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tres bien

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Everything posted by tres bien

  1. That picture is sweet. It makes me miss my mom. She's been gone 15 years in September. 😕
  2. Alertly deliver and analyze the news. Wha Wha What?
  3. Yep. I can see it. Stoly direct from the refrigerator, drinking from the bottle Patsy and Eddy style. The reason I used the worn out cake and wine analogy, was because what I wanted to say, I thought was too inappropriate.
  4. Hans Nichols would do himself a favor by not getting up at the crack of dawn to position himself in front of a darkened WH to participate in a piss poor excuse of an interview. The 30 second discussion with Hans to tell us that money for WHO could be funneled from here or there was so senseless. And Mika and Joe's devil may care attitude is so pathetic. Do your homework! Invite a health expert on to explain it to you. They would only have had to go no farther than CNN to read Bill Gates comments that halting funding to the WHO at this time is "as dangerous as it sounds". Not that we need Bill Gates to say that but it still makes me better knowing that someone with an invested interest in global health, is speaking out.
  5. If Mika and Joe spent the better part of three hours everyday sitting in front of their TV watching their show, the redundancy and BS they try to pull off as journalism, would probably drive them to gallons of wine and pounds of layer cake. I get it, this isn't a news show. They aren't journalists or to be taken seriously in any way. But I take offense when Joe spends the first 20 minutes every morning airing clips of trump and critiquing them and his tweets, then doling out his campaign advice. This morning I actually got to thinking what a fun show this would have been if MSNBC had turned it over to Joe's original co anchor Ron Reagan 🤔
  6. I laughed when Mika introduced her saying how great it had been to talk to her on the phone recently. OK we know you're friends with people in high places LOL
  7. Joe has on his Republican strategist hat this morning. We are subject to is wisdom on how a campaign should be run as well as reading a January 24th tweet ad nauseam.
  8. I am so sick of everyone trying to compare this to WWCD or WWFDR do. What next? Help us, Obi Wan Kenobi You're are only hope.
  9. Highly recommend American Experience: The Polio Crusade. So excellent, I've watched it twice. I also bought the book Polio An American Story by David M Oshinsky on which the show is based.
  10. Why didn't I turn MJ off before Jane Mayer showed up? It was not an interview I should have listened to after eating breakfast 🤢
  11. FFS. Joe. Please stop listening to Rich Lowry's podcast and hawking his medical opinions and recommendations.
  12. Eugene Robinson WAPO op-ed "Trump Might Want To Get A Headstart On Packing His Bags." JFC is this the 2020 version of if you're a Democrat living in a blue state, don't bother voting. CNN had new polling. There's a big enthusiasm gap between voters wanting to cast a vote on November for trump than those wanting to vote for Biden. Biden and Democrats have a lot of work to do to convince voters. And as of now, no TV or public campaigning to do that. OK so Eugene Robinson can just shut up now. It's too early to start calling an election.
  13. Although Joe is positively mellow today, he's got to get a new subject to rant about. All his daily droning endlessly about testing is getting unbearable. We get it. There's not enough testing. There has never been enough testing. There will never be enough testing. Until of course, testing of millions of people is not needed daily.
  14. Dr Zeke Emmanuel reports that FOX news anchors are now spinning the truth so tightly, that they attack him, Bill Gates and Dr Fauci. Jim VandeHei is the best!
  15. Hehehe. It could be like ESPN's "Highly Questionable". Actually that would be a better name for this show!
  16. Joe's a whirling dervish this morning. It's making me dizzy. Meacham, thank you for finally shutting down the whole Pearl Harbor - 9/11 comparisons. How the hell is this comparable? And yeah so today Peter Navarro is the hero. I turned off MJ yesterday just in time to see a live interview with him on CNN with John Berman. It was positively wackadoodle. 😯
  17. Honestly I'm 100% in agreement with Mika and Joe about these "press conferences ". Stop showing them! (although I've never watched one only seen the clips). And don't think the treatment of Dr Fauci and CNN's Jeremy Diamond was let to slide by Wolf Blitzer. I happened to turn on CNN last night just as Wolf was berating the incident and calling it outrageous.
  18. Firing of IG Michael Atkinson, firing the Navel commander and the list goes on. Hasn't everybody gotten the memo by now? Up is down. The sky is green. Anybody who watches TV sees dozens of drugs advertised everyday. The side effects that are rattled off sometimes sound worse than the actual medical condition they're supposed to treat. But WTH. What have you got to lose?
  19. Actually by the end of the first half hour Friday, I thought Rachel was going to start crying. I appreciate Rachel's honesty and genuine concern but unfortunately with what we're dealing with and the people in charge that we have to depend on, it's getting to be a nightmare. She kind of said so in the historical analogies she made.
  20. tres bien


    I will add. I'm sick to death of Ali and Ari. I won't watch either of them anymore. I guess times are tough for MSNBC because it seems the recycling of show hosts is all they can do to keep the network going. Over at CNN they either do less of that or the hosts are just better. Less annoying? Makes me miss the good old days of MSNBC. What I wouldn't do to tune into The Countdown with Keith Olbermann or The Ed Schultz (rip) Show again. 😕
  21. Save the oil execs! One minute into the show and I'm about to throw up.
  22. Bill de Blasio thinks this 1941. He's earnest but delusional.
  23. 6:40. Mika shows of clip of Jared Kushner talking about ventilators at yesterday's briefing. She shows disgust and makes snarky comments. Yay Mika! If was funny in a I'm sorry, are you ok? way. I believe the trump should resign idea came from a former Obama official that was on yesterday's show. Mika asked Jeffrey Goldberg to comment. He wouldn't commit to that but basically said, this has been going on for 3 years, did you expect things to be handled differently now?
  24. Every show there's a lot of hand wringing about the urgency of a NOVID 19 vaccine. Does anyone have any confidence that in 12 to 18 months when there hopefully is a vaccine available, that everyone (that wants one) will actually be able to have one I have my doubts. Based on the current state of hospitals and doctors getting tests, masks or just basic medical supplies is not a positive sign.
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