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Hangin Out

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Everything posted by Hangin Out

  1. My friend of forty years comes out with some zingers too. I don’t say anything. Meanwhile, I’ve never seen her with any makeup on, she has hair on her face and dresses horribly. I have to keep the peace and just compliment, if I can.
  2. I thought a snark page was where you can give your opinion without reprocussions. I never challenge someone’s opinion on the thread. Why do people come back with a derogatory answer? I’ve read plenty that I don’t agree with but just go on to the next. I’ll shut up about this now, but it’s very hard to forget.
  3. Is anyone having a problem posting on their I pad or any device? I can’t get to page 2 or thereafter to post.
  4. Is anyone having a problem posting on their I pad or any device? I can’t get to page 2 or thereafter to post.
  5. I love love Christina’s bridesmaid dresses. Floral on the top and beautiful colors. So different.
  6. “Unfiltered” .. Brought to you by “Legs Otis”. Or, should I say “Lady Godiva Otis” ?
  7. Fixed it. Now, please fix yours. Thank you.
  8. Could be a gas pocket. My Mother had those.
  9. Well,I got called “cruel” on a housewife thread recently, and I’m not . She didn’t get what I was trying to say. She took it her way. I’m not cruel to anyone. I could hardly sleep all night as I am very sensitive. I don’t know what a Karen is, but I would rather that then cruel. Some people take their troubles out on the threads. My only consolation is there’s a God up above.
  10. My 15 yr old Grandson is isolated in his room for two weeks now. He was in a pool with a kid who’s brother tested positive. I don’t know if I can go over there or not. Everything is so confusing and scary that my stomach is on the bum from nerves. I’m on edge all the time now. How long will this go on?
  11. Don’t worry. For some reason, at a certain age, they start doing a lot of testing. Six months ago, my hematologist ordered an MRI of my lungs as they saw a nodule six months before. I went into the office for the results and the Dr. told me it wasn’t there anymore. I bust out crying from relief and couldn’t stop. I walked out of the room and my husband saw me crying still and thought I got bad news. Told him I was hysterical with relief. I felt faint. They do a lot of testing for the artery now too. I hate going to doctors, but they are my life now, dammit. Just sayin. Hope I’m not answering to the wrong person. This is for Zomama.
  12. Not saying it’s bad, but while beautiful, she probably turns guys off with her wild ways. I’m sure she can have plenty of men, but can she hold them? Beth can get plenty of men no matter her age as she’s just got it .. plus she’s already been married before and had numerous boyfriends. Not hitting a nerve here. Geeze. You’re not getting my point.
  13. I would love a cleaning lady to come in just to do the kitchen and bathrooms. I’ve had spine surgery and two hip replacementS in a short period of them and can’t bend. My husband doesn’t clean, but does the shopping and laundry, but I cook and that’s enough. All you young girls .. have a blast now that you can. When you get older, everything goes to shit. Just sayin.
  14. Chinese food has been turning me off. The last two times the duck sauce was rancid. While I’m eating, I’m not enjoying for some reason.
  15. Thanks to everyone helping me about past seasons .. Amazon, Hulu, etc. Just found a few seasons on Hulu that I never knew about. They will keep me going thru the summer. When it comes to this stuff and technical, I’m lost. 😍
  16. Whaaat? I have Hulu, but hardly go on. I’m gonna look. 😀
  17. How about Sonja gyrating to the music by herself at the bar. She still thinks she’s so sexy, but is humiliating herself. I love the way she walks around sticking her chest and ass out. There comes a day when those tactics look ridiculous.
  18. Leah and her boring sister think they are hot stuff. They go downtown to those spas trolling for men. Isn’t the sister married? At 37, Leah still hasn’t found a man. Guess she’s still hoping for baby daddy to come thru. Doubt it.
  19. She walks around doing nothing but criticizing him. Put the baby down, get to work and help the guy clean up the place. She has no ambition and looks like she can’t lift a feather.
  20. I’m glad you saw I didn’t post the above. This is happening lately .. don’t know why.
  21. Ha .. I could just see me telling my mother in law “fuck you”. Holy smokes. Under my breath maybe.
  22. Kilani needs to put that kid in nursery school. He needs interaction and exposure to many things. He’s always crying. Asulo should forget about going home. Kid comes first. I feel for that kid. Oops .. sorry. My man anyhow.
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