around with her nose in the air.
  17. All fleeing to the Hamptons. Leah staying with Elise. That sounds like fun .. or a disaster.
  18. If Dorinda was smart, she’d try to get John back. She’s not going to get any better at this point. You could see she’s not the same since John and is going down hill more so. She looks depressed.
  19. Sonja is still trying to live in the past and her ten year marriage to a Morgan. Those days are gone. She’s just a N.Y. Housewife on a t.v. show. That’s it. Not even a housewife to boot.
  20. Yep. Beth brought wit and humor to the show. She was colorful. I knew this would happen. I really don’t think they’ll let Sonja go unless she becomes a lady for once. She’s had it with the sex kitten act. And yes, Leah is the new Brandy. Guess that’s what Bravo wanted.
  21. I don’t get it. When she broke with old man Morgan, was the house mortgage free? How. Did the mortgage get up to over three million? I don’t know how things work with millionaires, as I’m small potatoes compared to them.
  22. Where are all the men? This show needs men like BH. Parties with men, troubles with men, and anything th@t goes along with them. These women have nothing to show except tearing apart everything in sight and acting out like lunatics. Here comes another shit trip to Mexico where they will tear up the joint. Maybe they will get locked up in jail. Maybe Dorinda will finally get a mug shot of her own.
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